2021-11-29 11:58:33 +01:00

34 lines
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# zsh-settings
- Install Requirments
- yay mcfly
- yay -S zsh oh-my-zsh-git zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git ruby ruby-colorls nerd-fonts-complete zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k
- Check the Repos for instructions:
- https://git.gc4.at/linux/nerd-fonts
- https://git.gc4.at/linux/mcfly
- https://git.gc4.at/linux/ohmyzsh
- https://git.gc4.at/linux/colorls
- https://git.gc4.at/linux/powerlevel10k
- https://git.gc4.at/linux/zsh-autosuggestions
- https://git.gc4.at/linux/zsh-syntax-highlighting
- Install
- mkdir ~/.config_repos
- cd ~/.config_repos
- git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://git.gc4.at/linux/zsh-settings.git
- Use ssh if you want to commit also:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 ssh://git@git.gc4.at:4258/linux/zsh-settings.git
- --recurse-submodules -j8 is important since .oh-my-zsh and .oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins are also remote repos (int his repo) = submodules
- cd ~
- ln -s .config_repos/zsh-settings/.zshrc
- ln -s .config_repos/zsh-settings/.p10k.zsh
- ln -s .config_repos/zsh-settings/.oh-my-zsh