2021-12-21 08:22:31 +01:00

34 lines
1 KiB

# vim-settings
<p align="center">
<img src="">
- What's inside
- A bunch of Settings (Numbers, Nocompatible, History, Mouse,...)
- VIM Plugin Manager Plug
- Plugins:
- Easy Aalign
- Nerdtree
- Airline
- Colors & Themes
- vim-one
- vim-code-dark
- vim-airline-themes
- Install
- `mkdir ~/.dotfiles`
- `cd ~/.dotfiles`
- `git clone --recurse-submodules -j8`
- Use ssh if you want to commit also:
- `git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 SSH URL`
- --recurse-submodules -j8 is important since the Plugins in .vim/plugged are also remote repos (int his repo) = submodules
- `cd ~`
- `mv .vim .vim_old && mv .vimrc .vimrc_old`
- `ln -s .dotfiles/vim-settings/.vimrc`
- `ln -s .dotfiles/vim-settings/.vim`
- Open `vim` and type `:PlugInstall` , to make sure all plugins are uptodate, then quit.
- Update (Submodules included)
- `cd ~/.dotfiles/vim-settings`
- `git pull --recurse-submodules`