3 Icon Names in Shell
Fini Jastrow edited this page 2022-10-17 12:45:47 +02:00

Nerd Fonts

🔍 🔍 You can now search for glyphs easily on NerdFonts.com via the Cheat Sheet

Icon Names in Shell

Download provided .sh files from bin/scripts/lib/ directory somewhere, recommended locations are ~/.local/share/fonts/ or ~/bin/.

  • i_all.sh - helper to load all files you've downloaded at once
  • i_dev.sh - Devicons (198 icons, 8 does not have an established name)
  • i_fa.sh - Font Awesome (675 icons, 111 aliases)
  • i_fae.sh - Font Awesome Extension (170 icons)
  • i_iec.sh - IEC Power Symbols (5 icons)
  • i_logos.sh - Font Logos (48 icons)
  • i_oct.sh - Octicons (172 icons)
  • i_ple.sh - Powerline Extra Symbols (37 icons, 2 aliases, 16 does not have an established name)
  • i_pom.sh - Pomicons (11 icons)
  • i_weather.sh - Weather Icons (228 icons)
  • i_material.sh- Material Design Icons (2119 icons)
  • i_cod.sh - Codicons (388 icons)
  • i_seti.sh - Seti-UI + Custom (50 icons, 2 aliases, 5 does not have an established name)

Then source the required file(s) and output $i_* variables to see icons:

source ~/.local/share/fonts/i_oct.sh
echo $i_oct_heart
# Output:
# ♥

NOTE: You have to use one of the Nerd Fonts to see correct icons for some icon sets (Devicons, Font Awesome Extension), but other sets should work with their standard fonts too.