Ryan L McIntyre 97efc18d8d Adds font 'DaddyTimeMono' (issue ##330)
pre-release build only
2019-08-11 09:30:30 -07:00

614 lines
39 KiB

<h1 align="center">
<img src="images/nerd-fonts-logo.svg" alt="Nerd Fonts Logo" />
<h2 align="center">
<img alt="Iconic font aggregator, collection, and patcher" src="images/project-subtitle-phrase.svg">
<div align="center">
[Releases][release]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[Fonts](#patched-fonts)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[Font Patcher](#font-patcher)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[Wiki Documentation][wiki]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[Stickers][stickers]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[VimDevIcons][vim-devicons]
[![GitHub release][img-version-badge]][repo] [![Gitter][img-gitter-badge]][gitter] [![Build Status][img-travis-ci]][travis-ci] [![Code of Conduct][coc-badge]][coc] [![PRs Welcome][prs-badge]][prs] <a href="#patched-fonts" title=""><img src="" alt="Nerd Fonts - OS Support"></a> [![Twitter][twitter-badge]][twitter-intent]
**Nerd Fonts** is a project that patches developer targeted fonts with a high number of glyphs (icons). Specifically to add a high number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' such as [Font Awesome ➶][font-awesome], [Devicons ➶][vorillaz-devicons], [Octicons ➶][octicons], and [others](#glyph-sets).
The following Sankey flow diagram shows the current glyph sets included:
<p align="center">
<img src="images/sankey-glyphs-combined-diagram.svg" alt="@SankeyMATIC Diagram" />
<sub><i>Diagram created using <a href="" title="SankeyMATIC (BETA): A Sankey diagram builder for everyone">@SankeyMATIC</a></i></sub>
## Important Notices
* `master` branch file paths are **not** considered stable. [Verify your repository URI references](#unstable-file-paths)
* cloning this repository is **not** recommended ([due to Repo size](#option-5-clone-the-repo)) unless you are going to be [contributing to development](#contributing)
## Table of Contents
[**Installation Options**](#font-installation)
* [**1 - Manual**](#option-1-download-and-install-manually)
* [**2 - Release Archive Download**](#option-2-release-archive-download)
* [**3 - Install Script**](#option-3-install-script)
* [**4 - Homebrew Fonts (macOS (OS X))**](#option-4-homebrew-fonts)
* [**5 - Clone Repo**](#option-5-clone-the-repo)
* [**6 - Ad Hoc Curl Download**](#option-6-ad-hoc-curl-download)
* [**7 - Arch User Repository (AUR) (Arch Linux)**](#option-7-unofficial-arch-user-repository-aur)
* [**8 - Patch Your Own Font**](#option-8-patch-your-own-font)
* [**Glyph/Icon sets**](#glyph-sets)
* [**Patched Fonts**](#patched-fonts)
* [**Combinations**](#combinations)
* [**Font Patcher**](#font-patcher)
[**Developer / Contributor**](#font-patcher)
* [**Font Patcher**](#font-patcher)
* [**Gotta Patch 'em All Font Patcher!**](#gotta-patch-em-all)
* [**Other Good Fonts to Patch**](#other-good-fonts-to-patch)
* [**Contributing**](#contributing)
[**Project Motivation**](#project-motivation)
**Additional Info**
* [**Unstable file paths on master**](#unstable-file-paths)
* [**Changelog**](#changelog)
* [**License**](#license)
## TL;DR
Nerd Fonts takes popular programming fonts and adds a bunch of Glyphs.
There is also a [font patcher](#font-patcher) available if your desired font isn't already patched.
For more high level information see the [wiki][wiki]. If you are looking for the Vim plugin see [VimDevIcons ➶][vim-devicons].
### Various Download Options for Fonts
_If you..._
* `Option 1.` want to **quickly** grab an **individual font** download from the [`patched-fonts/` directory](#patched-fonts)
* `Option 2.` want to download a **font family** package of variations (bold, italic, etc.) see [download an archive](#option-2-release-archive-download)
* `Option 3.` want to **automate** installing or use in **scripts** see the [Install Script](#option-3-install-script)
* `Option 4.` are on **macOS** and want to use **Homebrew** see [Homebrew Fonts](#option-4-homebrew-fonts)
* `Option 5.` want **complete control** then see [cloning the repo](#option-5-clone-the-repo)
* `Option 6.` want to use the **`curl` command** or use in **scripts** see [Ad Hoc Curl Download](#option-6-ad-hoc-curl-download)
* `Option 7.` are on **Arch Linux** and want to use **AUR packages** see [Unofficial Arch User Repositories](#option-7-unofficial-arch-user-repository-aur)
* `Option 8.` want to patch your own font see the [Font Patcher](#option-8-patch-your-own-font)
## Features
* A [FontForge Python script](#font-patcher) to patch any font
* Includes an option to create **Monospaced (fixed-pitch, fixed-width)** _or_ **double-width (non-monospaced)** glyphs
* For more details see the [**Font Patcher**](#font-patcher) section
* **`46`** already [patched font families](#patched-fonts)
* Over **`1,356,400`** unique combinations/variations of patched fonts [(more details)](#combinations)
* Over **`2,600`** glyphs/icons combined [(more details)](#combinations)
* Current glyph sets include: [Powerline with Extra Symbols][ryanoasis-powerline-extra-symbols], [Font Awesome][font-awesome], [Material Design Icons][font-material-design-icons], [Weather][font-weather], [Devicons][vorillaz-devicons], [Octicons][octicons], [Font Logos][font-linux] (Formerly [Font Linux][font-linux]), [Pomicons][gabrielelana-pomicons]
* **Monospaced (fixed-pitch, fixed-width)** _or_ **double-width (non-monospaced)** glyphs version of each font
* This refers to the Nerd Font glyphs themselves not necessarily the Font as a whole
* A Developer/Contributor provided [bash script](#gotta-patch-em-all) to re-patch all the fonts
## Glyph Sets
:mag: :mag: You can now search for glyphs easily on [][Cheat Sheet] via the [Cheat Sheet][]
See [Wiki: Glyph Sets and Codepoints for more details][wiki-glyph-sets-codepoints]
### Icon names in shell
See [Wiki: Icon names in shell][wiki-icon-names-in-shell]
## Patched Fonts
| Font Name | Font Name and Repository |\*RFN | EM Size | Status |
| [3270 Nerd Font][p-3270] | [3270][f-3270] | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Anonymice Nerd Font][p-anonymous-pro] | [Anonymous Pro][f-a-pro] | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Arimo][p-arimo] | [Arimo][f-arimo] | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Aurulent Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-aurulent] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [BigBlueTerminal][p-bigblueterm] | | NO | 1200 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-bitstream] | | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Blex*][p-blex] | [IBM Plex][f-ibm-plex] | YES | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Code New Roman Nerd Font][p-code-nr] | | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Cousine Nerd Font][p-cousine] | [Cousine][f-cousine] | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [DaddyTimeMono][p-daddytimemono] | [DaddyTimeMono][f-daddytimemono] | NO | 1024 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-dejavu] | | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Droid Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-droid] | | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Fantasque Sans Nerd Font][p-fantasque] | [Fantasque Sans][f-fant] | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Fira Code Nerd Font][p-fira-code] | [Fira Code][f-fira-code] | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Fira Mono Nerd Font][p-fira-mono] | [Fira][f-fira-mono] | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Go Mono Nerd Font][p-go-mono] | [Go-Mono][f-go-mono] | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Gohu Nerd Font][p-gohu] | [Gohu TTF][f-gohu2],[Gohu][f-gohu]| NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Hack Nerd Font][p-hack] | [Hack][f-hack] | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Hasklug Nerd Font*][p-hasklig] | [Hasklig][f-hasklig] | YES | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Heavy Data Mono Nerd Font][p-heavy-data] | | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Hermut Nerd Font][p-hermit] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Inconsolata Nerd Font][p-inconsolata] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Inconsolata Go Nerd Font][p-inconsolata-go] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Inconsolata LGC Nerd Font][p-inconsolata-lgc] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Iosevka Nerd Font][p-iosevka] | [Iosevka][f-iosevka] | NO | 1000 | [#83][s-iosevka] |
| [Lekton Nerd Font][p-lekton] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Literation Mono Nerd Font*][p-liberation] | [Liberation][f-liberation] | YES | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Meslo Nerd Font][p-meslo] | | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Monofur Nerd Font][p-monofur] | | NO | 2400 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Monoid Nerd Font][p-monoid] | | NO | 1536 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Mononoki Nerd Font][p-mononoki] | [Mononoki][f-mononoki] | NO | 1024 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [M+ (MPlus) Nerd Font][p-mplus] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Noto][p-noto] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [OpenDyslexic][p-opendyslexic] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Overpass][p-overpass] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProFont (Windows tweaked) Nerd Font][p-profont] | | NO | 1200 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProFont (x11) Nerd Font][p-profont] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProggyClean Nerd Font][p-proggy-clean] | | NO | 2048 | Imperfect |
| [Roboto Mono][p-roboto] | | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Sauce Code Nerd Font][p-source-code-pro] | [Source][f-source] | YES | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Shure Tech Mono Nerd Font*][p-share-tech-mono] | [Share Tech Mono][f-share] | YES | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Space Mono Nerd Font][p-space-mono] | [Space Mono][f-space] | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Terminess Nerd Font*][p-terminus] | [Terminus Font][f-terminus] | YES | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Tinos][p-tinos] | | NO | 2048 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Ubuntu Nerd Font][p-ubuntu] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font][p-ubuntu-mono] | | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Victor Mono][p-victor] | [Victor Mono][f-victor] | NO | 1000 | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
<sub>_*RFN = Reserved Font Name_</sub>
## Combinations
- Over **`1,200,000`** unique variations/combinations (Power Set) of patched fonts:
- **`44`** patched font typefaces
- **`612`** patched font families
- **`2,448`** 'complete' variations/combinations
- **`1,264,440`** _possible_ variations/combinations
- **`1,266,888`** total calculated combinations (2,448 + 1,264,440)
- Combinations for each font are any combination of [Variations](#variations)
### Variations
- no flags given (defaults to only **Seti-UI + Custom** and **[Devicons][vorillaz-devicons]**)
- **double _(variable/proportional)_** or **single _(fixed/monospaced)_** width glyphs
- [Font Awesome][font-awesome]
- [Font Awesome Extension][font-awesome-extension]
- [Material Design Icons][font-material-design-icons]
- [Weather][font-weather]
- [GitHub Octicons][octicons]
- [Font Logos][font-linux] (Formerly [Font Linux][font-linux])
- [Powerline Extra Symbols][ryanoasis-powerline-extra-symbols]
- [IEC Power Symbols][website-iecpower]
- [Pomicons][gabrielelana-pomicons]
- Windows Compatibility
## Font Installation
### `Option 1: Download and Install Manually`
> Best option for **quickly** getting a specific **individual font**.
Download the specific [patched font](#patched-fonts) of your choice
### `Option 2: Release Archive Download`
> Best option if you want an **archive** or complete **font family** of variations (Bold, Italic, etc.).
Fonts are available for download as packages in the [latest release](
### `Option 3: Install Script`
> Best option if you want to **automate** installing or for use in **scripts**.
_Note_: Only for Linux & macOS (OS X)
_Note_: **Requires cloning** the repo as of now
#### All fonts:
* Installs all the patched Fonts (_Warning: This is a lot of Fonts adding up to a large size_)
#### Single font:
* Installs a single Font of your choice
./ <FontName>
./ Hack
./ HeavyData
### `Option 4: Homebrew Fonts`
> Best option if on **macOS** and want to use **Homebrew**.
All fonts are available via [Homebrew Cask Fonts]( on macOS (OS X)
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font
### `Option 5: Clone the Repo`
> Best option for **full control**, **all** or **most** of the fonts, or **contributing** to development.
Cloning of this repository is **not** required nor efficient (mostly due to Repository size) if you are simply only interested in a limited set of fonts.
However if you do want to clone the repo be sure to _shallow_ clone:
git clone --depth 1
### `Option 6: Ad Hoc Curl Download`
> Option if you want to use the **`curl` command** or for use in **scripts**.
#### Linux
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
cd ~/.local/share/fonts && curl -fLo "Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Nerd Font Complete.otf"
_Note:_ deprecated alternative paths: `~/.fonts`
#### macOS (OS X)
cd ~/Library/Fonts && curl -fLo "Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Nerd Font Complete.otf"
### `Option 7: Unofficial Arch User Repository (AUR)`
> Option for **Arch Linux** and wanting to use **AUR packages**.
The following fonts are available via [AUR packages]( on Arch Linux:
* [Nerd Fonts Complete (double-width)](
* [Nerd Fonts Complete (single-width)](
* [Nerd Fonts DejaVu Complete](
* [Nerd Fonts Source Code Pro Complete](
* [Nerd Fonts Git (out of date)](
### `Option 8: Patch Your Own Font`
> The option for **patching** your **own font** or fully **customizing** the patched font.
Use the provided Python command line script to generate a patched font from your own font to get the extra new glyphs
See: [Font Patcher](#font-patcher) for usage
* use this option if you do __not__ want to use one of the [fonts provided](#patched-fonts)
* you will still need to copy the generated font to the correct font directory on your system
<h2 align="center" id="font-patcher">
<img src="images/nerd-fonts-patcher-logo.png" alt="Nerd Fonts Patcher">
Patching the font of your own choosing for use with the [VimDevIcons ➶][vim-devicons]:
* requires: Python 2 (or Python 3), `python-fontforge` package (version `20141231` or later, see
the [install instructions](
* alternative install method on OSX: `brew install fontforge`
* Usage:
./font-patcher PATH_TO_FONT
* Alternative usage: Execute the patcher with the FontForge binary using the script flag:
./fontforge -script font-patcher PATH_TO_FONT
usage: font-patcher [-h] [-v] [-s] [-l] [-q] [-w] [-c] [--fontawesome]
[--fontawesomeextension] [--fontlinux] [--octicons]
[--powersymbols] [--pomicons] [--powerline]
[--powerlineextra] [--material] [--weather]
[--custom [CUSTOM]] [--postprocess [POSTPROCESS]]
[--removeligs] [--configfile [CONFIGFILE]]
[--progressbars | --no-progressbars] [--careful]
[-ext [EXTENSION]] [-out [OUTPUTDIR]]
Nerd Fonts Font Patcher: patches a given font with programming and development related glyphs
* Website:
* Version: 2.0.0
* Development Website:
* Changelog:
positional arguments:
font The path to the font to patch (e.g., Inconsolata.otf)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-s, --mono, --use-single-width-glyphs
Whether to generate the glyphs as single-width not double-width (default is double-width)
-l, --adjust-line-height
Whether to adjust line heights (attempt to center powerline separators more evenly)
-q, --quiet, --shutup
Do not generate verbose output
-w, --windows Limit the internal font name to 31 characters (for Windows compatibility)
-c, --complete Add all available Glyphs
--fontawesome Add Font Awesome Glyphs (
Add Font Awesome Extension Glyphs (
--fontlinux, --fontlogos
Add Font Linux and other open source Glyphs (
--octicons Add Octicons Glyphs (
--powersymbols Add IEC Power Symbols (
--pomicons Add Pomicon Glyphs (
--powerline Add Powerline Glyphs
--powerlineextra Add Powerline Glyphs (
--material, --materialdesignicons, --mdi
Add Material Design Icons (
--weather, --weathericons
Add Weather Icons (
--custom [CUSTOM] Specify a custom symbol font. All new glyphs will be copied, with no scaling applied.
--postprocess [POSTPROCESS]
Specify a Script for Post Processing
--removeligs, --removeligatures
Removes ligatures specified in JSON configuration file
--configfile [CONFIGFILE]
Specify a file path for JSON configuration file (see sample: src/config.sample.json)
--progressbars Show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set
--no-progressbars Don't show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set
--careful Do not overwrite existing glyphs if detected
-ext [EXTENSION], --extension [EXTENSION]
Change font file type to create (e.g., ttf, otf)
-out [OUTPUTDIR], --outputdir [OUTPUTDIR]
The directory to output the patched font file to
#### Examples
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -s -q
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --use-single-width-glyphs --quiet
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -w
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --windows --quiet
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --windows --pomicons --quiet
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome --octicons --pomicons
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf
<a name="gotta-patch-em-all"></a>
## Gotta Patch 'em All Font Patcher!
* for Contributor or Developer use
* re-patches **all** fonts in the unpatched directory:
* can optionally limit to specific font name pattern:
./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh Hermit
## Contributing
See [](
## Unstable File Paths
:warning: Warning: File paths may change based on releases (especially **major** version bumps)
Reference the **release** branch and _not_ the ~~master~~ branch because paths are subject to change for each release
* For example:
* :white_check_mark: Use: <code>https\://<b>0.9.0</b>/patched-fonts/Hermit/Medium/complete/Hurmit%20Medium%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf</code>
* :x: Instead of: <code>https\://<del>master</del>/patched-fonts/Hermit/Medium/complete/Hurmit%20Medium%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf</code>
## Other Good Fonts to Patch
* a list of additional good fonts to patch that cannot be provided or shared due to the license:
* [Input Mono][input-mono] (license restriction)
* Possibly coming with external hosting :)
* [PragmataPro][pragmatapro] (not free)
* [Consolas][consolas] (proprietary)
* [Operator Mono][operator] (not free)
* [Dank Mono][dank] (not free)
## Project Motivation
See [Wiki: Project Purpose][wiki-project-purpose]
## Changelog
See [](
## License
[MIT](LICENSE) © Ryan L McIntyre
Repo References
[vim-devicons]: "VimDevIcons Vim Plugin (external link) ➶"
Website References
[Cheat Sheet]:
Link References
[release]: "Latest Release (external link) ➶"
[coc]: "Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct"
[prs]: "Make a Pull Request (external link) ➶"
Font repos
Patched Font internal links
Quick Link Images
[ql-1]:images/nerd-fonts-character-logo-md.png "Latest Release (external link) ➶"
[ql-2]:images/nerd-fonts-character-logo-md.png "↓ View Patched Fonts List ↓"
[ql-3]:images/nerd-fonts-patcher-logo-md.png "↓ Font Patcher Details ↓"
[ql-4]: "VimDevIcons Vim Plugin (external link) ➶"
[ql-5]:images/nerd-fonts-character-logo-md.png "Font Package Archive (Zip) Downloads (external link) ➶"
Patched Font Statuses
[w-top]: "↓ Windows Compatibility Status ↓"
[l-top]: "↓ Linux Compatibility Status ↓"
[m-top]: "↓ macOS (OSX) Compatibility Status ↓"
[w]: "Windows status is working ☺"
[l]: "Linux status is working ☺"
[m]: "macOS (OSX) status is working ☺"
[w2]: "Windows status is Unknown/Un-tested"
[l2]: "Linux status is Unknown/Un-tested"
[m2]: "macOS (OSX) status is Unknown/Un-tested"