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2018-07-09 16:20:40 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Nerd Fonts Version: 3.0.1
# Script Version: 2.2.0
# Iterates over all [*] archived fonts
# to generate ruby cask files for homebrew-fonts (
# * Only adds non-Windows versions of the fonts
# * Needs the zip archives in archives/ (i.e. run `./` first)
# Uses the current release version (including drafts) of the repo.
# You can specify a different version with the --setversion parameter.
# A leading 'v' from the version is removed.
# Must be the first parameter.
# [1] Accepts one parameter, a pattern which fonts to examine, if not given defaults
# to "*" which is all fonts.
# Example runs
# Hasklig
# --setversion 2.2.0
# Hasklig
# --setversion 2.2.0 Hasklig
# set -x
set -e
2017-05-14 00:02:53 +02:00
LINE_PREFIX="# [Nerd Fonts] "
scripts_root_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
archivedir=$(realpath "${scripts_root_dir}/../../archives")
if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
if [ "$1" = "--setversion" ]; then
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX Missing argument for --setversion"
exit 1
shift; shift
if [ "${version:0:1}" = "v" ]; then
cd ${archivedir} || {
echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX Could not find archives directory"
exit 1
function clear_file {
local outputfile=$1
# clear output file (needed for multiple runs or updates):
true > "$outputfile" 2> /dev/null
function write_header {
local outputfile=$1
local caskname=$2
printf "cask \"%s\" do\\n" "$caskname"
printf " version \"%s\"\\n" "$version"
printf " sha256 \"%s\"\\n\\n" "$sha256sum"
printf " url \"\"\\n" "$downloadarchive" "$basename"
} >> "$outputfile"
# Query all Family names of a font individually and return the first
# we found that has "Nerd" in it. We need this because some fonts have
# broken Family names.
function find_nerdish_family {
local fontfile=$1
local idx=0
while :; do
local fn=$(fc-query --format="%{family[${idx}]}" "${fontfile}")
if [ -z "$fn" ]; then
if [[ "${fn}" == *Nerd* ]]; then
echo "${fn}"
idx=$((${idx} + 1))
# Return the longest common starting part of two strings
# This is the stem, the basic base name of the fonts
function find_common_stem {
local first=$1
local second=$2
for i in $(seq ${#first} -1 1); do
if [ "${first:0:$i}" == "${second:0:$i}" ]; then
echo "${first:0:$i}"
casks: Fix cask generation for 'deep' archives [skip ci] [why] Normally the release zip files have a flat directory structure, i.e. all files are in the base directory and there are no subdirs. The existing subdirectory structure is removed on zip creation via ``. If the patch results have two fonts with identical name these flat archives can not be generated. The `` reports: Could not create archive with the path junked (-j option) - likely same font names for different paths, zip status: $zipStatus Retrying with full path But now the problem is only delayed. When the font file has the name name the Family and SubFamily are most likely also the same for both font files. If we install both the user (and the system) can not really distinguish the font files anymore. This turned up with [1] when doing a `brew style *nerd-font*` that complains in fact about duplicate fonts to install. At that point we had the additional problem that the subdir-path had been missing in the cask files. So I'm not sure if it would work from a Cask standpoint (i.e. font files are installed in subdirs). Anyhow, this will fail when the user wants to select the font files, because normally this is done on a Family-name basis. And identical file name usually means identical Family-SubFamily. Note that this ONLY happens with GohuFont, which has these subdirs: 11/complete 14/complete uni-11/complete uni-14/complete The font has embedded bitmaps, but only one size. The "11" ones have 11px bitmap fonts and the "14" ones 14px bitmaps. The "uni-" variant has much more glyphs. Otherwise the differences are slim. From the font creation date the "uni-" ones are newer. [how] Each font filename added to a cask is memorized. When the next fontfile is to be added to the cask it is checked if we already have that filename installed. Duplicates are then skipped. If we have a deep archive, the fonts are added to the cask with full relative path. In case of Gohu that means the 11/complete variant is added (because all files are alphabetically sorted before adding). By chance this is the same variant that has historically been in the Cask, so no change here. Fixes: Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-12-14 17:47:37 +01:00
# Check if an element already exists in an array
function contains {
local what=$1
for e; do
if [ "${e}" = "${what}" ]; then
return 0
return 1
function write_body {
casks: Add unpatched fontname in cask description [why] People might want to know how the original/unpatched font really is called. This is done for most current casks. [how] Utilize jq and the fonts.json database to retrieve the name (which is stored nowhere else). Put it in the parens in the name field. Update some `unpatchedName`s. [note] Examples from current casks: homebrew-cask-fonts/Casks$ find . -name '*nerd-font*' -exec grep " name" {} \; | sort name "3270 Nerd Font (3270)" name "Agave Nerd Font (Agave)" name "Anonymice Nerd Font (Anonymous Pro)" name "Arimo Nerd Font (Arimo)" name "AurulentSansMono Nerd Font (Aurulent Sans Mono)" name "BigBlue_Terminal Nerd Font families (BigBlue Terminal)" name "BitstreamVeraSansMono Nerd Font (Bitstream Vera Sans Mono)" name "BlexMono Nerd Font (IBM Plex Mono)" name "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font (Caskaydia code)" name "CodeNewRoman Nerd Font (Code New Roman)" name "Cousine Nerd Font (Cousine)" name "DaddyTimeMono Nerd Font (DaddyTimeMono)" name "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font (DejaVu Sans Mono)" name "DroidSansMono Nerd Font (Droid Sans Mono)" name "FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font (Fantasque Sans Mono)" name "FiraCode Nerd Font (Fira Code)" name "FiraMono Nerd Font (Fira)" name "GohuFont Nerd Font (Gohu)" name "GoMono Nerd Font (Go)" name "Hack Nerd Font (Hack)" name "Hasklug Nerd Font (Hasklig)" name "HeavyData Nerd Font (Heavy Data)" name "Hurmit Nerd Font (Hermit)" name "iMWriting Nerd Font families (iA Writer)" name "InconsolataGo Nerd Font (Inconsolata Go)" name "InconsolataLGC Nerd Font (Inconsolata LGC)" name "Inconsolata Nerd Font (Inconsolata)" name "Iosevka Nerd Font (Iosevka)" name "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font (JetBrains Mono)" name "Lekton Nerd Font (Lekton)" name "Literation Nerd Font families (Liberation)" name "MesloLG Nerd Font families (Meslo LG)" name "Monofur Nerd Font (Monofur)" name "Monoid Nerd Font (Monoid)" name "Mononoki Nerd Font (Mononoki)" name "mplus Nerd Font (M+)" name "Nerd Font Symbols Template (Symbols Only)" name "Noto Nerd Font families (Noto)" name "OpenDyslexic Nerd Font families (OpenDyslexic)" name "Overpass Nerd Font (Overpass)" name "ProFont Nerd Font families (ProFont)" name "ProggyCleanTT Nerd Font families (ProggyCleanTT)" name "RobotoMono Nerd Font (RobotoMono)" name "SauceCodePro Nerd Font (Source Code Pro)" name "ShureTechMono Nerd Font (Share Tech Mono)" name "SpaceMono Nerd Font (Space Mono)" name "TerminessTTF Nerd Font (Terminus)" name "Tinos Nerd Font (Tinos)" name "UbuntuMono Nerd Font (Ubuntu Mono)" name "Ubuntu Nerd Font (Ubuntu)" name "VictorMono Nerd Font (Victor Mono)" Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-11-25 16:47:12 +01:00
local unpatchedname=$1
local outputfile=$2
shift; shift;
local fonts=("$@")
if [ "${fonts[0]}" ]; then
local longest=-1
# Find longest filename for pretty printing
for i in "${!fonts[@]}"; do
local basename=$(basename "${fonts[$i]}")
if [ ${#basename} -gt $longest ]; then
# Find familyname of non Mono variant (well, rather shortest because we can contain multiple families)
local familyname=$(find_nerdish_family "${fonts[0]}")
for i in "${!fonts[@]}"; do
local fn=$(find_nerdish_family "${fonts[$i]}")
familyname=$(find_common_stem "${fn}" "${familyname}")
if [ -z "${familyname}" ]; then
echo >&2 "${LINE_PREFIX} Can not determine family name"
exit 2
# Family names differ in front of "Nerd Font" (stem is short)
if [[ "${familyname}" != *Nerd* ]]; then
familyname="${familyname} Nerd Font families"
familyname="$(tr [:lower:] [:upper:] <<< ${familyname:0:1})${familyname:1}"
# Process font files
casks: Fix cask generation for 'deep' archives [skip ci] [why] Normally the release zip files have a flat directory structure, i.e. all files are in the base directory and there are no subdirs. The existing subdirectory structure is removed on zip creation via ``. If the patch results have two fonts with identical name these flat archives can not be generated. The `` reports: Could not create archive with the path junked (-j option) - likely same font names for different paths, zip status: $zipStatus Retrying with full path But now the problem is only delayed. When the font file has the name name the Family and SubFamily are most likely also the same for both font files. If we install both the user (and the system) can not really distinguish the font files anymore. This turned up with [1] when doing a `brew style *nerd-font*` that complains in fact about duplicate fonts to install. At that point we had the additional problem that the subdir-path had been missing in the cask files. So I'm not sure if it would work from a Cask standpoint (i.e. font files are installed in subdirs). Anyhow, this will fail when the user wants to select the font files, because normally this is done on a Family-name basis. And identical file name usually means identical Family-SubFamily. Note that this ONLY happens with GohuFont, which has these subdirs: 11/complete 14/complete uni-11/complete uni-14/complete The font has embedded bitmaps, but only one size. The "11" ones have 11px bitmap fonts and the "14" ones 14px bitmaps. The "uni-" variant has much more glyphs. Otherwise the differences are slim. From the font creation date the "uni-" ones are newer. [how] Each font filename added to a cask is memorized. When the next fontfile is to be added to the cask it is checked if we already have that filename installed. Duplicates are then skipped. If we have a deep archive, the fonts are added to the cask with full relative path. In case of Gohu that means the 11/complete variant is added (because all files are alphabetically sorted before adding). By chance this is the same variant that has historically been in the Cask, so no change here. Fixes: Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-12-14 17:47:37 +01:00
local all_individual_fonts=( )
local warned=0
for i in "${!fonts[@]}"; do
local individualfont=$(basename "${fonts[$i]}")
local individualdir=$(dirname "${fonts[$i]}")
casks: Fix cask generation for 'deep' archives [skip ci] [why] Normally the release zip files have a flat directory structure, i.e. all files are in the base directory and there are no subdirs. The existing subdirectory structure is removed on zip creation via ``. If the patch results have two fonts with identical name these flat archives can not be generated. The `` reports: Could not create archive with the path junked (-j option) - likely same font names for different paths, zip status: $zipStatus Retrying with full path But now the problem is only delayed. When the font file has the name name the Family and SubFamily are most likely also the same for both font files. If we install both the user (and the system) can not really distinguish the font files anymore. This turned up with [1] when doing a `brew style *nerd-font*` that complains in fact about duplicate fonts to install. At that point we had the additional problem that the subdir-path had been missing in the cask files. So I'm not sure if it would work from a Cask standpoint (i.e. font files are installed in subdirs). Anyhow, this will fail when the user wants to select the font files, because normally this is done on a Family-name basis. And identical file name usually means identical Family-SubFamily. Note that this ONLY happens with GohuFont, which has these subdirs: 11/complete 14/complete uni-11/complete uni-14/complete The font has embedded bitmaps, but only one size. The "11" ones have 11px bitmap fonts and the "14" ones 14px bitmaps. The "uni-" variant has much more glyphs. Otherwise the differences are slim. From the font creation date the "uni-" ones are newer. [how] Each font filename added to a cask is memorized. When the next fontfile is to be added to the cask it is checked if we already have that filename installed. Duplicates are then skipped. If we have a deep archive, the fonts are added to the cask with full relative path. In case of Gohu that means the 11/complete variant is added (because all files are alphabetically sorted before adding). By chance this is the same variant that has historically been in the Cask, so no change here. Fixes: Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-12-14 17:47:37 +01:00
if [ $(dirname "${individualdir}") = "." ]; then
if [ ${warned} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$LINE_PREFIX WARNING: Non-flat directory structure in archive! We might have problems..."
# Remove leftmost directory (on Linux), the base directory of the zip file
individualdir=$(sed -E 's!/+!/!;s!^([^/]*/)|(/[^/]+/?)|([^/]*$)!!' <<< "${individualdir}")/
if [ "$i" == 0 ]; then
casks: Add unpatched fontname in cask description [why] People might want to know how the original/unpatched font really is called. This is done for most current casks. [how] Utilize jq and the fonts.json database to retrieve the name (which is stored nowhere else). Put it in the parens in the name field. Update some `unpatchedName`s. [note] Examples from current casks: homebrew-cask-fonts/Casks$ find . -name '*nerd-font*' -exec grep " name" {} \; | sort name "3270 Nerd Font (3270)" name "Agave Nerd Font (Agave)" name "Anonymice Nerd Font (Anonymous Pro)" name "Arimo Nerd Font (Arimo)" name "AurulentSansMono Nerd Font (Aurulent Sans Mono)" name "BigBlue_Terminal Nerd Font families (BigBlue Terminal)" name "BitstreamVeraSansMono Nerd Font (Bitstream Vera Sans Mono)" name "BlexMono Nerd Font (IBM Plex Mono)" name "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font (Caskaydia code)" name "CodeNewRoman Nerd Font (Code New Roman)" name "Cousine Nerd Font (Cousine)" name "DaddyTimeMono Nerd Font (DaddyTimeMono)" name "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font (DejaVu Sans Mono)" name "DroidSansMono Nerd Font (Droid Sans Mono)" name "FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font (Fantasque Sans Mono)" name "FiraCode Nerd Font (Fira Code)" name "FiraMono Nerd Font (Fira)" name "GohuFont Nerd Font (Gohu)" name "GoMono Nerd Font (Go)" name "Hack Nerd Font (Hack)" name "Hasklug Nerd Font (Hasklig)" name "HeavyData Nerd Font (Heavy Data)" name "Hurmit Nerd Font (Hermit)" name "iMWriting Nerd Font families (iA Writer)" name "InconsolataGo Nerd Font (Inconsolata Go)" name "InconsolataLGC Nerd Font (Inconsolata LGC)" name "Inconsolata Nerd Font (Inconsolata)" name "Iosevka Nerd Font (Iosevka)" name "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font (JetBrains Mono)" name "Lekton Nerd Font (Lekton)" name "Literation Nerd Font families (Liberation)" name "MesloLG Nerd Font families (Meslo LG)" name "Monofur Nerd Font (Monofur)" name "Monoid Nerd Font (Monoid)" name "Mononoki Nerd Font (Mononoki)" name "mplus Nerd Font (M+)" name "Nerd Font Symbols Template (Symbols Only)" name "Noto Nerd Font families (Noto)" name "OpenDyslexic Nerd Font families (OpenDyslexic)" name "Overpass Nerd Font (Overpass)" name "ProFont Nerd Font families (ProFont)" name "ProggyCleanTT Nerd Font families (ProggyCleanTT)" name "RobotoMono Nerd Font (RobotoMono)" name "SauceCodePro Nerd Font (Source Code Pro)" name "ShureTechMono Nerd Font (Share Tech Mono)" name "SpaceMono Nerd Font (Space Mono)" name "TerminessTTF Nerd Font (Terminus)" name "Tinos Nerd Font (Tinos)" name "UbuntuMono Nerd Font (Ubuntu Mono)" name "Ubuntu Nerd Font (Ubuntu)" name "VictorMono Nerd Font (Victor Mono)" Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-11-25 16:47:12 +01:00
printf " name \"%s (%s)\"\\n" "$familyname" "$unpatchedname"
printf " desc \"Developer targeted fonts with a high number of glyphs\"\\n"
printf " homepage \"%s\"" "$homepage"
printf "\\n\\n"
printf " livecheck do\\n"
printf " url :url\\n"
printf " strategy :github_latest\\n"
printf " end\\n\\n"
} >> "$outputfile"
casks: Fix cask generation for 'deep' archives [skip ci] [why] Normally the release zip files have a flat directory structure, i.e. all files are in the base directory and there are no subdirs. The existing subdirectory structure is removed on zip creation via ``. If the patch results have two fonts with identical name these flat archives can not be generated. The `` reports: Could not create archive with the path junked (-j option) - likely same font names for different paths, zip status: $zipStatus Retrying with full path But now the problem is only delayed. When the font file has the name name the Family and SubFamily are most likely also the same for both font files. If we install both the user (and the system) can not really distinguish the font files anymore. This turned up with [1] when doing a `brew style *nerd-font*` that complains in fact about duplicate fonts to install. At that point we had the additional problem that the subdir-path had been missing in the cask files. So I'm not sure if it would work from a Cask standpoint (i.e. font files are installed in subdirs). Anyhow, this will fail when the user wants to select the font files, because normally this is done on a Family-name basis. And identical file name usually means identical Family-SubFamily. Note that this ONLY happens with GohuFont, which has these subdirs: 11/complete 14/complete uni-11/complete uni-14/complete The font has embedded bitmaps, but only one size. The "11" ones have 11px bitmap fonts and the "14" ones 14px bitmaps. The "uni-" variant has much more glyphs. Otherwise the differences are slim. From the font creation date the "uni-" ones are newer. [how] Each font filename added to a cask is memorized. When the next fontfile is to be added to the cask it is checked if we already have that filename installed. Duplicates are then skipped. If we have a deep archive, the fonts are added to the cask with full relative path. In case of Gohu that means the 11/complete variant is added (because all files are alphabetically sorted before adding). By chance this is the same variant that has historically been in the Cask, so no change here. Fixes: Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-12-14 17:47:37 +01:00
# When we have a 'deep' directory structure there can be multiple files with the same name
# (in different subdirectories). We can not install two files with the same name, that does
# not make sense. Someone has to choose which alternative is wanted.
# Here we just take the first one.
# This is only occuring at the moment with GohuFont.
$(contains "$individualfont" "${all_individual_fonts[@]}") && {
printf " SKIPPING: %-${longest}s %s\\n" "${individualfont}" "${individualdir}/"
printf " font \"%s\"\\n" "${individualdir}${individualfont}" >> "${outputfile}"
printf " %-${longest}s %s\\n" "${individualfont}" "${individualdir}/"
echo "$LINE_PREFIX Did not find TTF or OTF"
function write_footer {
local outputfile=$1
printf "\\n # No zap stanza required\\n"
printf "end\\n"
} >> "$outputfile"
if [ "$pattern" = "" ]; then
find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -iregex "\./$pattern" -regex ".*\.zip" | LC_ALL=C sort |
while read -r filename; do
dirname=$(dirname "$filename")
basename=$(basename "$filename" .zip)
if [ ! -f "../archives/${basename}.zip" ]; then
echo "${LINE_PREFIX} No archive for: ${basename}, skipping..."
sha256sum=$(sha256sum "../archives/${basename}.zip" | head -c 64)
originalname=$(jq -r ".fonts[] | select(.folderName == "\"${basename}\"") | .unpatchedName" "${scripts_root_dir}/lib/fonts.json" | head -n 1)
caskbasename=$(jq -r ".fonts[] | select(.folderName == "\"${basename}\"") | .caskName" "${scripts_root_dir}/lib/fonts.json" | head -n 1)
casks: Add unpatched fontname in cask description [why] People might want to know how the original/unpatched font really is called. This is done for most current casks. [how] Utilize jq and the fonts.json database to retrieve the name (which is stored nowhere else). Put it in the parens in the name field. Update some `unpatchedName`s. [note] Examples from current casks: homebrew-cask-fonts/Casks$ find . -name '*nerd-font*' -exec grep " name" {} \; | sort name "3270 Nerd Font (3270)" name "Agave Nerd Font (Agave)" name "Anonymice Nerd Font (Anonymous Pro)" name "Arimo Nerd Font (Arimo)" name "AurulentSansMono Nerd Font (Aurulent Sans Mono)" name "BigBlue_Terminal Nerd Font families (BigBlue Terminal)" name "BitstreamVeraSansMono Nerd Font (Bitstream Vera Sans Mono)" name "BlexMono Nerd Font (IBM Plex Mono)" name "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font (Caskaydia code)" name "CodeNewRoman Nerd Font (Code New Roman)" name "Cousine Nerd Font (Cousine)" name "DaddyTimeMono Nerd Font (DaddyTimeMono)" name "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font (DejaVu Sans Mono)" name "DroidSansMono Nerd Font (Droid Sans Mono)" name "FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font (Fantasque Sans Mono)" name "FiraCode Nerd Font (Fira Code)" name "FiraMono Nerd Font (Fira)" name "GohuFont Nerd Font (Gohu)" name "GoMono Nerd Font (Go)" name "Hack Nerd Font (Hack)" name "Hasklug Nerd Font (Hasklig)" name "HeavyData Nerd Font (Heavy Data)" name "Hurmit Nerd Font (Hermit)" name "iMWriting Nerd Font families (iA Writer)" name "InconsolataGo Nerd Font (Inconsolata Go)" name "InconsolataLGC Nerd Font (Inconsolata LGC)" name "Inconsolata Nerd Font (Inconsolata)" name "Iosevka Nerd Font (Iosevka)" name "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font (JetBrains Mono)" name "Lekton Nerd Font (Lekton)" name "Literation Nerd Font families (Liberation)" name "MesloLG Nerd Font families (Meslo LG)" name "Monofur Nerd Font (Monofur)" name "Monoid Nerd Font (Monoid)" name "Mononoki Nerd Font (Mononoki)" name "mplus Nerd Font (M+)" name "Nerd Font Symbols Template (Symbols Only)" name "Noto Nerd Font families (Noto)" name "OpenDyslexic Nerd Font families (OpenDyslexic)" name "Overpass Nerd Font (Overpass)" name "ProFont Nerd Font families (ProFont)" name "ProggyCleanTT Nerd Font families (ProggyCleanTT)" name "RobotoMono Nerd Font (RobotoMono)" name "SauceCodePro Nerd Font (Source Code Pro)" name "ShureTechMono Nerd Font (Share Tech Mono)" name "SpaceMono Nerd Font (Space Mono)" name "TerminessTTF Nerd Font (Terminus)" name "Tinos Nerd Font (Tinos)" name "UbuntuMono Nerd Font (Ubuntu Mono)" name "Ubuntu Nerd Font (Ubuntu)" name "VictorMono Nerd Font (Victor Mono)" Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-11-25 16:47:12 +01:00
if [ -z "$originalname" ]; then
echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Can not find ${basename} in fonts.json, skipping..."
rm -Rf "${basename}"
echo "$LINE_PREFIX Unpacking $basename"
unzip -q "${basename}" -d "${basename}"
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file; do
FONTS=("${FONTS[@]}" "$file")
done < <(find "$searchdir" -type f -iname '*.[ot]tf' -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z)
echo "$LINE_PREFIX Generating cask for: $basename"
[[ -d "$outputdir" ]] || mkdir -p "$outputdir"
clear_file "$to"
write_header "$to" "$caskname"
casks: Add unpatched fontname in cask description [why] People might want to know how the original/unpatched font really is called. This is done for most current casks. [how] Utilize jq and the fonts.json database to retrieve the name (which is stored nowhere else). Put it in the parens in the name field. Update some `unpatchedName`s. [note] Examples from current casks: homebrew-cask-fonts/Casks$ find . -name '*nerd-font*' -exec grep " name" {} \; | sort name "3270 Nerd Font (3270)" name "Agave Nerd Font (Agave)" name "Anonymice Nerd Font (Anonymous Pro)" name "Arimo Nerd Font (Arimo)" name "AurulentSansMono Nerd Font (Aurulent Sans Mono)" name "BigBlue_Terminal Nerd Font families (BigBlue Terminal)" name "BitstreamVeraSansMono Nerd Font (Bitstream Vera Sans Mono)" name "BlexMono Nerd Font (IBM Plex Mono)" name "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font (Caskaydia code)" name "CodeNewRoman Nerd Font (Code New Roman)" name "Cousine Nerd Font (Cousine)" name "DaddyTimeMono Nerd Font (DaddyTimeMono)" name "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font (DejaVu Sans Mono)" name "DroidSansMono Nerd Font (Droid Sans Mono)" name "FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font (Fantasque Sans Mono)" name "FiraCode Nerd Font (Fira Code)" name "FiraMono Nerd Font (Fira)" name "GohuFont Nerd Font (Gohu)" name "GoMono Nerd Font (Go)" name "Hack Nerd Font (Hack)" name "Hasklug Nerd Font (Hasklig)" name "HeavyData Nerd Font (Heavy Data)" name "Hurmit Nerd Font (Hermit)" name "iMWriting Nerd Font families (iA Writer)" name "InconsolataGo Nerd Font (Inconsolata Go)" name "InconsolataLGC Nerd Font (Inconsolata LGC)" name "Inconsolata Nerd Font (Inconsolata)" name "Iosevka Nerd Font (Iosevka)" name "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font (JetBrains Mono)" name "Lekton Nerd Font (Lekton)" name "Literation Nerd Font families (Liberation)" name "MesloLG Nerd Font families (Meslo LG)" name "Monofur Nerd Font (Monofur)" name "Monoid Nerd Font (Monoid)" name "Mononoki Nerd Font (Mononoki)" name "mplus Nerd Font (M+)" name "Nerd Font Symbols Template (Symbols Only)" name "Noto Nerd Font families (Noto)" name "OpenDyslexic Nerd Font families (OpenDyslexic)" name "Overpass Nerd Font (Overpass)" name "ProFont Nerd Font families (ProFont)" name "ProggyCleanTT Nerd Font families (ProggyCleanTT)" name "RobotoMono Nerd Font (RobotoMono)" name "SauceCodePro Nerd Font (Source Code Pro)" name "ShureTechMono Nerd Font (Share Tech Mono)" name "SpaceMono Nerd Font (Space Mono)" name "TerminessTTF Nerd Font (Terminus)" name "Tinos Nerd Font (Tinos)" name "UbuntuMono Nerd Font (Ubuntu Mono)" name "Ubuntu Nerd Font (Ubuntu)" name "VictorMono Nerd Font (Victor Mono)" Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-11-25 16:47:12 +01:00
write_body "$originalname" "$to" "${FONTS[@]}"
write_footer "$to"
rm -Rf "${basename}"
echo "## Created casks: $(realpath ${to})"