#!/usr/bin/env bash # Nerd Fonts Version: 3.0.1 # Script Version: 2.2.0 # # Iterates over all [*] archived fonts # to generate ruby cask files for homebrew-fonts (https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-fonts) # * Only adds non-Windows versions of the fonts # * Needs the zip archives in archives/ (i.e. run `./archive-fonts.sh` first) # # Uses the current release version (including drafts) of the repo. # You can specify a different version with the --setversion parameter. # A leading 'v' from the version is removed. # Must be the first parameter. # # [1] Accepts one parameter, a pattern which fonts to examine, if not given defaults # to "*" which is all fonts. # # Example runs # generate-casks.sh Hasklig # generate-casks.sh --setversion 2.2.0 # generate-casks.sh Hasklig # generate-casks.sh --setversion 2.2.0 Hasklig # set -x set -e version="3.0.1" homepage="https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts" downloadarchive="https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v#{version}/" LINE_PREFIX="# [Nerd Fonts] " scripts_root_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)" archivedir=$(realpath "${scripts_root_dir}/../../archives") if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then if [ "$1" = "--setversion" ]; then if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX Missing argument for --setversion" exit 1 fi version=$2 shift; shift if [ "${version:0:1}" = "v" ]; then version="${version:1}" fi fi fi cd ${archivedir} || { echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX Could not find archives directory" exit 1 } function clear_file { local outputfile=$1 # clear output file (needed for multiple runs or updates): true > "$outputfile" 2> /dev/null } function write_header { local outputfile=$1 local caskname=$2 { printf "cask \"%s\" do\\n" "$caskname" printf " version \"%s\"\\n" "$version" printf " sha256 \"%s\"\\n\\n" "$sha256sum" printf " url \"%s%s.zip\"\\n" "$downloadarchive" "$basename" } >> "$outputfile" } # Query all Family names of a font individually and return the first # we found that has "Nerd" in it. We need this because some fonts have # broken Family names. function find_nerdish_family { local fontfile=$1 local idx=0 while :; do local fn=$(fc-query --format="%{family[${idx}]}" "${fontfile}") if [ -z "$fn" ]; then return fi if [[ "${fn}" == *Nerd* ]]; then echo "${fn}" return fi idx=$((${idx} + 1)) done } # Return the longest common starting part of two strings # This is the stem, the basic base name of the fonts function find_common_stem { local first=$1 local second=$2 for i in $(seq ${#first} -1 1); do if [ "${first:0:$i}" == "${second:0:$i}" ]; then echo "${first:0:$i}" return fi done } # Check if an element already exists in an array function contains { local what=$1 shift for e; do if [ "${e}" = "${what}" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function write_body { local unpatchedname=$1 local outputfile=$2 shift; shift; local fonts=("$@") if [ "${fonts[0]}" ]; then local longest=-1 # Find longest filename for pretty printing for i in "${!fonts[@]}"; do local basename=$(basename "${fonts[$i]}") if [ ${#basename} -gt $longest ]; then longest=${#basename} fi done # Find familyname of non Mono variant (well, rather shortest because we can contain multiple families) local familyname=$(find_nerdish_family "${fonts[0]}") for i in "${!fonts[@]}"; do local fn=$(find_nerdish_family "${fonts[$i]}") familyname=$(find_common_stem "${fn}" "${familyname}") done if [ -z "${familyname}" ]; then echo >&2 "${LINE_PREFIX} Can not determine family name" exit 2 fi # Family names differ in front of "Nerd Font" (stem is short) if [[ "${familyname}" != *Nerd* ]]; then familyname="${familyname} Nerd Font families" fi familyname="$(tr [:lower:] [:upper:] <<< ${familyname:0:1})${familyname:1}" # Process font files local all_individual_fonts=( ) local warned=0 for i in "${!fonts[@]}"; do local individualfont=$(basename "${fonts[$i]}") local individualdir=$(dirname "${fonts[$i]}") if [ $(dirname "${individualdir}") = "." ]; then individualdir="" else if [ ${warned} -eq 0 ]; then echo "$LINE_PREFIX WARNING: Non-flat directory structure in archive! We might have problems..." warned=1 fi # Remove leftmost directory (on Linux), the base directory of the zip file individualdir=$(sed -E 's!/+!/!;s!^([^/]*/)|(/[^/]+/?)|([^/]*$)!!' <<< "${individualdir}")/ fi if [ "$i" == 0 ]; then { printf " name \"%s (%s)\"\\n" "$familyname" "$unpatchedname" printf " desc \"Developer targeted fonts with a high number of glyphs\"\\n" printf " homepage \"%s\"" "$homepage" printf "\\n\\n" printf " livecheck do\\n" printf " url :url\\n" printf " strategy :github_latest\\n" printf " end\\n\\n" } >> "$outputfile" fi # When we have a 'deep' directory structure there can be multiple files with the same name # (in different subdirectories). We can not install two files with the same name, that does # not make sense. Someone has to choose which alternative is wanted. # Here we just take the first one. # This is only occuring at the moment with GohuFont. $(contains "$individualfont" "${all_individual_fonts[@]}") && { printf " SKIPPING: %-${longest}s %s\\n" "${individualfont}" "${individualdir}/" continue } all_individual_fonts+=("$individualfont") printf " font \"%s\"\\n" "${individualdir}${individualfont}" >> "${outputfile}" printf " %-${longest}s %s\\n" "${individualfont}" "${individualdir}/" done else echo "$LINE_PREFIX Did not find TTF or OTF" fi } function write_footer { local outputfile=$1 { printf "\\n # No zap stanza required\\n" printf "end\\n" } >> "$outputfile" } pattern="$1.*" if [ "$pattern" = "" ]; then pattern=".*" fi find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -iregex "\./$pattern" -regex ".*\.zip" | LC_ALL=C sort | while read -r filename; do dirname=$(dirname "$filename") basename=$(basename "$filename" .zip) if [ ! -f "../archives/${basename}.zip" ]; then echo "${LINE_PREFIX} No archive for: ${basename}, skipping..." continue fi sha256sum=$(sha256sum "../archives/${basename}.zip" | head -c 64) searchdir=$filename originalname=$(jq -r ".fonts[] | select(.folderName == "\"${basename}\"") | .unpatchedName" "${scripts_root_dir}/lib/fonts.json" | head -n 1) caskbasename=$(jq -r ".fonts[] | select(.folderName == "\"${basename}\"") | .caskName" "${scripts_root_dir}/lib/fonts.json" | head -n 1) if [ -z "$originalname" ]; then echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Can not find ${basename} in fonts.json, skipping..." continue fi rm -Rf "${basename}" echo "$LINE_PREFIX Unpacking $basename" unzip -q "${basename}" -d "${basename}" searchdir=${basename} FONTS=() while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file; do FONTS=("${FONTS[@]}" "$file") done < <(find "$searchdir" -type f -iname '*.[ot]tf' -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z) outputdir=$PWD/../casks echo "$LINE_PREFIX Generating cask for: $basename" [[ -d "$outputdir" ]] || mkdir -p "$outputdir" caskname="font-${caskbasename}-nerd-font" to="$outputdir/${caskname}.rb" clear_file "$to" write_header "$to" "$caskname" write_body "$originalname" "$to" "${FONTS[@]}" write_footer "$to" rm -Rf "${basename}" echo "## Created casks: $(realpath ${to})" done