Hacking on zsh-syntax-highlighting itself ========================================= This document includes information for people working on z-sy-h itself: on the core driver (`zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh`), on the highlighters in the distribution, and on the test suite. It does not target third-party highlighter authors (although they may find it an interesting read). The 'main' highlighter ---------------------- The following function `pz` is useful when working on the `main` highlighting: pq() { (( $#argv )) || return 0 print -r -l -- ${(qqqq)argv} } pz() { local arg for arg; do pq ${(z)arg} done } It prints, for each argument, its token breakdown, similar to how the main loop of the `main` highlighter sees it. IRC channel ----------- We're on #zsh-syntax-highlighting on freenode.