# Changes in version 0.4.1 ## Fixes: - Arguments to widgets were not properly dash-escaped. Only matters for widgets that take arguments (i.e., that are invoked as `zle ${widget} -- ${args}`). (282c7134e8ac, reverts c808d2187a73) # Changes in version 0.4.0 ## Added highlighting of: - incomplete sudo commands (a3047a912100, 2f05620b19ae) sudo; sudo -u; - command words following reserved words (#207, #222, b397b12ac139 et seq, 6fbd2aa9579b et seq, 8b4adbd991b0) if ls; then ls; else ls; fi repeat 10 do ls; done (The `ls` are now highlighted as a command.) - comments (when `INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS` is set) (#163, #167, 693de99a9030) echo Hello # comment - closing brackets of arithmetic expansion, subshells, and blocks (#226, a59f442d2d34, et seq) (( foo )) ( foo ) { foo } - command names enabled by the `PATH_DIRS` option (#228, 96ee5116b182) # When ~/bin/foo/bar exists, is executable, ~/bin is in $PATH, # and 'setopt PATH_DIRS' is in effect foo/bar - parameter expansions with braces inside double quotes (#186, 6e3720f39d84) echo "${foo}" - parameter expansions in command word (#101, 4fcfb15913a2) x=/bin/ls $x -l - the command separators '|&', '&!', '&|' view file.pdf &! ls ## Fixed highlighting of: - precommand modifiers at non-command-word position (#209, 2c9f8c8c95fa) ls command foo - sudo commands with infix redirections (#221, be006aded590, 86e924970911) sudo -u >/tmp/foo.out user ls - subshells; anonymous functions (#166, #194, 0d1bfbcbfa67, 9e178f9f3948) (true) () { true } - parameter assignment statements with no command (#205, 01d7eeb3c713) A=1; (The semicolon used to be highlighted as a mistake) - cursor highlighter: Remove the cursor highlighting when accepting a line. (#109, 4f0c293fdef0) ## Removed features: - Removed highlighting of approximate paths (`path_approx`). (#187, 98aee7f8b9a3) ## Other changes: - main highlighter refactored to use states rather than booleans. (2080a441ac49, et seq) - Fix initialization when sourcing `zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh` via a symlink (083c47b00707) - docs: Add screenshot. (57624bb9f64b) - widgets wrapping: Don't add '--' when invoking widgets. (c808d2187a73) [_reverted in 0.4.1_] - Refresh highlighting upon `accept-*` widgets (`accept-line` et al). (59fbdda64c21) - Stop leaking match/mbegin/mend to global scope (thanks to upstream `WARN_CREATE_GLOBAL` improvements). (d3deffbf46a4) - 'make install': Permit setting `$(SHARE_DIR)` from the environment. (e1078a8b4cf1) - driver: Tolerate KSH_ARRAYS being set in the calling context. (#162, 8f19af6b319d) - 'make install': Install documentation fully and properly. (#219, b1619c001390, et seq) - docs: Improve 'main' highlighter's documentation. (00de155063f5, 7d4252f5f596) - docs: Moved to a new docs/ tree; assorted minor updates (c575f8f37567, 5b34c23cfad5, et seq) - docs: Split README.md into INSTALL.md (0b3183f6cb9a) - driver: Report `$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_REVISION` when running from git (84734ba95026) ## Developer-visible changes: - Test harness converted to [TAP](http://testanything.org/tap-specification.html) format (d99aa58aaaef, et seq) - Run each test in a separate subprocess, isolating them from each other (d99aa58aaaef, et seq) - Fix test failure with nonexisting $HOME (#216, b2ac98b98150) - Test output is now colorized. (4d3da30f8b72, 6fe07c096109) - Document `make install` (a18a7427fd2c) - tests: Allow specifying the zsh binary to use. (557bb7e0c6a0) - tests: Add 'make perf' target (4513eaea71d7) - tests: Run each test in a sandbox directory (c01533920245) # Changes in version 0.3.0 ## Added highlighting of: - suffix aliases (requires zsh 5.1.1 or newer): alias -s png=display foo.png - prefix redirections: foo.txt - arithmetic evaluations: (( 42 )) - $'' strings, including \x/\octal/\u/\U escapes : $'foo\u0040bar' - multiline strings: % echo "line 1 line 2" - string literals that haven't been finished: % echo "Hello, world - command words that involve tilde expansion: % ~/bin/foo ## Fixed highlighting of: - quoted command words: % \ls - backslash escapes in "" strings: % echo "\x41" - noglob after command separator: % :; noglob echo * - glob after command separator, when the first command starts with 'noglob': % noglob true; echo * - the region (vi visual mode / set-mark-command) (issue #165) - redirection and command separators that would be highlighted as `path_approx` % echo foo;‸ % echo <‸ (where `‸` represents the cursor location) - escaped globbing (outside quotes) % echo \* ## Other changes: - implemented compatibility with zsh's paste highlighting (issue #175) - `$?` propagated correctly to wrapped widgets - don't leak $REPLY into global scope ## Developer-visible changes: - added makefile with `install` and `test` targets - set `warn_create_global` internally - document release process # Version 0.2.1 (Start of changelog.)