zsh-syntax-highlighting / highlighters ====================================== Syntax highlighting is done by pluggable highlighters: * `main` - the base highlighter, and the only one [active by default][1]. * `brackets` - [matches brackets][2] and parenthesis. * `pattern` - matches [user-defined patterns][3]. * `cursor` - matches [the cursor position][4]. * `root` - highlights the whole command line [if the current user is root][5]. * `line` - applied to [the whole command line][6]. [1]: highlighters/main.md [2]: highlighters/brackets.md [3]: highlighters/pattern.md [4]: highlighters/cursor.md [5]: highlighters/root.md [6]: highlighters/line.md How to activate highlighters ---------------------------- To activate an highlighter, add it to the `ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS` array in `~/.zshrc`, for example: ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS=(main brackets pattern cursor) By default, `$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS` is unset and only the `main` highlighter is active. How to tweak highlighters ------------------------- Highlighters look up styles from the `ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES` associative array. Navigate into the [individual highlighters' documentation](highlighters/) to see what styles (keys) each highlighter defines; the syntax for values is the same as the syntax of "types of highlighting" of the zsh builtin `$zle_highlight` array, which is documented in [the `zshzle(1)` manual page][zshzle-Character-Highlighting]. [zshzle-Character-Highlighting]: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Zsh-Line-Editor.html#Character-Highlighting Some highlighters support additional configuration parameters; see each highlighter's documentation for details and examples. How to implement a new highlighter ---------------------------------- To create your own `myhighlighter` highlighter: * Create your script at `highlighters/${myhighlighter}/${myhighlighter}-highlighter.zsh`. * Implement the `_zsh_highlight_myhighlighter_highlighter_predicate` function. This function must return 0 when the highlighter needs to be called and non-zero otherwise, for example: _zsh_highlight_myhighlighter_highlighter_predicate() { # Call this highlighter in SVN working copies [[ -d .svn ]] } * Implement the `_zsh_highlight_myhighlighter_highlighter` function. This function does the actual syntax highlighting, by modifying `region_highlight`, for example: _zsh_highlight_myhighlighter_highlighter() { # Colorize the whole buffer with blue background region_highlight+=(0 $#BUFFER bg=blue) } * Activate your highlighter in `~/.zshrc`: ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS+=(myhighlighter)