describe 'using `zle -U`' do let(:before_sourcing) do -> do session. run_command('_zsh_autosuggest_strategy_test() { sleep 1; _zsh_autosuggest_strategy_history "$1" }'). run_command('foo() { zle -U - "echo hello" }; zle -N foo; bindkey ^B foo') end end let(:options) { ['unset ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_USE_ASYNC', 'ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=test'] } # This is only possible with the $KEYS_QUEUED_COUNT widget parameter it 'does not fetch a suggestion for every inserted character' do session.send_keys('C-b') # Check if zsh >= 5.4 version_arr = ENV['TEST_ZSH_BIN'].split('zsh-')[1].split('.') if version_arr[0].to_i >= 6 || (version_arr[0].to_i == 5 && version_arr[1].to_i >= 4) wait_for { session.content }.to eq('echo hello') else skip "depends on KEYS_QUEUED_COUNT which requires zsh 5.4 or above" end end it 'shows a suggestion when the widget completes' do with_history('echo hello world') do session.send_keys('C-b') wait_for { session.content(esc_seqs: true) }.to match(/\Aecho hello\e\[[0-9]+m world/) end end end