#--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global Configuration Variables # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Color to use when highlighting suggestion # Uses format of `region_highlight` # More info: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Zsh-Line-Editor.html#Zle-Widgets (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE} )) && typeset -g ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE='fg=8' # Prefix to use when saving original versions of bound widgets (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_ORIGINAL_WIDGET_PREFIX} )) && typeset -g ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_ORIGINAL_WIDGET_PREFIX=autosuggest-orig- # Strategies to use to fetch a suggestion # Will try each strategy in order until a suggestion is returned (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY} )) && { typeset -ga ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(history) } # Widgets that clear the suggestion (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_CLEAR_WIDGETS} )) && { typeset -ga ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_CLEAR_WIDGETS ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_CLEAR_WIDGETS=( history-search-forward history-search-backward history-beginning-search-forward history-beginning-search-backward history-substring-search-up history-substring-search-down up-line-or-beginning-search down-line-or-beginning-search up-line-or-history down-line-or-history accept-line copy-earlier-word ) } # Widgets that accept the entire suggestion (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_ACCEPT_WIDGETS} )) && { typeset -ga ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_ACCEPT_WIDGETS ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_ACCEPT_WIDGETS=( forward-char end-of-line vi-forward-char vi-end-of-line vi-add-eol ) } # Widgets that accept the entire suggestion and execute it (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_EXECUTE_WIDGETS} )) && { typeset -ga ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_EXECUTE_WIDGETS ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_EXECUTE_WIDGETS=( ) } # Widgets that accept the suggestion as far as the cursor moves (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PARTIAL_ACCEPT_WIDGETS} )) && { typeset -ga ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PARTIAL_ACCEPT_WIDGETS ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_PARTIAL_ACCEPT_WIDGETS=( forward-word emacs-forward-word vi-forward-word vi-forward-word-end vi-forward-blank-word vi-forward-blank-word-end vi-find-next-char vi-find-next-char-skip ) } # Widgets that should be ignored (globbing supported but must be escaped) (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_IGNORE_WIDGETS} )) && { typeset -ga ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_IGNORE_WIDGETS ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_IGNORE_WIDGETS=( orig-\* beep run-help set-local-history which-command yank yank-pop ) } # Pty name for capturing completions for completion suggestion strategy (( ! ${+ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_COMPLETIONS_PTY_NAME} )) && typeset -g ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_COMPLETIONS_PTY_NAME=zsh_autosuggest_completion_pty