# zsh-autosuggestions _[Fish](http://fishshell.com/)-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh._ It suggests commands as you type, based on command history. ## Installation If you already use [zsh-syntax-highlighting](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting) plugin, then make sure to be loaded **before** zsh-autosuggestions. Note: _.zshrc_ is a file that contains user-specific ZSH configuration. ZSH assumes this file in your home directory (i.e. `~/.zshrc`), but the location can be changed using `ZDOTDIR` variable. ### Using zgen [Zgen](https://github.com/tarjoilija/zgen) is a simple and fast plugin manager for ZSH. If you don’t use zgen, then use instructions for the manual installation. 1. Load `tarruda/zsh-autosuggestions` and `zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting` using zgen in your .zshrc file, for example: ```sh if ! zgen saved; then echo "Creating a zgen save" zgen load zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting # autosuggestions should be loaded last zgen load tarruda/zsh-autosuggestions zgen save fi ``` 2. Enable zsh-autosuggestions; copy the following snippet and put it after the zgen config section in your .zshrc file: ```sh # Enable autosuggestions automatically. zle-line-init() { zle autosuggest-start } zle -N zle-line-init ``` 3. Run `zgen reset` and reopen your terminal. ### Manually 1. Clone this repository to `~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions` (or anywhere else): ```sh git clone git://github.com/tarruda/zsh-autosuggestions ~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions ``` 2. Clone zsh-syntax-highlighting repository to `~/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting` (or anywhere else): ```sh git clone git://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting ~/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting ``` 3. Load and enable autosuggestions; copy the following snippet and put it to your .zshrc file: ```sh # Load zsh-syntax-highlighting. source ~/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh # Load zsh-autosuggestions. source ~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions/autosuggestions.zsh # Enable autosuggestions automatically. zle-line-init() { zle autosuggest-start } zle -N zle-line-init ``` 4. Reopen your terminal. ## Uninstallation Just remove the config lines from .zshrc that you’ve added during “installation.” If you don’t use zgen, then also delete `~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions` and `~/.zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting`. ## How to use As you type commands, you will see a completion offered after the cursor, in a muted gray color (which can be changed, see [Configuration](#configuration)). To accept the autosuggestion (replacing the command line contents), hit End, Alt+F, Ctrl+F, or any other key that moves the cursor to the right. If the autosuggestion is not what you want, just ignore it: it won’t execute unless you accept it. Any widget that moves the cursor to the right (forward-word, forward-char, end-of-line…) will accept parts of the suggested text. For example, vi-mode users can do this: ```sh # Accept suggestions without leaving insert mode bindkey '^f' vi-forward-word # or bindkey '^f' vi-forward-blank-word ``` You can also use right arrow key to accept the suggested text as in Fish shell; see [Configuration](#configuration) section to enable it. ### Exposed widgets This plugin defines some ZLE widgets (think about them as functions) which you can bind to some key using [bindkey](http://zshwiki.org/home/zle/bindkeys). For example, to toggle autosuggestions using Ctrl+T add this to your .zshrc: ```sh bindkey '^T' autosuggest-toggle ``` List of widgets: - `autosuggest-toggle` – disable/enable autosuggestions. - `autosuggest-execute-suggestion` – accept the suggestion and execute it. ## Configuration You may override default global config variables after plugin load, i.e. put it to your .zshrc after the code that loads plugins. - `AUTOSUGGESTION_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR` – suggestion highlight color, default is `'fg=8'`. - `AUTOSUGGESTION_HIGHLIGHT_CURSOR` – highlight word after cursor, or not. Must be integer value `1` or `0`, default is `1`. - `AUTOSUGGESTION_ACCEPT_RIGHT_ARROW` – complete entire suggestion with right arrow. Must be integer value `1` or `0`, default is `0` (right arrow completes one letter at a time). ## Known Issues > When I hit Tab and autosuggestions is enabled, it deletes the previous line, and scrolls up the terminal. This usually happens when autosuggestions is used along with something like [“completion waiting dots.”](http://michael.thegrebs.com/2012/09/04/zsh-completion-waiting-dots/) Check which widget is bind to the Tab key; run `bindkey "^I"`. If it prints something other than `"^I" expand-or-complete`, then this may be the problem. If you use [Oh My Zsh](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh), then make sure that the variable `COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS` is not set (it enables [this](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/e55c715508a2f652fed741f2047c66dda2c6e5b0/lib/completion.zsh#L56-L64) problematic code). If you use module [editor](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/tree/master/modules/editor) from [Prezto](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto), then you must comment out [these lines](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/blob/a84ac5b0023d71c98bb28a68c550dc13f6c51945/modules/editor/init.zsh#L303-L304). ## License This project is licensed under [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). For the full text of the license, see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.