Typing `d` and then `l` runs `vi-delete` and then `vi-forward-char`. However,
by default, `vi-forward-char` is configured to accept the suggestion. So in
that case, the suggestion was being accepted and the cursor set to the end of
the buffer before the deletion was run.
The reason the user doesn't see the suggestion accepted is that `vi-delete`
doesn't finish until the movement widget is run, so we're already inside of a
`modify` when `accept` is called. `modify` unsets `POSTDISPLAY` before calling
the original widget so when we get to the accept function, `POSTDISPLAY` is
empty and thus accepting the suggestion is a no-op.
The fix is to make sure we reset the cursor to the correct place before running
the original widget.
We skip the test for versions of zsh below 5.0.8 since there was a bug in
earlier versions where deleting the last char did not work.
See http://www.zsh.org/mla/workers/2014/msg01316.html
Some people have gotten used to setting ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE
to an empty string rather than leaving it unset. This lets them continue
to do that without getting any warnings (e.g. "bad math expression:
operand expected at end of string").
See technique used in `fast-syntax-highlighting`:
- ca2e18bbc9
- http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2018/msg00424.html
Also see http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2018/msg00432.html
In async response handler:
- We only want to read data in case of POLLIN or POLLHUP. Not POLLNVAL
or select error.
- We always want to remove the handler, so it doesn't get called in an
infinite loop when error is nval or err.
There is an upstream bug that prevents ctrl-c from resetting the prompt
immediately after a suggestion has been fetched asynchronously. A patch
has been submitted, but a workaround for now is to add `command true`
after the exec.
See https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions/issues/364
Specific case where this matters is following:
Be in vi insert mode with some text in the buffer and the cursor at the
end of the buffer. Press `esc` to trigger `vi-cmd-mode widget`, then
before the cursor moves (KEYTIMEOUT), press `h` to trigger
`vi-backward-char` widget. When `vi-cmd-mode` original widget exits,
KEYS_QUEUED_COUNT will be non-zero and the suggestion will be lost.
This fixes a small issue in src/widgets.zsh which makes it so if you
alias [ to g[ (as is done in prezto if the gnu-utility module is loaded)
autosuggestions would fail.
The documentation for GNU test mentions that -o and -a should be avoided
if possible because it's not very clear. Also, with zsh and [[ -o
actually tests if an option is set, which makes this option even more