# vim-settings - What's inside - A bunch of Settings (Numbers, Nocompatible, History, Mouse,...) - VIM Plugin Manager Plug - Plugins: - Easy Aalign - Nerdtree - Airline - Colors & Themes - vim-one - vim-code-dark - vim-airline-themes - Install - mkdir ~/.config_repos - cd ~/.config_repos - git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://git.gc4.at/linux/vim-settings.git - Use ssh if you want to commit also: git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 ssh://git@git.gc4.at:4258/linux/vim-settings.git - --recurse-submodules -j8 is important since the Plugins in .vim/plugged are also remote repos (int his repo) = submodules - cd ~ - ln -s .config_repos/vim-settings/.vimrc - ln -s .config_repos/vim-settings/.vim