#include "scrcpy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 // not needed here, but winsock2.h must never be included AFTER windows.h # include # include #endif #include "controller.h" #include "decoder.h" #include "events.h" #include "file_handler.h" #include "input_manager.h" #include "recorder.h" #include "screen.h" #include "server.h" #include "stream.h" #include "tiny_xpm.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/net.h" #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 # include "v4l2_sink.h" #endif struct scrcpy { struct server server; struct screen screen; struct stream stream; struct decoder decoder; struct recorder recorder; #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 struct sc_v4l2_sink v4l2_sink; #endif struct controller controller; struct file_handler file_handler; struct input_manager input_manager; }; #ifdef _WIN32 BOOL WINAPI windows_ctrl_handler(DWORD ctrl_type) { if (ctrl_type == CTRL_C_EVENT) { SDL_Event event; event.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&event); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #endif // _WIN32 // init SDL and set appropriate hints static bool sdl_init_and_configure(bool display, const char *render_driver, bool disable_screensaver) { uint32_t flags = display ? SDL_INIT_VIDEO : SDL_INIT_EVENTS; if (SDL_Init(flags)) { LOGC("Could not initialize SDL: %s", SDL_GetError()); return false; } atexit(SDL_Quit); #ifdef _WIN32 // Clean up properly on Ctrl+C on Windows bool ok = SetConsoleCtrlHandler(windows_ctrl_handler, TRUE); if (!ok) { LOGW("Could not set Ctrl+C handler"); } #endif // _WIN32 if (!display) { return true; } if (render_driver && !SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER, render_driver)) { LOGW("Could not set render driver"); } // Linear filtering if (!SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1")) { LOGW("Could not enable linear filtering"); } #ifdef SCRCPY_SDL_HAS_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH // Handle a click to gain focus as any other click if (!SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH, "1")) { LOGW("Could not enable mouse focus clickthrough"); } #endif #ifdef SCRCPY_SDL_HAS_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR // Disable compositor bypassing on X11 if (!SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR, "0")) { LOGW("Could not disable X11 compositor bypass"); } #endif // Do not minimize on focus loss if (!SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS, "0")) { LOGW("Could not disable minimize on focus loss"); } if (disable_screensaver) { LOGD("Screensaver disabled"); SDL_DisableScreenSaver(); } else { LOGD("Screensaver enabled"); SDL_EnableScreenSaver(); } return true; } static bool is_apk(const char *file) { const char *ext = strrchr(file, '.'); return ext && !strcmp(ext, ".apk"); } enum event_result { EVENT_RESULT_CONTINUE, EVENT_RESULT_STOPPED_BY_USER, EVENT_RESULT_STOPPED_BY_EOS, }; static enum event_result handle_event(struct scrcpy *s, const struct scrcpy_options *options, SDL_Event *event) { switch (event->type) { case EVENT_STREAM_STOPPED: LOGD("Video stream stopped"); return EVENT_RESULT_STOPPED_BY_EOS; case SDL_QUIT: LOGD("User requested to quit"); return EVENT_RESULT_STOPPED_BY_USER; case SDL_DROPFILE: { if (!options->control) { break; } char *file = strdup(event->drop.file); SDL_free(event->drop.file); if (!file) { LOGW("Could not strdup drop filename\n"); break; } file_handler_action_t action; if (is_apk(file)) { action = ACTION_INSTALL_APK; } else { action = ACTION_PUSH_FILE; } file_handler_request(&s->file_handler, action, file); goto end; } } bool consumed = screen_handle_event(&s->screen, event); if (consumed) { goto end; } consumed = input_manager_handle_event(&s->input_manager, event); (void) consumed; end: return EVENT_RESULT_CONTINUE; } static bool event_loop(struct scrcpy *s, const struct scrcpy_options *options) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_WaitEvent(&event)) { enum event_result result = handle_event(s, options, &event); switch (result) { case EVENT_RESULT_STOPPED_BY_USER: return true; case EVENT_RESULT_STOPPED_BY_EOS: LOGW("Device disconnected"); return false; case EVENT_RESULT_CONTINUE: break; } } return false; } static SDL_LogPriority sdl_priority_from_av_level(int level) { switch (level) { case AV_LOG_PANIC: case AV_LOG_FATAL: return SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_CRITICAL; case AV_LOG_ERROR: return SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR; case AV_LOG_WARNING: return SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN; case AV_LOG_INFO: return SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO; } // do not forward others, which are too verbose return 0; } static void av_log_callback(void *avcl, int level, const char *fmt, va_list vl) { (void) avcl; SDL_LogPriority priority = sdl_priority_from_av_level(level); if (priority == 0) { return; } size_t fmt_len = strlen(fmt); char *local_fmt = malloc(fmt_len + 10); if (!local_fmt) { LOGC("Could not allocate string"); return; } memcpy(local_fmt, "[FFmpeg] ", 9); // do not write the final '\0' memcpy(local_fmt + 9, fmt, fmt_len + 1); // include '\0' SDL_LogMessageV(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_VIDEO, priority, local_fmt, vl); free(local_fmt); } static void stream_on_eos(struct stream *stream, void *userdata) { (void) stream; (void) userdata; SDL_Event stop_event; stop_event.type = EVENT_STREAM_STOPPED; SDL_PushEvent(&stop_event); } bool scrcpy(const struct scrcpy_options *options) { static struct scrcpy scrcpy; struct scrcpy *s = &scrcpy; if (!server_init(&s->server)) { return false; } bool ret = false; bool server_started = false; bool file_handler_initialized = false; bool recorder_initialized = false; #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 bool v4l2_sink_initialized = false; #endif bool stream_started = false; bool controller_initialized = false; bool controller_started = false; bool screen_initialized = false; bool record = !!options->record_filename; struct server_params params = { .serial = options->serial, .log_level = options->log_level, .crop = options->crop, .port_range = options->port_range, .max_size = options->max_size, .bit_rate = options->bit_rate, .max_fps = options->max_fps, .lock_video_orientation = options->lock_video_orientation, .control = options->control, .display_id = options->display_id, .show_touches = options->show_touches, .stay_awake = options->stay_awake, .codec_options = options->codec_options, .encoder_name = options->encoder_name, .force_adb_forward = options->force_adb_forward, .power_off_on_close = options->power_off_on_close, }; if (!server_start(&s->server, ¶ms)) { goto end; } server_started = true; if (!sdl_init_and_configure(options->display, options->render_driver, options->disable_screensaver)) { goto end; } char device_name[DEVICE_NAME_FIELD_LENGTH]; struct size frame_size; if (!server_connect_to(&s->server, device_name, &frame_size)) { goto end; } if (options->display && options->control) { if (!file_handler_init(&s->file_handler, s->server.serial, options->push_target)) { goto end; } file_handler_initialized = true; } struct decoder *dec = NULL; bool needs_decoder = options->display; #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 needs_decoder |= !!options->v4l2_device; #endif if (needs_decoder) { decoder_init(&s->decoder); dec = &s->decoder; } struct recorder *rec = NULL; if (record) { if (!recorder_init(&s->recorder, options->record_filename, options->record_format, frame_size)) { goto end; } rec = &s->recorder; recorder_initialized = true; } av_log_set_callback(av_log_callback); const struct stream_callbacks stream_cbs = { .on_eos = stream_on_eos, }; stream_init(&s->stream, s->server.video_socket, &stream_cbs, NULL); if (dec) { stream_add_sink(&s->stream, &dec->packet_sink); } if (rec) { stream_add_sink(&s->stream, &rec->packet_sink); } if (options->control) { if (!controller_init(&s->controller, s->server.control_socket)) { goto end; } controller_initialized = true; if (!controller_start(&s->controller)) { goto end; } controller_started = true; if (options->turn_screen_off) { struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_SET_SCREEN_POWER_MODE; msg.set_screen_power_mode.mode = SCREEN_POWER_MODE_OFF; if (!controller_push_msg(&s->controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'set screen power mode'"); } } } if (options->display) { const char *window_title = options->window_title ? options->window_title : device_name; struct screen_params screen_params = { .window_title = window_title, .frame_size = frame_size, .always_on_top = options->always_on_top, .window_x = options->window_x, .window_y = options->window_y, .window_width = options->window_width, .window_height = options->window_height, .window_borderless = options->window_borderless, .rotation = options->rotation, .mipmaps = options->mipmaps, .fullscreen = options->fullscreen, }; if (!screen_init(&s->screen, &screen_params)) { goto end; } screen_initialized = true; decoder_add_sink(&s->decoder, &s->screen.frame_sink); } #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 if (options->v4l2_device) { if (!sc_v4l2_sink_init(&s->v4l2_sink, options->v4l2_device, frame_size)) { goto end; } decoder_add_sink(&s->decoder, &s->v4l2_sink.frame_sink); v4l2_sink_initialized = true; } #endif // now we consumed the header values, the socket receives the video stream // start the stream if (!stream_start(&s->stream)) { goto end; } stream_started = true; input_manager_init(&s->input_manager, &s->controller, &s->screen, options); ret = event_loop(s, options); LOGD("quit..."); // Close the window immediately on closing, because screen_destroy() may // only be called once the stream thread is joined (it may take time) screen_hide_window(&s->screen); end: // The stream is not stopped explicitly, because it will stop by itself on // end-of-stream if (controller_started) { controller_stop(&s->controller); } if (file_handler_initialized) { file_handler_stop(&s->file_handler); } if (screen_initialized) { screen_interrupt(&s->screen); } if (server_started) { // shutdown the sockets and kill the server server_stop(&s->server); } // now that the sockets are shutdown, the stream and controller are // interrupted, we can join them if (stream_started) { stream_join(&s->stream); } #ifdef HAVE_V4L2 if (v4l2_sink_initialized) { sc_v4l2_sink_destroy(&s->v4l2_sink); } #endif // Destroy the screen only after the stream is guaranteed to be finished, // because otherwise the screen could receive new frames after destruction if (screen_initialized) { screen_join(&s->screen); screen_destroy(&s->screen); } if (controller_started) { controller_join(&s->controller); } if (controller_initialized) { controller_destroy(&s->controller); } if (recorder_initialized) { recorder_destroy(&s->recorder); } if (file_handler_initialized) { file_handler_join(&s->file_handler); file_handler_destroy(&s->file_handler); } server_destroy(&s->server); return ret; }