#include "input_manager.h" #include #include "convert.h" #include "lock_util.h" #include "log.h" // Convert window coordinates (as provided by SDL_GetMouseState() to renderer // coordinates (as provided in SDL mouse events) // // See my question: // static void convert_to_renderer_coordinates(SDL_Renderer *renderer, int *x, int *y) { SDL_Rect viewport; float scale_x, scale_y; SDL_RenderGetViewport(renderer, &viewport); SDL_RenderGetScale(renderer, &scale_x, &scale_y); *x = (int) (*x / scale_x) - viewport.x; *y = (int) (*y / scale_y) - viewport.y; } static struct point get_mouse_point(struct screen *screen) { int x; int y; SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); convert_to_renderer_coordinates(screen->renderer, &x, &y); return (struct point) { .x = x, .y = y, }; } static const int ACTION_DOWN = 1; static const int ACTION_UP = 1 << 1; static void send_keycode(struct controller *controller, enum android_keycode keycode, int actions, const char *name) { // send DOWN event struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_INJECT_KEYCODE; msg.inject_keycode.keycode = keycode; msg.inject_keycode.metastate = 0; if (actions & ACTION_DOWN) { msg.inject_keycode.action = AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'inject %s (DOWN)'", name); return; } } if (actions & ACTION_UP) { msg.inject_keycode.action = AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'inject %s (UP)'", name); } } } static inline void action_home(struct controller *controller, int actions) { send_keycode(controller, AKEYCODE_HOME, actions, "HOME"); } static inline void action_back(struct controller *controller, int actions) { send_keycode(controller, AKEYCODE_BACK, actions, "BACK"); } static inline void action_app_switch(struct controller *controller, int actions) { send_keycode(controller, AKEYCODE_APP_SWITCH, actions, "APP_SWITCH"); } static inline void action_power(struct controller *controller, int actions) { send_keycode(controller, AKEYCODE_POWER, actions, "POWER"); } static inline void action_volume_up(struct controller *controller, int actions) { send_keycode(controller, AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, actions, "VOLUME_UP"); } static inline void action_volume_down(struct controller *controller, int actions) { send_keycode(controller, AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, actions, "VOLUME_DOWN"); } static inline void action_menu(struct controller *controller, int actions) { send_keycode(controller, AKEYCODE_MENU, actions, "MENU"); } // turn the screen on if it was off, press BACK otherwise static void press_back_or_turn_screen_on(struct controller *controller) { struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_BACK_OR_SCREEN_ON; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'turn screen on'"); } } static void expand_notification_panel(struct controller *controller) { struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_EXPAND_NOTIFICATION_PANEL; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'expand notification panel'"); } } static void collapse_notification_panel(struct controller *controller) { struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_COLLAPSE_NOTIFICATION_PANEL; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'collapse notification panel'"); } } static void request_device_clipboard(struct controller *controller) { struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_GET_CLIPBOARD; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request device clipboard"); } } static void set_device_clipboard(struct controller *controller) { char *text = SDL_GetClipboardText(); if (!text) { LOGW("Could not get clipboard text: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } if (!*text) { // empty text SDL_free(text); return; } struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_SET_CLIPBOARD; msg.set_clipboard.text = text; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { SDL_free(text); LOGW("Could not request 'set device clipboard'"); } } static void set_screen_power_mode(struct controller *controller, enum screen_power_mode mode) { struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_SET_SCREEN_POWER_MODE; msg.set_screen_power_mode.mode = mode; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'set screen power mode'"); } } static void switch_fps_counter_state(struct fps_counter *fps_counter) { // the started state can only be written from the current thread, so there // is no ToCToU issue if (fps_counter_is_started(fps_counter)) { fps_counter_stop(fps_counter); LOGI("FPS counter stopped"); } else { if (fps_counter_start(fps_counter)) { LOGI("FPS counter started"); } else { LOGE("FPS counter starting failed"); } } } static void clipboard_paste(struct controller *controller) { char *text = SDL_GetClipboardText(); if (!text) { LOGW("Could not get clipboard text: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } if (!*text) { // empty text SDL_free(text); return; } struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_INJECT_TEXT; msg.inject_text.text = text; if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { SDL_free(text); LOGW("Could not request 'paste clipboard'"); } } void input_manager_process_text_input(struct input_manager *input_manager, const SDL_TextInputEvent *event) { char c = event->text[0]; if (isalpha(c) || c == ' ') { SDL_assert(event->text[1] == '\0'); // letters and space are handled as raw key event return; } struct control_msg msg; msg.type = CONTROL_MSG_TYPE_INJECT_TEXT; msg.inject_text.text = SDL_strdup(event->text); if (!msg.inject_text.text) { LOGW("Could not strdup input text"); return; } if (!controller_push_msg(input_manager->controller, &msg)) { SDL_free(msg.inject_text.text); LOGW("Could not request 'inject text'"); } } void input_manager_process_key(struct input_manager *input_manager, const SDL_KeyboardEvent *event, bool control) { // control: indicates the state of the command-line option --no-control // ctrl: the Ctrl key bool ctrl = event->keysym.mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL); bool alt = event->keysym.mod & (KMOD_LALT | KMOD_RALT); bool meta = event->keysym.mod & (KMOD_LGUI | KMOD_RGUI); if (alt) { // no shortcut involves Alt or Meta, and they should not be forwarded // to the device return; } struct controller *controller = input_manager->controller; // capture all Ctrl events if (ctrl | meta) { SDL_Keycode keycode = event->keysym.sym; bool down = event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN; int action = down ? ACTION_DOWN : ACTION_UP; bool repeat = event->repeat; bool shift = event->keysym.mod & (KMOD_LSHIFT | KMOD_RSHIFT); switch (keycode) { case SDLK_h: if (control && ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat) { action_home(controller, action); } return; case SDLK_b: // fall-through case SDLK_BACKSPACE: if (control && ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat) { action_back(controller, action); } return; case SDLK_s: if (control && ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat) { action_app_switch(controller, action); } return; case SDLK_m: if (control && ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat) { action_menu(controller, action); } return; case SDLK_p: if (control && ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat) { action_power(controller, action); } return; case SDLK_o: if (control && ctrl && !shift && !meta && down) { set_screen_power_mode(controller, SCREEN_POWER_MODE_OFF); } return; case SDLK_DOWN: #ifdef __APPLE__ if (control && !ctrl && meta && !shift) { #else if (control && ctrl && !meta && !shift) { #endif // forward repeated events action_volume_down(controller, action); } return; case SDLK_UP: #ifdef __APPLE__ if (control && !ctrl && meta && !shift) { #else if (control && ctrl && !meta && !shift) { #endif // forward repeated events action_volume_up(controller, action); } return; case SDLK_c: if (control && ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat && down) { request_device_clipboard(controller); } return; case SDLK_v: if (control && ctrl && !meta && !repeat && down) { if (shift) { // store the text in the device clipboard set_device_clipboard(controller); } else { // inject the text as input events clipboard_paste(controller); } } return; case SDLK_f: if (ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat && down) { screen_switch_fullscreen(input_manager->screen); } return; case SDLK_x: if (ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat && down) { screen_resize_to_fit(input_manager->screen); } return; case SDLK_g: if (ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat && down) { screen_resize_to_pixel_perfect(input_manager->screen); } return; case SDLK_i: if (ctrl && !meta && !shift && !repeat && down) { struct fps_counter *fps_counter = input_manager->video_buffer->fps_counter; switch_fps_counter_state(fps_counter); } return; case SDLK_n: if (control && ctrl && !meta && !repeat && down) { if (shift) { collapse_notification_panel(controller); } else { expand_notification_panel(controller); } } return; } return; } if (!control) { return; } struct control_msg msg; if (input_key_from_sdl_to_android(event, &msg)) { if (!controller_push_msg(controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'inject keycode'"); } } } void input_manager_process_mouse_motion(struct input_manager *input_manager, const SDL_MouseMotionEvent *event) { if (!event->state) { // do not send motion events when no button is pressed return; } struct control_msg msg; if (mouse_motion_from_sdl_to_android(event, input_manager->screen->frame_size, &msg)) { if (!controller_push_msg(input_manager->controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'inject mouse motion event'"); } } } static bool is_outside_device_screen(struct input_manager *input_manager, int x, int y) { return x < 0 || x >= input_manager->screen->frame_size.width || y < 0 || y >= input_manager->screen->frame_size.height; } void input_manager_process_mouse_button(struct input_manager *input_manager, const SDL_MouseButtonEvent *event, bool control) { if (event->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { if (control && event->button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { press_back_or_turn_screen_on(input_manager->controller); return; } if (control && event->button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) { action_home(input_manager->controller, ACTION_DOWN | ACTION_UP); return; } // double-click on black borders resize to fit the device screen if (event->button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && event->clicks == 2) { bool outside = is_outside_device_screen(input_manager, event->x, event->y); if (outside) { screen_resize_to_fit(input_manager->screen); return; } } // otherwise, send the click event to the device } if (!control) { return; } struct control_msg msg; if (mouse_button_from_sdl_to_android(event, input_manager->screen->frame_size, &msg)) { if (!controller_push_msg(input_manager->controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'inject mouse button event'"); } } } void input_manager_process_mouse_wheel(struct input_manager *input_manager, const SDL_MouseWheelEvent *event) { struct position position = { .screen_size = input_manager->screen->frame_size, .point = get_mouse_point(input_manager->screen), }; struct control_msg msg; if (mouse_wheel_from_sdl_to_android(event, position, &msg)) { if (!controller_push_msg(input_manager->controller, &msg)) { LOGW("Could not request 'inject mouse wheel event'"); } } }