diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7dbff5b..73e9d4d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1198,6 +1198,133 @@ There are several ways to fix this. The parameter you are looking for is called `POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_BACKGROUND`. You can find it in in `~/.p10k.zsh`. Uncomment it if it's commented out and try different values. +### Horrific mess when resizing terminal window + +When you resize terminal window horizontally back and forth a few times, you might see this ugly +picture. + +![Powerlevel10k Resizing Mess]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resizing-mess.png) + +tl;dr: This is a bug in Zsh that isn't specific to Powerlevel10k. See [mitigation](#mitigation). + +#### Zsh bug + +This issue is caused by a bug in Zsh that gets triggered the vertical distance between the start of +the current prompt and the cursor (henceforth `VD`) changes when the terminal window is resized. +This bug is not specific to Powerlevel10k. + +When a terminal window gets shrunk horizontally, there are two ways for a terminal to handle long +lines that no longer fit: *reflow* or *truncate*. + +Terminal content before shrinking: + +![Terminal Content Before Shrinking]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resize-original.png) + +Terminal reflows text when shrinking: + +![Terminal Reflows Text When Shrinking]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resize-reflow.png) + +Terminal truncates text when shrinking: + +![Terminal Truncates Text When Shrinking]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resize-truncate.png) + +Reflowing strategy can change the hight of terminal content. If such content happens to be between +the start of the current prompt and the cursor, Zsh will print prompt on the wrong line. Truncation +strategy never changes the hight of terminal content, so it doesn't trigger this bug in Zsh. + +Let's see how the bug plays out in slow motion. We'll start by launching `zsh -df` and pasting +the following code: + +```zsh +function pause() { read -s } +functions -M pause 0 + +reset +print -l {1..3} +setopt prompt_subst +PROMPT=$'${$((pause()))+}left>${(pl.$((COLUMNS-12))..-.)} ' +``` + +When `PROMPT` gets expanded, it calls `pause` to let us observe the state of the terminal. Here's +the initial state: + +![Zsh Resizing Bug 1]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resize-bug-1.png) + +Zsh keeps track of the cursor position relative to the start of the current prompt. In this case it +knows that the cursor is one line below. When we shrink the terminal window, it looks like this: + +![Zsh Resizing Bug 2]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resize-bug-2.png) + +At this point the terminal sends `SIGWINCH` to Zsh to notify it about changes in the terminal +dimensions. Note that this signal is sent *after* the content of the terminal has been reflown. + +When Zsh receives `SIGWINCH`, it attempts to erase the current prompt and print it anew. It goes to +the position where it *thinks* the current prompt is -- one line above the cursor (!) -- erases all +terminal content that follows and prints reexpanded prompt there. However, after resizing prompt is +no longer one line above the cursor. It's two lines above! Zsh ends up printing new prompt one line +too low. + +![Zsh Resizing Bug 3]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resize-bug-3.png) + +In this case we ended up with unwanted junk content because `VD` has *increased*. When you make +terminal window wider, `VD` can also *decrease*, which would result in the new prompt being printed +higher than intended, potentially erasing useful content in the process. + +Here are a few more examples where shrinking terminal window increased `VD`. + +Simple one-line left prompt with right prompt. No `prompt_subst`. Note that the cursor is below the +prompt line (hit *ESC-ENTER* to get it there). + +![Zsh Prompt That Breaks on Terminal Shrinking 1]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resize-breakable-1.png) + +Simple one-line left prompt. No `prompt_subst`, no right prompt. Here `VD` is bound to increase +upon terminal shrinking due to the command line wrapping around. + +![Zsh Prompt That Breaks on Terminal Shrinking 2]( + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k-media/master/resize-breakable-2.png) + +#### Zsh patch + +The bug described above has been fixed in [this branch]( + https://github.com/romkatv/zsh/tree/fix-winchanged). The idea behind the fix is to use `sc` (save +cursor) terminal capability before printing prompt and `rc` (restore cursor) to move cursor back +to the same position when prompt needs to be refreshed. + +There are two alternative approaches to fixing the bug that may seem to work at fight glance but in +fact don't: + +- Instead of `sc`, use `u7` terminal capability to query the current cursor position and then `cup` + to go back to it. This doesn't work because the absolute position of the start of the current + prompt changes when text gets reflown. +- Recompute `VD` based on new terminal dimensions before attempting to refresh prompt. This doesn't + work because Zsh doesn't know whether terminal reflows text or truncates it. If Zsh could somehow + know that the terminal reflows text, this approach still wouldn't work on terminals that + continuously reflow text and rapid-fire `SIGWINCH` when the window is being resized. In such + environment real terminal dimensions go out of sync with what Zsh thinks the dimensions are. + +There is no ETA for the patch making its way into upstream Zsh. See [discussion]( + https://www.zsh.org/mla/workers//2019/msg00561.html). + +#### Mitigation + +There are a few mitigation options for this issue. + +- Apply [the patch](#zsh-patch) and rebuild Zsh from source. +- Disable text reflowing on window resize in terminal settings. If your terminal doesn't have this + setting, try a different terminal. +- Avoid long lines between the start of prompt and cursor. + 1. Disable right prompt with `POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=()`. + 2. Disable ruler with `POWERLEVEL9K_SHOW_RULER=false`. + 3. Disable prompt gap with `POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_CHAR=' '`. + ## Table of contents - [Features](#features) @@ -1266,3 +1393,4 @@ There are several ways to fix this. - [Weird things happen after typing `source ~/.zshrc`](#weird-things-happen-after-typing-source-zshrc) - [Cannot make Powerlevel10k work with my plugin manager](#cannot-make-powerlevel10k-work-with-my-plugin-manager) - [Directory is difficult to see in prompt when using Rainbow style](#directory-is-difficult-to-see-in-prompt-when-using-rainbow-style) + - [Horrific mess when resizing terminal window](#horrific-mess-when-resizing-terminal-window)