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synced 2025-03-06 21:31:17 +01:00
This fix conditionally registers the git prompt async handler only if `git_prompt_info` is used anywhere in the prompt variables. This is done in the proper order, so that the async request is processed once the handler has been registered. This fix also passes the return value of the previous command to each of the async handlers, in case they are needed.
146 lines
4.5 KiB
146 lines
4.5 KiB
# The async code is taken from
# https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions/blob/master/src/async.zsh
# https://github.com/woefe/git-prompt.zsh/blob/master/git-prompt.zsh
zmodload zsh/system
# For now, async prompt function handlers are set up like so:
# First, define the async function handler and register the handler
# with _omz_register_handler:
# function _git_prompt_status_async {
# # Do some expensive operation that outputs to stdout
# }
# _omz_register_handler _git_prompt_status_async
# Then add a stub prompt function in `$PROMPT` or similar prompt variables,
# which will show the output of "$_OMZ_ASYNC_OUTPUT[handler_name]":
# function git_prompt_status {
# echo -n $_OMZ_ASYNC_OUTPUT[_git_prompt_status_async]
# }
# RPROMPT='$(git_prompt_status)'
# This API is subject to change and optimization. Rely on it at your own risk.
function _omz_register_handler {
setopt localoptions noksharrays
typeset -ga _omz_async_functions
# we want to do nothing if there's no $1 function or we already set it up
if [[ -z "$1" ]] || (( ! ${+functions[$1]} )) \
|| (( ${_omz_async_functions[(Ie)$1]} )); then
# let's add the hook to async_request if it's not there yet
if (( ! ${precmd_functions[(Ie)_omz_async_request]} )) \
&& (( ${+functions[_omz_async_request]})); then
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd _omz_async_request
# Set up async handlers and callbacks
function _omz_async_request {
local -i ret=$?
# executor runs a subshell for all async requests based on key
local handler
for handler in ${_omz_async_functions}; do
(( ${+functions[$handler]} )) || continue
local fd=${_OMZ_ASYNC_FDS[$handler]:--1}
local pid=${_OMZ_ASYNC_PIDS[$handler]:--1}
# If we've got a pending request, cancel it
if (( fd != -1 && pid != -1 )) && { true <&$fd } 2>/dev/null; then
# Close the file descriptor and remove the handler
exec {fd}<&-
zle -F $fd
# Zsh will make a new process group for the child process only if job
# control is enabled (MONITOR option)
if [[ -o MONITOR ]]; then
# Send the signal to the process group to kill any processes that may
# have been forked by the async function handler
kill -TERM -$pid 2>/dev/null
# Kill just the child process since it wasn't placed in a new process
# group. If the async function handler forked any child processes they may
# be orphaned and left behind.
kill -TERM $pid 2>/dev/null
# Define global variables to store the file descriptor, PID and output
# Fork a process to fetch the git status and open a pipe to read from it
exec {fd}< <(
# Tell parent process our PID
builtin echo ${sysparams[pid]}
# Store handler name for callback
builtin echo $handler
# Set exit code for the handler if used
(exit $ret)
# Run the async function handler
# Save FD for handler
# There's a weird bug here where ^C stops working unless we force a fork
# See https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions/issues/364
command true
# Save the PID from the handler child process
read pid <&$fd
# When the fd is readable, call the response handler
zle -F "$fd" _omz_async_callback
# Called when new data is ready to be read from the pipe
function _omz_async_callback() {
emulate -L zsh
local fd=$1 # First arg will be fd ready for reading
local err=$2 # Second arg will be passed in case of error
if [[ -z "$err" || "$err" == "hup" ]]; then
# Get handler name from first line
local handler
read handler <&$fd
# Store old output which is supposed to be already printed
local old_output="${_OMZ_ASYNC_OUTPUT[$handler]}"
# Read output from fd
_OMZ_ASYNC_OUTPUT[$handler]="$(cat <&$fd)"
# Repaint prompt if output has changed
if [[ "$old_output" != "${_OMZ_ASYNC_OUTPUT[$handler]}" ]]; then
zle reset-prompt
zle -R
# Close the fd
exec {fd}<&-
# Always remove the handler
zle -F "$fd"
# Unset global FD variable to prevent closing user created FDs in the precmd hook
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd _omz_async_request