2021-12-28 17:49:41 +01:00
drush.complete.sh Add drush plugin () 2019-03-29 22:39:52 +01:00
drush.plugin.zsh style(drush): fix code and README style 2021-12-28 17:49:41 +01:00
README.md style(drush): fix code and README style 2021-12-28 17:49:41 +01:00


This plugin adds aliases and functions for Drush, a command-line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. It also adds completion for the drush command.

To enable it, add drush to the plugins array in zshrc file:

plugins=(... drush)


Alias Command Description
dr drush Display drush help
drca drush cc all (Deprecated in Drush 8) Clear all drupal caches.
drcb drush cc block (Deprecated in Drush 8) Clear block cache.
drcg drush cc registry (Deprecated in Drush 8) Clear registry cache.
drcj drush cc css-js Clear css-js cache.
drcm drush cc menu Clear menu cache.
drcml drush cc module-list Clear module-list cache.
drcr drush core-cron Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site.
drct drush cc theme-registry Clear theme-registry cache.
drcv drush cc views Clear views cache. (Make sure that the views module is enabled)
drdmp drush drush sql-dump --ordered-dump --result-file=dump.sql Backup database in a new dump.sql file
drf drush features Display features status
drfr drush features-revert -y Revert a feature module on your site.
drfra drush features-revert-all Revert all enabled feature module on your site.
drfu drush features-update -y Update a feature module on your site.
drif drush image-flush --all Flush all derived images.
drpm drush pm-list --type=module Show a list of available modules.
drst drush core-status Provides a birds-eye view of the current Drupal installation, if any.
drup drush updatedb Apply any database updates required (as with running update.php).
drups drush updatedb-status List any pending database updates.
drv drush version Show drush version.
drvd drush variable-del Delete a variable.
drvg drush variable-get Get a list of some or all site variables and values.
drvs drush variable-set Set a variable.


  • dren: download and enable one or more extensions (modules or themes). Must be invoked with one or more parameters, e.g.: dren devel or dren devel module_filter views.

  • drf: edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files. Can be invoked with one or without parameters, e.g.: drf 1.

  • dris: disable one or more extensions (modules or themes). Must be invoked with one or more parameters, e.g.: dris devel or dris devel module_filter views.

  • drpu: uninstall one or more modules. Must be invoked with one or more parameters, e.g.: drpu devel or drpu devel module_filter views.

  • drnew: creates a brand new drupal website. Note: as soon as the installation is complete, drush will print a username and a random password into the terminal:

    Installation complete.  User name: admin  User password: cf7t8yqNEm