# Podman plugin This plugin adds auto-completion and aliases for [podman](https://podman.io/). To use it add `podman` to the plugins array in your zshrc file. ```zsh plugins=(... podman) ``` ## Aliases | Alias | Command | Description | | :------ | :-------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | pbl | `podman build` | Build an image from a Dockerfile | | pcin | `podman container inspect` | Display detailed information on one or more containers | | pcls | `podman container ls` | List all the running podman containers | | pclsa | `podman container ls --all` | List all running and stopped containers | | pib | `podman image build` | Build an image from a Dockerfile (same as podman build) | | pii | `podman image inspect` | Display detailed information on one or more images | | pils | `podman image ls` | List podman images | | pipu | `podman image push` | Push an image or repository to a remote registry | | pirm | `podman image rm` | Remove one or more images | | pit | `podman image tag` | Add a name and tag to a particular image | | plo | `podman container logs` | Fetch the logs of a podman container | | pnc | `podman network create` | Create a new network | | pncn | `podman network connect` | Connect a container to a network | | pndcn | `podman network disconnect` | Disconnect a container from a network | | pni | `podman network inspect` | Return information about one or more networks | | pnls | `podman network ls` | List all networks the engine daemon knows about, including those spanning multiple hosts | | pnrm | `podman network rm` | Remove one or more networks | | ppo | `podman container port` | List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container | | ppu | `podman pull` | Pull an image or a repository from a registry | | pr | `podman container run` | Create a new container and start it using the specified command | | prit | `podman container run --interactive --tty` | Create a new container and start it in an interactive shell | | prm | `podman container rm` | Remove the specified container(s) | | prm! | `podman container rm --force` | Force the removal of a running container (uses SIGKILL) | | pst | `podman container start` | Start one or more stopped containers | | prs | `podman container restart` | Restart one or more containers | | psta | `podman stop $(podman ps -q)` | Stop all running containers | | pstp | `podman container stop` | Stop one or more running containers | | ptop | `podman top` | Display the running processes of a container | | pvi | `podman volume inspect` | Display detailed information about one or more volumes | | pvls | `podman volume ls` | List all the volumes known to podman | | pvprune | `podman volume prune` | Cleanup dangling volumes | | pxc | `podman container exec` | Run a new command in a running container | | pxcit | `podman container exec --interactive --tty` | Run a new command in a running container in an interactive shell |