#compdef swagger local context state state_descr line typeset -A opt_args __expand() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ "(--compact)--compact[when present, doesn't prettify the json]" \ '(-o, --output)'{-o,--output}"[the file to write to]:output" && return 0 } __flatten() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ "(--compact)--compact[when present, doesn't prettify the the json]" \ '(-o, --output)'{-o,--output}"[the file to write to]:output" && return 0 } __generate_client() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '(-f,--spec)'{-f,--spec}"[the spec file to use (default:swagger.{json,yml,yaml)]:spec" \ '(-a,--api-package)'{-a,--api-package}"[the package to save the operations (default:operations)]:api-package" \ '(-m,--model-package)'{-m,--model-package}"[the package to save the models (default: models)]:model-package" \ '(-s,--server-package)'{-s,--server-package}"[the package to save the server specific code (default: restapi)]:server-package" \ '(-c,--client-package)'{-c,--client-package}"[the package to save the client specific code (default: client)]:client-package" \ '(-t,--target)'{-t,--target}"[the base directory for generating the files (default: ./)]:target" \ '(-T,--template-dir)'{-T,--template-dir}"[alternative template override directory]:template-dir" \ '(-C,--config-file)'{-C,--config-file}"[configuration file to use for overriding template options]:config-file" \ '(-A,--name)'{-A,--name}"[the name of the application, defaults to a mangled value of info.title]:name" \ '(-O,--operation)'{-O,--operation}"[specify an operation to include, repeat for multiple]:operation" \ '(--tags)'--tags"[the tags to include, if not specified defaults to all]:tags" \ '(-P,--principal)'{-P,--principal}"[the model to use for the security principal]:principal" \ '(-M,--model)'{-M,--model}"[specify a model to include, repeat for multiple]:model" \ '(--default-scheme)'--default-scheme"[the default scheme for this client (default: http)]:default-scheme" \ '(--default-produces)'--default-produces"[the default mime type that API operations produce (default: application/json)]:default-produces" \ '(--skip-models)'--skip-models"[no models will be generated when this flag is specified]" \ '(--skip-operations)'--skip-operations"[no operations will be generated when this flag is specified]" \ '(--dump-data)'--dump-data"[when present dumps the json for the template generator instead of generating files]" \ '(--skip-validation)'--skip-validation"[skips validation of spec prior to generation]" && return 0 } __generate_model() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '(-f,--spec)'{-f,--spec}"[the spec file to use (default swagger.{json,yml,yaml})]:spec" \ '(-a,--api-package)'{-a,--api-package}"[the package to save the operations (default: operations)]:api-package" \ '(-m,--model-package)'{-m,--model-package}"[the package to save the models (default: models)]:model-package" \ '(-s,--server-package)'{-s,--server-package}"[the package to save the server specific code (default: restapi)]:server-package" \ '(-c,--client-package)'{-c,--client-package}"[the package to save the client specific code (default: client)]:client-package" \ '(-t,--target)'{-t,--target}"[the base directory for generating the files (default: ./)]:target" \ '(-T,--template-dir)'{-T,--template-dir}"[alternative template override directory]:template-dir" \ '(-C,--config-file)'{-C,--config-file}"[configuration file to use for overriding template options]:config-file" \ '(-n,--name)'{-n,--name}"[the model to generate]:name" \ "(--skip-struct)--skip-struct[when present will not generate the model struct]" \ "(--dump-data)--dump-data[when present dumps the json for the template generator instead of generating files]" && return 0 } __generate_operation() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '(-f,--spec)'{-f,--spec}"[the spec file to use (default swagger.{json,yml,yaml})]:spec" \ '(-a,--api-package)'{-a,--api-package}"[the package to save the operations (default: operations)]:api-package" \ '(-m,--model-package)'{-m,--model-package}"[the package to save the models (default: models)]:model-package" \ '(-s,--server-package)'{-s,--server-package}"[the package to save the server specific code (default: restapi)]:server-package" \ '(-c,--client-package)'{-c,--client-package}"[the package to save the client specific code (default: client)]:client-package" \ '(-t,--target)'{-t,--target}"[the base directory for generating the files (default: ./)]:target" \ '(-T,--template-dir)'{-T,--template-dir}"[alternative template override directory]:template-dir" \ '(-C,--config-file)'{-C,--config-file}"[configuration file to use for overriding template options]:config-file" \ '(-n,--name)'{-n,--name}"[the operations to generate, repeat for multiple]:name" \ "(--tags)--tags[the tags to include, if not specified defaults to all]:tags" \ '(-P,--principal)'{-P,--principal}"[the model to use for the security principal]:principal" \ "(--default-scheme)--default-scheme[the default scheme for this API (default: http)]:default-scheme" \ "(--skip-handler)--skip-handler[when present will not generate an operation handler]" \ "(--skip-parameters)--skip-parameters[when present will not generate the parameter model struct]" \ "(--skip-responses)--skip-responses[when present will not generate the response model struct]" \ "(--skip-url-builder)--skip-url-builder[when present will not generate a URL builder]" \ "(--dump-data)--dump-data[when present dumps the json for the template generator instead of generating files]" && return 0 } __generate_server() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '(-f,--spec)'{-f,--spec}"[the spec file to use (default swagger.{json,yml,yaml})]:spec" \ '(-a,--api-package)'{-a,--api-package}"[the package to save the operations (default: operations)]:api-package" \ '(-m,--model-package)'{-m,--model-package}"[the package to save the models (default: models)]:model-package" \ '(-s,--server-package)'{-s,--server-package}"[the package to save the server specific code (default: restapi)]:server-package" \ '(-c,--client-package)'{-c,--client-package}"[the package to save the client specific code (default: client)]:client-package" \ '(-t,--target)'{-t,--target}"[the base directory for generating the files (default: ./)]:target" \ '(-T,--template-dir)'{-T,--template-dir}"[alternative template override directory]:template-dir" \ '(-C,--config-file)'{-C,--config-file}"[configuration file to use for overriding template options]:config-file" \ '(-A,--name)'{-A,--name}"[the name of the application, defaults to a mangled value of info.title]:name" \ '(-O,--operation)'{-O,--operation}"[specify an operation to include, repeat for multiple]:operations" \ "(--tags)--tags[the tags to include, if not specified defaults to all]:tags" \ '(-P,--principal)'{-P,--principal}"[the model to use for the security principal]:principal" \ "(--default-scheme)--default-scheme[the default scheme for this API (default: http)]:default-scheme" \ '(-M,--model)'{-M,--model}"[specify a model to include, repeat for multiple]:model" \ "(--skip-models)--skip-models[no models will be generated when this flag is specified]" \ "(--skip-operations)--skip-operations[no operations will be generated when this flag is specified]" \ "(--skip-support)--skip-support[no supporting files will be generated when this flag is specified]" \ "(--exclude-main)--exclude-main[exclude main function, so just generate the library]" \ "(--exclude-spec)--exclude-spec[don't embed the swagger specification]" \ "(--with-context)--with-context[handlers get a context as first arg]" \ "(--dump-data)--dump-data[when present dumps the json for the template generator instead of generating files]" \ "(--flag-strategy)--flag-strategy[the strategy to provide flags for the server (default: go-flags)]:flag-strategy:(go-flags pflag)" \ "(--compatibility-mode)--compatibility-mode[the compatibility mode for the tls server (default: modern)]:compatibility-mode:(modern intermediate)" \ "(--skip-validation)--skip-validation[skips validation of spec prior to generation]" && return 0 } __generate_spec() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '(-b,--base-path)'{-b,--base-path}"[the base path to use (default: .)]:base-path" \ '(-m,--scan-models)'{-m,--scan-models}"[includes models that were annotated with 'swagger:model']" \ "(--compact)--compact[when present, doesn't prettify the the json]" \ '(-o,--output)'{-o,--output}"[the file to write to]:output" \ '(-i,--input)'{-i,--input}"[the file to use as input]:input" && return 0 } __generate_support() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '(-f,--spec)'{-f,--spec}"[the spec file to use (default swagger.{json,yml,yaml})]:spec" \ '(-a,--api-package)'{-a,--api-package}"[the package to save the operations (default: operations)]:api-package" \ '(-m,--model-package)'{-m,--model-package}"[the package to save the models (default: models)]:model-package" \ '(-s,--server-package)'{-s,--server-package}"[the package to save the server specific code (default: restapi)]:server-package" \ '(-c,--client-package)'{-c,--client-package}"[the package to save the client specific code (default: client)]:client-package" \ '(-t,--target)'{-t,--target}"[the base directory for generating the files (default: ./)]:target" \ '(-T,--template-dir)'{-T,--template-dir}"[alternative template override directory]:template-dir" \ '(-C,--config-file)'{-C,--config-file}"[configuration file to use for overriding template options]:config-file" \ '(-A,--name)'{-A,--name}"[the name of the application, defaults to a mangled value of info.title]:name" \ '(-O,--operation)'{-O,--operation}"[specify an operation to include, repeat for multiple]:operation" \ "(--principal)--principal[the model to use for the security principal]:principal" \ '(-M,--model)'{-M,--model}"[specify a model to include, repeat for multiple]:model" \ "(--dump-data)--dump-data[when present dumps the json for the template generator instead of generating files]" \ "(--default-scheme)--default-scheme[the default scheme for this API (default: http)]:default-scheme" && return 0 } __generate() { local commands commands=( 'client:generate all the files for a client library' 'model:generate one or more models from the swagger spec' 'operation:generate one or more server operations from the swagger spec' 'server:generate all the files for a server application' 'spec:generate a swagger spec document from a go application' 'support:generate supporting files like the main function and the api builder' ) _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '*:: :->subcmds' && return 0 if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _describe -t commands "swagger generate subcommand" commands return fi case "$words[1]" in client) __generate_client ;; model) __generate_model ;; operation) __generate_operation ;; server) __generate_server ;; spec) __generate_spec ;; support) __generate_support ;; esac } __init_spec() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ "(--format)--format[the format for the spec document (default: yaml)]:format:(yaml json)" \ "(--title)--title[the title of the API]:title" \ "(--description)--description[the description of the API]:description" \ "(--version)--version[the version of the API (default: 0.1.0)]:version" \ "(--terms)--terms[the terms of services]:terms" \ "(--consumes)--consumes[add a content type to the global consumes definitions, can repeat (default: application/json)]:consumes" \ "(--produces)--produces[add a content type to the global produces definitions, can repeat (default: application/json)]:produces" \ "(--scheme)--scheme[add a scheme to the global schemes definition, can repeat (default: http)]:scheme" \ "(--contact.name)--contact.name[name of the primary contact for the API]:contact.name" \ "(--contact.url)--contact.url[url of the primary contact for the API]:contact.url" \ "(--contact.email)--contact.email[email of the primary contact for the API]:contact.email" \ "(--license.name)--license.name[name of the license for the API]:license.name" \ "(--license.url)--license.url[url of the license for the API]:license.url" && return 0 } __init() { local commands commands=( 'spec:' ) _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '*:: :->subcmds' && return 0 if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _describe -t commands "swagger spec subcommand" commands return fi case "$words[1]" in spec) __init_spec ;; esac } __serve() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ "(--base-path)--base-path[the base path to serve the spec and UI at]:base-path" \ '(-F,--flavor)'{-F,--flavor}"[the flavor of docs, can be swagger or redoc (default: redoc)]:flavor:(redoc swagger)" \ "(--doc-url)--doc-url[override the url which takes a url query param to render the doc ui]:doc-url" \ "(--no-open)--no-open[when present won't open the the browser to show the url]" \ "(--no-ui)--no-ui[when present, only the swagger spec will be served]" \ '(-p,--port)'{-p,--port}'[the port to serve this site (default:$PORT)]:port' \ '(--host)--host[the interface to serve this site, defaults to (default:$HOST)]:host' && return 0 } __validate() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' && return 0 } __version() { _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' && return 0 } # swagger tool _swagger_complete() { local commands commands=( 'expand:expand $ref fields in a swagger spec' 'flatten:flattens a swagger document' 'generate:generate go code' 'init:initialize a spec document' 'serve:serve spec and docs' 'validate:validate the swagger document' 'version:print the version' ) _arguments \ '(-h,--help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help message]' \ '*:: :->subcmds' && return 0 if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _describe -t commands "swagger subcommand" commands return fi case "$words[1]" in expand) __expand ;; flatten) __flatten ;; generate) __generate ;; init) __init ;; serve) __serve ;; validate) __validate ;; version) __version ;; esac } compdef _swagger_complete swagger