#!/bin/sh _emacsfun() { # get list of emacs frames. frameslist=`emacsclient --alternate-editor '' --eval '(frame-list)' 2>/dev/null | egrep -o '(frame)+'` if [ "$(echo "$frameslist" | sed -n '$=')" -ge 1 ] ;then # prevent creating another X frame if there is at least one present. emacsclient --alternate-editor "" "$@" else # Create one if there is no X window yet. emacsclient --alternate-editor "" --create-frame "$@" fi } # adopted from https://github.com/davidshepherd7/emacs-read-stdin/blob/master/emacs-read-stdin.sh # If the second argument is - then write stdin to a tempfile and open the # tempfile. (first argument will be `--no-wait` passed in by the plugin.zsh) if [ "$#" -ge "2" -a "$2" = "-" ] then tempfile="$(mktemp emacs-stdin-$USER.XXXXXXX --tmpdir)" cat - > "$tempfile" _emacsfun --no-wait $tempfile else _emacsfun "$@" fi