#!/bin/zsh -f emulate -L zsh local EXIT=return if [[ $(whence -w $0) == *:' 'command ]]; then emulate -R zsh local RUNNING_AS_COMMAND=1 EXIT=exit fi local DOC='scd -- smart change to a recently used directory usage: scd [options] [pattern1 pattern2 ...] Go to a directory path that contains all fixed string patterns. Prefer recent or frequently visited directories as found in the directory index. Display a selection menu in case of multiple matches. Options: -a, --add add specified directories to the directory index. --unindex remove current or specified directories from the index. -r, --recursive apply options --add or --unindex recursively. --alias=ALIAS create alias for the current or specified directory and store it in ~/.scdalias.zsh. --unalias remove ALIAS definition for the current or specified directory from ~/.scdalias.zsh. -A, --all include all matching directories. Disregard matching by directory alias and filtering of less likely paths. --list show matching directories and exit. -v, --verbose display directory rank in the selection menu. -h, --help display this message and exit. ' local SCD_HISTFILE=${SCD_HISTFILE:-${HOME}/.scdhistory} local SCD_HISTSIZE=${SCD_HISTSIZE:-5000} local SCD_MENUSIZE=${SCD_MENUSIZE:-20} local SCD_MEANLIFE=${SCD_MEANLIFE:-86400} local SCD_THRESHOLD=${SCD_THRESHOLD:-0.005} local SCD_SCRIPT=${RUNNING_AS_COMMAND:+$SCD_SCRIPT} local SCD_ALIAS=~/.scdalias.zsh local ICASE a d m p i maxrank threshold local opt_help opt_add opt_unindex opt_recursive opt_verbose local opt_alias opt_unalias opt_all opt_list local -A drank dalias local dmatching local last_directory setopt extendedhistory extendedglob noautonamedirs brace_ccl # If SCD_SCRIPT is defined make sure the file exists and is empty. # This removes any previous old commands. [[ -n "$SCD_SCRIPT" ]] && [[ -s $SCD_SCRIPT || ! -f $SCD_SCRIPT ]] && ( umask 077 : >| $SCD_SCRIPT ) # process command line options zmodload -i zsh/zutil zmodload -i zsh/datetime zparseopts -D -- a=opt_add -add=opt_add -unindex=opt_unindex \ r=opt_recursive -recursive=opt_recursive \ -alias:=opt_alias -unalias=opt_unalias \ A=opt_all -all=opt_all -list=opt_list \ v=opt_verbose -verbose=opt_verbose h=opt_help -help=opt_help \ || $EXIT $? if [[ -n $opt_help ]]; then print $DOC $EXIT fi # load directory aliases if they exist [[ -r $SCD_ALIAS ]] && source $SCD_ALIAS # Private internal functions are prefixed with _scd_Y19oug_. # Clean them up when the scd function returns. setopt localtraps trap 'unfunction -m "_scd_Y19oug_*"' EXIT # works faster than the (:a) modifier and is compatible with zsh 4.2.6 _scd_Y19oug_abspath() { set -A $1 ${(ps:\0:)"$( unfunction -m "*"; shift for d; do cd $d && print -Nr -- $PWD && cd $OLDPWD done )"} } # define directory alias if [[ -n $opt_alias ]]; then if [[ -n $1 && ! -d $1 ]]; then print -u2 "'$1' is not a directory." $EXIT 1 fi a=${opt_alias[-1]#=} _scd_Y19oug_abspath d ${1:-$PWD} # alias in the current shell, update alias file if successful hash -d -- $a=$d && ( umask 077 hash -dr [[ -r $SCD_ALIAS ]] && source $SCD_ALIAS hash -d -- $a=$d hash -dL >| $SCD_ALIAS ) $EXIT $? fi # undefine directory alias if [[ -n $opt_unalias ]]; then if [[ -n $1 && ! -d $1 ]]; then print -u2 "'$1' is not a directory." $EXIT 1 fi _scd_Y19oug_abspath a ${1:-$PWD} a=$(print -rD ${a}) if [[ $a != [~][^/]## ]]; then $EXIT fi a=${a#[~]} # unalias in the current shell, update alias file if successful if unhash -d -- $a 2>/dev/null && [[ -r $SCD_ALIAS ]]; then ( umask 077 hash -dr source $SCD_ALIAS unhash -d -- $a 2>/dev/null && hash -dL >| $SCD_ALIAS ) fi $EXIT $? fi # The "compress" function collapses repeated directories to # one entry with a time stamp that gives equivalent-probability. _scd_Y19oug_compress() { awk -v epochseconds=$EPOCHSECONDS -v meanlife=$SCD_MEANLIFE ' BEGIN { FS = "[:;]"; } length($0) < 4096 && $2 > 0 { tau = 1.0 * ($2 - epochseconds) / meanlife; if (tau < -6.9078) tau = -6.9078; prob = exp(tau); sub(/^[^;]*;/, ""); if (NF) { dlist[last[$0]] = ""; dlist[NR] = $0; last[$0] = NR; ptot[$0] += prob; } } END { for (i = 1; i <= NR; ++i) { d = dlist[i]; if (d) { ts = log(ptot[d]) * meanlife + epochseconds; printf(": %.0f:0;%s\n", ts, d); } } } ' $* } # Rewrite directory index if it is at least 20% oversized if [[ -s $SCD_HISTFILE ]] && \ (( $(wc -l <$SCD_HISTFILE) > 1.2 * $SCD_HISTSIZE )); then # compress repeated entries m=( ${(f)"$(_scd_Y19oug_compress $SCD_HISTFILE)"} ) # purge non-existent directories m=( ${(f)"$( for a in $m; do if [[ -d ${a#*;} ]]; then print -r -- $a; fi done )"} ) # cut old entries if still oversized if [[ $#m -gt $SCD_HISTSIZE ]]; then m=( ${m[-$SCD_HISTSIZE,-1]} ) fi print -lr -- $m >| ${SCD_HISTFILE} fi # Determine the last recorded directory if [[ -s ${SCD_HISTFILE} ]]; then last_directory=${"$(tail -1 ${SCD_HISTFILE})"#*;} fi # The "record" function adds its arguments to the directory index. _scd_Y19oug_record() { while [[ -n $last_directory && $1 == $last_directory ]]; do shift done if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then ( umask 077 p=": ${EPOCHSECONDS}:0;" print -lr -- ${p}${^*} >>| $SCD_HISTFILE ) fi } if [[ -n $opt_add ]]; then for d; do if [[ ! -d $d ]]; then print -u2 "Directory '$d' does not exist." $EXIT 2 fi done _scd_Y19oug_abspath m ${*:-$PWD} _scd_Y19oug_record $m if [[ -n $opt_recursive ]]; then for d in $m; do print -n "scanning ${d} ... " _scd_Y19oug_record ${d}/**/*(-/N) print "[done]" done fi $EXIT fi # take care of removing entries from the directory index if [[ -n $opt_unindex ]]; then if [[ ! -s $SCD_HISTFILE ]]; then $EXIT fi # expand existing directories in the argument list for i in {1..$#}; do if [[ -d ${argv[i]} ]]; then _scd_Y19oug_abspath d ${argv[i]} argv[i]=${d} fi done m="$(awk -v recursive=${opt_recursive} ' BEGIN { for (i = 2; i < ARGC; ++i) { argset[ARGV[i]] = 1; delete ARGV[i]; } } 1 { d = $0; sub(/^[^;]*;/, "", d); if (d in argset) next; } recursive { for (a in argset) { if (substr(d, 1, length(a) + 1) == a"/") next; } } { print $0 } ' $SCD_HISTFILE ${*:-$PWD} )" || $EXIT $? : >| ${SCD_HISTFILE} [[ ${#m} == 0 ]] || print -r -- $m >> ${SCD_HISTFILE} $EXIT fi # The "action" function is called when there is just one target directory. _scd_Y19oug_action() { cd $1 || return $? if [[ -z $SCD_SCRIPT && -n $RUNNING_AS_COMMAND ]]; then print -u2 "Warning: running as command with SCD_SCRIPT undefined." fi if [[ -n $SCD_SCRIPT ]]; then print -r "cd ${(q)1}" >| $SCD_SCRIPT fi } # Match and rank patterns to the index file # set global arrays dmatching and drank _scd_Y19oug_match() { ## single argument that is an existing directory or directory alias if [[ -z $opt_all && $# == 1 ]] && \ [[ -d ${d::=$1} || -d ${d::=${nameddirs[$1]}} ]] && [[ -x $d ]]; then _scd_Y19oug_abspath dmatching $d drank[${dmatching[1]}]=1 return fi # ignore case unless there is an argument with an uppercase letter [[ "$*" == *[[:upper:]]* ]] || ICASE='(#i)' # support "$" as an anchor for the directory name ending argv=( ${argv/(#m)?[$](#e)/${MATCH[1]}(#e)} ) # calculate rank of all directories in the SCD_HISTFILE and keep it as drank # include a dummy entry for splitting of an empty string is buggy [[ -s $SCD_HISTFILE ]] && drank=( ${(f)"$( print -l /dev/null -10 <$SCD_HISTFILE \ awk -v epochseconds=$EPOCHSECONDS -v meanlife=$SCD_MEANLIFE ' BEGIN { FS = "[:;]"; } length($0) < 4096 && $2 > 0 { tau = 1.0 * ($2 - epochseconds) / meanlife; if (tau < -6.9078) tau = -6.9078; prob = exp(tau); sub(/^[^;]*;/, ""); if (NF) ptot[$0] += prob; } END { for (di in ptot) { print di; print ptot[di]; } }' )"} ) unset "drank[/dev/null]" # filter drank to the entries that match all arguments for a; do p=${ICASE}"*(${a})*" drank=( ${(kv)drank[(I)${~p}]} ) done # require at least one argument matches the directory name p=${ICASE}"*(${(j:|:)argv})[^/]#" drank=( ${(kv)drank[(I)${~p}]} ) # build a list of matching directories reverse-sorted by their probabilities dmatching=( ${(f)"$( for d p in ${(kv)drank}; do print -r -- "$p $d"; done | sort -grk1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2- )"} ) # do not match $HOME or $PWD when run without arguments if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then dmatching=( ${dmatching:#(${HOME}|${PWD})} ) fi # keep at most SCD_MENUSIZE of matching and valid directories m=( ) for d in $dmatching; do [[ ${#m} == $SCD_MENUSIZE ]] && break [[ -d $d && -x $d ]] && m+=$d done dmatching=( $m ) # find the maximum rank maxrank=0.0 for d in $dmatching; do [[ ${drank[$d]} -lt maxrank ]] || maxrank=${drank[$d]} done # discard all directories below the rank threshold threshold=$(( maxrank * SCD_THRESHOLD )) if [[ -n ${opt_all} ]]; then threshold=0 fi dmatching=( ${^dmatching}(Ne:'(( ${drank[$REPLY]} >= threshold ))':) ) } _scd_Y19oug_match $* ## process whatever directories that remained if [[ ${#dmatching} == 0 ]]; then print -u2 "No matching directory." $EXIT 1 fi ## build formatted directory aliases for selection menu or list display for d in $dmatching; do if [[ -n ${opt_verbose} ]]; then dalias[$d]=$(printf "%.3g %s" ${drank[$d]} $d) else dalias[$d]=$(print -Dr -- $d) fi done ## process the --list option if [[ -n $opt_list ]]; then for d in $dmatching; do print -r -- "# ${dalias[$d]}" print -r -- $d done $EXIT fi ## process single directory match if [[ ${#dmatching} == 1 ]]; then _scd_Y19oug_action $dmatching $EXIT $? fi ## here we have multiple matches - display selection menu a=( {a-z} {A-Z} ) a=( ${a[1,${#dmatching}]} ) p=( ) for i in {1..${#dmatching}}; do [[ -n ${a[i]} ]] || break p+="${a[i]}) ${dalias[${dmatching[i]}]}" done print -c -r -- $p if read -s -k 1 d && [[ ${i::=${a[(I)$d]}} -gt 0 ]]; then _scd_Y19oug_action ${dmatching[i]} $EXIT $? fi