#compdef docker-compose # Description # ----------- # zsh completion for docker-compose # https://github.com/sdurrheimer/docker-compose-zsh-completion # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Version # ------- # 0.1.0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Authors # ------- # * Steve Durrheimer <s.durrheimer@gmail.com> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Inspiration # ----------- # * @albers docker-compose bash completion script # * @felixr docker zsh completion script : https://github.com/felixr/docker-zsh-completion # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For compatibility reasons, Compose and therefore its completion supports several # stack compositon files as listed here, in descending priority. # Support for these filenames might be dropped in some future version. __docker-compose_compose_file() { local file for file in docker-compose.y{,a}ml fig.y{,a}ml ; do [ -e $file ] && { echo $file return } done echo docker-compose.yml } # Extracts all service names from docker-compose.yml. ___docker-compose_all_services_in_compose_file() { local already_selected local -a services already_selected=$(echo ${words[@]} | tr " " "|") awk -F: '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/{print $1}' "${compose_file:-$(__docker-compose_compose_file)}" 2>/dev/null | grep -Ev "$already_selected" } # All services, even those without an existing container __docker-compose_services_all() { services=$(___docker-compose_all_services_in_compose_file) _alternative "args:services:($services)" } # All services that have an entry with the given key in their docker-compose.yml section ___docker-compose_services_with_key() { local already_selected local -a buildable already_selected=$(echo ${words[@]} | tr " " "|") # flatten sections to one line, then filter lines containing the key and return section name. awk '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/{printf "\n"};{printf $0;next;}' "${compose_file:-$(__docker-compose_compose_file)}" 2>/dev/null | awk -F: -v key=": +$1:" '$0 ~ key {print $1}' 2>/dev/null | grep -Ev "$already_selected" } # All services that are defined by a Dockerfile reference __docker-compose_services_from_build() { buildable=$(___docker-compose_services_with_key build) _alternative "args:buildable services:($buildable)" } # All services that are defined by an image __docker-compose_services_from_image() { pullable=$(___docker-compose_services_with_key image) _alternative "args:pullable services:($pullable)" } __docker-compose_get_services() { local kind expl declare -a running stopped lines args services docker_status=$(docker ps > /dev/null 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then _message "Error! Docker is not running." return 1 fi kind=$1 shift [[ $kind = (stopped|all) ]] && args=($args -a) lines=(${(f)"$(_call_program commands docker ps ${args})"}) services=(${(f)"$(_call_program commands docker-compose 2>/dev/null ${compose_file:+-f $compose_file} ${compose_project:+-p $compose_project} ps -q)"}) # Parse header line to find columns local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]} declare -A begin end while (( $j < ${#header} - 1 )) { i=$(( $j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1)) j=$(( $i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1)) k=$(( $j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2)) begin[${header[$i,$(($j-1))]}]=$i end[${header[$i,$(($j-1))]}]=$k } lines=(${lines[2,-1]}) # Container ID local line s name local -a names for line in $lines; do if [[ $services == *"${line[${begin[CONTAINER ID]},${end[CONTAINER ID]}]%% ##}"* ]]; then names=(${(ps:,:)${${line[${begin[NAMES]},-1]}%% *}}) for name in $names; do s="${${name%_*}#*_}:${(l:15:: :::)${${line[${begin[CREATED]},${end[CREATED]}]/ ago/}%% ##}}" s="$s, ${line[${begin[CONTAINER ID]},${end[CONTAINER ID]}]%% ##}" s="$s, ${${${line[$begin[IMAGE],$end[IMAGE]]}/:/\\:}%% ##}" if [[ ${line[${begin[STATUS]},${end[STATUS]}]} = Exit* ]]; then stopped=($stopped $s) else running=($running $s) fi done fi done [[ $kind = (running|all) ]] && _describe -t services-running "running services" running [[ $kind = (stopped|all) ]] && _describe -t services-stopped "stopped services" stopped } __docker-compose_stoppedservices() { __docker-compose_get_services stopped "$@" } __docker-compose_runningservices() { __docker-compose_get_services running "$@" } __docker-compose_services () { __docker-compose_get_services all "$@" } __docker-compose_caching_policy() { oldp=( "$1"(Nmh+1) ) # 1 hour (( $#oldp )) } __docker-compose_commands () { local cache_policy zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy cache_policy if [[ -z "$cache_policy" ]]; then zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy __docker-compose_caching_policy fi if ( [[ ${+_docker_compose_subcommands} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid docker_compose_subcommands) \ && ! _retrieve_cache docker_compose_subcommands; then local -a lines lines=(${(f)"$(_call_program commands docker-compose 2>&1)"}) _docker_compose_subcommands=(${${${lines[$((${lines[(i)Commands:]} + 1)),${lines[(I) *]}]}## #}/ ##/:}) _store_cache docker_compose_subcommands _docker_compose_subcommands fi _describe -t docker-compose-commands "docker-compose command" _docker_compose_subcommands } __docker-compose_subcommand () { local -a _command_args integer ret=1 case "$words[1]" in (build) _arguments \ '--no-cache[Do not use cache when building the image]' \ '*:services:__docker-compose_services_from_build' && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments ':subcommand:__docker-compose_commands' && ret=0 ;; (kill) _arguments \ '-s[SIGNAL to send to the container. Default signal is SIGKILL.]:signal:_signals' \ '*:running services:__docker-compose_runningservices' && ret=0 ;; (logs) _arguments \ '--no-color[Produce monochrome output.]' \ '*:services:__docker-compose_services_all' && ret=0 ;; (migrate-to-labels) _arguments \ '(-):Recreate containers to add labels' && ret=0 ;; (port) _arguments \ '--protocol=-[tcp or udap (defaults to tcp)]:protocol:(tcp udp)' \ '--index=-[index of the container if there are mutiple instances of a service (defaults to 1)]:index: ' \ '1:running services:__docker-compose_runningservices' \ '2:port:_ports' && ret=0 ;; (ps) _arguments \ '-q[Only display IDs]' \ '*:services:__docker-compose_services_all' && ret=0 ;; (pull) _arguments \ '--allow-insecure-ssl[Allow insecure connections to the docker registry]' \ '*:services:__docker-compose_services_from_image' && ret=0 ;; (rm) _arguments \ '(-f --force)'{-f,--force}"[Don't ask to confirm removal]" \ '-v[Remove volumes associated with containers]' \ '*:stopped services:__docker-compose_stoppedservices' && ret=0 ;; (run) _arguments \ '--allow-insecure-ssl[Allow insecure connections to the docker registry]' \ '-d[Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container name.]' \ '--entrypoint[Overwrite the entrypoint of the image.]:entry point: ' \ '*-e[KEY=VAL Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)]:environment variable KEY=VAL: ' \ '(-u --user)'{-u,--user=-}'[Run as specified username or uid]:username or uid:_users' \ "--no-deps[Don't start linked services.]" \ '--rm[Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode.]' \ "--service-ports[Run command with the service's ports enabled and mapped to the host.]" \ '-T[Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `docker-compose run` allocates a TTY.]' \ '(-):services:__docker-compose_services' \ '(-):command: _command_names -e' \ '*::arguments: _normal' && ret=0 ;; (scale) _arguments '*:running services:__docker-compose_runningservices' && ret=0 ;; (start) _arguments '*:stopped services:__docker-compose_stoppedservices' && ret=0 ;; (stop|restart) _arguments \ '(-t --timeout)'{-t,--timeout}"[Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)]:seconds: " \ '*:running services:__docker-compose_runningservices' && ret=0 ;; (up) _arguments \ '--allow-insecure-ssl[Allow insecure connections to the docker registry]' \ '-d[Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names.]' \ '--no-color[Produce monochrome output.]' \ "--no-deps[Don't start linked services.]" \ "--no-recreate[If containers already exist, don't recreate them.]" \ "--no-build[Don't build an image, even if it's missing]" \ '(-t --timeout)'{-t,--timeout}"[Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10)]:seconds: " \ "--x-smart-recreate[Only recreate containers whose configuration or image needs to be updated. (EXPERIMENTAL)]" \ '*:services:__docker-compose_services_all' && ret=0 ;; (version) _arguments \ "--short[Shows only Compose's version number.]" && ret=0 ;; (*) _message 'Unknown sub command' esac return ret } _docker-compose () { # Support for subservices, which allows for `compdef _docker docker-shell=_docker_containers`. # Based on /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_git without support for `ret`. if [[ $service != docker-compose ]]; then _call_function - _$service return fi local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1 typeset -A opt_args _arguments -C \ '(- :)'{-h,--help}'[Get help]' \ '--verbose[Show more output]' \ '(- :)'{-v,--version}'[Print version and exit]' \ '(-f --file)'{-f,--file}'[Specify an alternate docker-compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)]:file:_files -g "*.yml"' \ '(-p --project-name)'{-p,--project-name}'[Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)]:project name:' \ '(-): :->command' \ '(-)*:: :->option-or-argument' && ret=0 local counter=1 #local compose_file compose_project while [ $counter -lt ${#words[@]} ]; do case "${words[$counter]}" in -f|--file) (( counter++ )) compose_file="${words[$counter]}" ;; -p|--project-name) (( counter++ )) compose_project="${words[$counter]}" ;; *) ;; esac (( counter++ )) done case $state in (command) __docker-compose_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-compose-$words[1]: __docker-compose_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } _docker-compose "$@"