# # Just some utilities for use in ecm development. # setopt rmstarsilent HOME="/home/carlos" ECM_WS="$HOME/totvs/ws" ECM_JBOSS="$HOME/Public/ecm/JBoss-7.1.1" ECM_PORT="8080" VOLDEMORT=$ECM_WS/voldemort ECM=$ECM_WS/ecm INSTALLER="n" # fuckin aliases alias ecmu=ecmup alias ecmb=ecmbuild alias ecmc=ecmclean alias ecms=ecmstart alias ecmo=ecmstop alias ecm=goecm # update ecm ecmup() { echo "update all the things!" cd $VOLDEMORT && svn up cd $ECM && svn up } # build it! ecmbuild() { vared -p 'build? no problem sir, do you want a installer? (y/N) ' INSTALLER cd $VOLDEMORT && mvncie cd $VOLDEMORT/social-ecm cd $VOLDEMORT/wcm && mvncie cd $ECM/ecm/wecmpackage && mvncie cd $VOLDEMORT/ecm && mvncie if [[ $INSTALLER -eq 'y' ]]; then cd $VOLDEMORT/ecm/installer mvnci -am -Drun=installer -DLinux64=true -DappServer=jboss else cd $VOLDEMORT/ecm/build && mvnci cd $VOLDEMORT/social-ecm/build && mvnci fi } # clean jboss trash folders ecmclean() { echo "cleaning jboss shit" rm -rf $ECM_JBOSS/standalone/{deployments/*,log,tmp} 2> /dev/null } # start jboss server ecmstart() { echo "starting jboss" JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -DzkRun -Dbootstrap_conf=true" $ECM_JBOSS/bin/standalone.sh } # stop jboss (usually on 8080) ecmstop() { echo "kill jboss (or whatever you are running on 8080" fuser -k $ECM_PORT/tcp } # do all the things goecm() { echo "serious business here. let's have a coffee.." ecmstop ecmclean ecmup ecmbuild && ecmstart }