## atom

This plugin makes "at" a useful function for invoking the Atom Editor.

Originally by Github user [aforty](https://github.com/aforty) for OSX, modified to alias 'at' to 'atom' for Linux, since atom already works on the terminal for Linux, and calling 'at' in a non-OSX environment should still work.

### Requirements

 * [Atom](https://atom.io/)

### Usage

 * If `at` command is called without an argument, launch Atom

 * If `at` is passed a directory, open it in Atom

 * If `at` is passed a file, open it in Atom

### Examples

 * Open the current dir in atom: `at .`
 * Open another dir in atom: `at path/to/folder`
 * Open a file: `at filename.extension`