# pypi plugin A plugin which contains quick memorable aliases for the commands available while uploading own packages in [pypi](https://pypi.org/) To access this plugin, add the parameter `pypi` to the plugins array of your zshrc file: ``` plugins=(... pypi) ``` ## Aliases | Alias Command | Original Command | Description | |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `pypi-check` | `pip3 install twine setuptools` | Used to check the required libraries to upload a package in pypi | | `pypi-ltest` | `python3 setup.py sdist && python3 -m pip install dist/*` | Used to install setup.py file to local machine for testing before uploading into pypi. | | `pypi-tupload` | `python3 setup.py sdist && twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*` | Used to upload a python package to testpypi for testing | | `pypi-upload` | `python3 setup.py sdist && twine upload dist/*` | Used to upload a python package to pypi. |