Fixes#4085: core -> plugin dependency issue.
Rename it to git_current_branch for clarity that it's git-specific.
Update all plugins that were calling it to use new name.
Fix variable leaks by making more variables in lib/git.zsh local.
Have lib/git.zsh use [[ ]] instead of [ ] everywhere.
When the current path is /home/user/.config/doublecmd the prompt
now reads "/h/u/.c/doublecmd", not "/h/u/./doublecmd" as was the
case. This matches what the Fish shell does.
Enclose the Perl snippet in single quotes instead of double quotes.
Switch to normal zsh %F/%f prompt escapes to avoid "eval" and extra variables.
Wrap whole thing in anonymous function so the existing `local`
statements actually work. Then switch '...' to eager "..." so
stuff actually works with local variables. And local-ize the
remaining variables that are used only in prompt construction.
- When the previous command's return status is non-zero and the prompt
is redrawn, graphical errors sometimes arise due to the fg{red} not
being escaped.
On detached-refs, the git prompt is very slow because it uses a command
to output all refs, which takes 32s on the twitter internal git repo.
Use git-rev-parse instead of git-show-ref to only output the head ref.
Runtime drops to 0.03 seconds.
Interestingly, git-rev-parse isn't slow without the --head arguement so
I'll probably be cooking up a patch for the git team to speed this up
eventually, but it's still pointless to sigpipe git as it walks the
steeef theme sets colors depending on $TERM, however if %F is
used, it must be closed by %f instead of %{$reset_color%}.
Further on, all %f directives have been replaced by %F and color
support of current TERM is checked more properly.
Removed references for official git __git_ps1() functions.
Change to use omz function git_prompt* functions like:
- git_prompt_info() -> branch name
- git_prompt_status() -> check if untracked, modified, added,
stashed file are in the current git repo
- git_remote_status() -> check if current repo is ahead, behind,
or diverged.
These functions returns string automatically added to your PS1;
these are customizable via exporting ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT*