| dbl | `docker build` | Build an image from a Dockerfile |
| dcin | `docker container inspect` | Display detailed information on one or more containers |
| dcls | `docker container ls` | List all the running docker containers |
| dclsa | `docker container ls -a` | List all running and stopped containers |
| dib | `docker image build` | Build an image from a Dockerfile (same as docker build) |
| dii | `docker image inspect` | Display detailed information on one or more images |
| dils | `docker image ls` | List docker images |
| dipu | `docker image push` | Push an image or repository to a remote registry |
| dirm | `docker image rm` | Remove one or more images |
| dit | `docker image tag` | Add a name and tag to a particular image |
| dkil | `docker kill` | Kill one or more running containers |
| dlo | `docker container logs` | Fetch the logs of a docker container |
| dlof | `docker container logs --follow` | Fetch and follow the logs of a docker container |
| dnc | `docker network create` | Create a new network |
| dncn | `docker network connect` | Connect a container to a network |
| dndcn | `docker network disconnect` | Disconnect a container from a network |
| dni | `docker network inspect` | Return information about one or more networks |
| dnls | `docker network ls` | List all networks the engine daemon knows about, including those spanning multiple hosts |
| dnrm | `docker network rm` | Remove one or more networks |
| dpo | `docker container port` | List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container |
| dpu | `docker pull` | Pull an image or a repository from a registry |
| dpsh | `docker push` | Upload an image to a registry |
| dritrm | `docker container run --rm -it` | Create a new container, start it in an interactive shell and automatically remove it |
| dr | `docker container run` | Create a new container and start it using the specified command |
| drit | `docker container run -it` | Create a new container and start it in an interactive shell |
| dritbash | `docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash` | Create a new container and start it in an interactive mode with Bash |
| dritp | `docker container run -it -v $PWD:/pwd -w /pwd` | Create a new container and start it in an interactive mode, mounting current directory as `/pwd` |
| dritprm | `docker container run --rm -it -v $PWD:/pwd -w /pwd` | Create a new container and start it in an interactive mode with auto-removal, mounting current directory as `/pwd` |
| dritsh | `docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh` | Create a new container and start it in an interactive mode with shell |
| dritshp | `docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh -v $PWD:/pwd -w /pwd` | Create a new container and start it in an interactive mode with shell, mounting current directory as `/pwd` |