Fini Jastrow cc2b547703 generate-original-source: Remove FFTM table
When the CI triggers a rebuild of the original-source and the font
contents is unchanged we do not want to commit the new version back to
the repo.

But because fontforge puts the creation date into the font file it will
always differ on every run, and we would needlessly create commits.

We could use the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH approach and set the dates to the
relevant change (commit) times like so:

cd src/svgs
export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH="$(git log -1 --format=%ct -- *.svg)"

and only afterwards call the generator script / fontforge.

But that would need a complete git repo checkout and not just a shallow
one (which is faster and thus is used by github action/checkout).

Instead we can instruct fontforge to not put any timestamp into the
file. The timestamps are anyhow a fontforge proprietary extension.

Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
2022-09-20 10:23:05 +02:00

175 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Nerd Fonts Version: 2.2.2
# Script Version: 1.0.0
# Generates original-source.otf from individual glyphs
# Idea & original code taken from
import os
import re
import fontforge
import psMat
# Double-quotes required here, for
version = "2.2.2"
start_codepoint = 0xE4FA
codepoint_shift = 0x0100 # shift introduced by font-patcher
vector_datafile = 'icons.tsv'
vectorsdir = '../../src/svgs'
fontfile = 'original-source.otf'
fontdir = '../../src/glyphs'
glyphsetfile = ''
glyphsetsdir = 'lib'
def hasGaps(data, start_codepoint):
""" Takes a list of integers and checks that it contains no gaps """
for i in range(min(data) + 1, max(data)):
if not i in data:
print("Gap at offset {}".format(i - start_codepoint))
return True
return False
def iconFileLineOk(parts):
""" Check one line for course errors, decide if it shall be skipped """
if parts[0].startswith('#'):
# Comment lines start with '#'
return False
if len(parts) != 2 and len(parts) != 3:
print('Unexpected data on the line "{}"'.format(line.strip()))
return False
if int(parts[0]) < 0:
print('Offset must be positive on line "{}", ignoring'.format(line.strip()))
return False
return True
def addLineToData(data, parts, codepoint):
""" Add one line to the data. Return (success, is_alias) """
ali = False
if codepoint in data:
data[codepoint][0] += [ parts[1] ]
if len(parts) > 2 and data[codepoint][1] != parts[2]:
print('Conflicting filename for {}, ignoring {}'.format(codepoint, parts[2]))
return False, False
ali = True
data[codepoint] = [[parts[1]], parts[2]]
return True, ali
def readIconFile(filename, start_codepoint):
""" Read the database with codepoints, names and files """
# First line of the file is the header, it is ignored
# All other lines are one line for one glyph
# Elements in each line are tab separated (any amount consecutive of tabs)
# First element is the offset, 2nd is name, 3rd is filename
# For aliases the 3rd can be ommited on an additional line
data = {}
num = 0
ali = 0
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
parts = re.split('\t+', line.strip())
if not iconFileLineOk(parts):
offset = int(parts[0])
codepoint = start_codepoint + offset
if'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', parts[1]):
print('Invalid characters in name: "{}" replaced by "_"'.format(parts[1]))
parts[1] = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', parts[1])
added = addLineToData(data, parts, codepoint)
if not added[0]:
num += 1
if added[1]:
ali += 1
print('Read glyph data successfully with {} entries ({} aliases)'.format(num, ali))
return (data, num, ali)
def widthFromBB(bb):
""" Calculate glyph width from BoundingBox data """
return bb[2] - bb[0]
def heightFromBB(bb):
""" Calculate glyph height from BoundingBox data """
return bb[3] - bb[1]
def calcShift(left1, width1, left2, width2):
""" Calculate shift needed to center '2' in '1' """
return width1 / 2 + left1 - width2 / 2 - left2
def addIcon(codepoint, name, filename):
""" Add one outline file and rescale/move """
dBB = [120, 0, 1000-120, 900] # just some nice sizes
filename = os.path.join(vectorsdir, filename)
glyph = font.createChar(codepoint, name)
gBB = glyph.boundingBox()
scale_x = widthFromBB(dBB) / widthFromBB(gBB)
scale_y = heightFromBB(dBB) / heightFromBB(gBB)
scale = scale_y if scale_y < scale_x else scale_x
glyph.transform(psMat.scale(scale, scale))
gBB = glyph.boundingBox() # re-get after scaling (rounding errors)
calcShift(dBB[0], widthFromBB(dBB), gBB[0], widthFromBB(gBB)),
calcShift(dBB[1], heightFromBB(dBB), gBB[1], heightFromBB(gBB))))
glyph.width = int(dBB[2] + dBB[0])
glyph.manualHints = True
def createGlyphInfo(icon_datasets, filepathname, into):
""" Write the glyphinfo file """
with open(filepathname, 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f:
f.write(u'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n')
f.write(u'# Script Version: (autogenerated)\n')
f.write(u'test -n "$__i_seti_loaded" && return || __i_seti_loaded=1\n')
for codepoint, data in icon_datasets.items():
f.write(u"i='{}' {}=$i\n".format(chr(codepoint),data[0][0]))
for alias in data[0][1:]:
f.write(u" {}=${}\n".format(alias, data[0][0]))
f.write(u'unset i\n')
### Lets go
print('\n[Nerd Fonts] Glyph collection font generator {}\n'.format(version))
font = fontforge.font()
font.fontname = 'NerdFontFileTypes-Regular'
font.fullname = 'Nerd Font File Types Regular'
font.familyname = 'Nerd Font File Types'
font.em = 1024
font.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
# Add valid space glyph to avoid "unknown character" box on IE11
glyph = font.createChar(32)
glyph.width = 200
font.sfntRevision = None # Auto-set (refreshed) by fontforge
font.version = version
font.copyright = 'Nerd Fonts'
font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Version', version)
font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Vendor URL', '')
font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Copyright', 'Nerd Fonts')
icon_datasets, _, num_aliases = readIconFile(os.path.join(vectorsdir, vector_datafile), start_codepoint)
gaps = ' (with gaps)' if hasGaps(icon_datasets.keys(), start_codepoint) else ''
for codepoint, data in icon_datasets.items():
addIcon(codepoint, data[0][0], data[1])
num_icons = len(icon_datasets)
print('Generating {} with {} glyphs'.format(fontfile, num_icons))
font.generate(os.path.join(fontdir, fontfile), flags=("no-FFTM-table",))
# We create the font, but ... patch it in on other codepoints :-}
icon_datasets = { code + codepoint_shift : data for (code, data) in icon_datasets.items() }
intro = u'# Seti-UI + Custom ({} icons, {} aliases)\n'.format(num_icons, num_aliases)
intro += u'# Codepoints: {:X}-{:X}{}\n'.format(min(icon_datasets.keys()), max(icon_datasets.keys()), gaps)
intro += u'# Nerd Fonts Version: {}\n'.format(version)
print('Generating GlyphInfo {}'.format(glyphsetfile))
createGlyphInfo(icon_datasets, os.path.join(glyphsetsdir, glyphsetfile), intro)