#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Nerd Fonts Version: 3.0.0 # Script Version: 1.0.1 # Generates original-source.otf from individual glyphs # # Idea & original code taken from # https://github.com/lukas-w/font-logos/blob/v1.0.1/scripts/generate-font.py import os import re import fontforge import psMat # Double-quotes required here, for version-bump.sh: version = "3.0.0" start_codepoint = 0xE4FA # with shift this is 0xE5FA end_codepoint = 0xE5FF # Next set starts at 0xE700 - 0x0100 shift = 0xE600 codepoint_shift = 0x0100 # shift introduced by font-patcher vector_datafile = 'icons.tsv' vectorsdir = '../../src/svgs' fontfile = 'original-source.otf' fontdir = '../../src/glyphs' glyphsetfile = 'i_seti.sh' glyphsetsdir = 'lib' def hasGaps(data, start_codepoint): """ Takes a list of integers and checks that it contains no gaps """ for i in range(min(data) + 1, max(data)): if not i in data: print('Gap at offset {}'.format(i - start_codepoint)) return True return False def iconFileLineOk(parts): """ Check one line for course errors, decide if it shall be skipped """ if parts[0].startswith('#'): # Comment lines start with '#' return False if len(parts) != 2 and len(parts) != 3: print('Unexpected data on the line "{}"'.format(line.strip())) return False if int(parts[0]) < 0: print('Offset must be positive on line "{}", ignoring'.format(line.strip())) return False return True def addLineToData(data, parts, codepoint): """ Add one line to the data. Return (success, is_alias) """ ali = False if codepoint in data: data[codepoint][0] += [ parts[1] ] if len(parts) > 2 and data[codepoint][1] != parts[2]: print('Conflicting filename for {}, ignoring {}'.format(codepoint, parts[2])) return False, False ali = True else: data[codepoint] = [[parts[1]], parts[2]] return True, ali def readIconFile(filename, start_codepoint): """ Read the database with codepoints, names and files """ # First line of the file is the header, it is ignored # All other lines are one line for one glyph # Elements in each line are tab separated (any amount consecutive of tabs) # First element is the offset, 2nd is name, 3rd is filename # For aliases the 3rd can be ommited on an additional line data = {} num = 0 ali = 0 with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): parts = re.split('\t+', line.strip()) if not iconFileLineOk(parts): continue offset = int(parts[0]) codepoint = start_codepoint + offset if re.search('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', parts[1]): print('Invalid characters in name: "{}" replaced by "_"'.format(parts[1])) parts[1] = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', parts[1]) added = addLineToData(data, parts, codepoint) if not added[0]: continue num += 1 if added[1]: ali += 1 print('Read glyph data successfully with {} entries ({} aliases)'.format(num, ali)) return (data, num, ali) def widthFromBB(bb): """ Calculate glyph width from BoundingBox data """ return bb[2] - bb[0] def heightFromBB(bb): """ Calculate glyph height from BoundingBox data """ return bb[3] - bb[1] def calcShift(left1, width1, left2, width2): """ Calculate shift needed to center '2' in '1' """ return width1 / 2 + left1 - width2 / 2 - left2 def addIcon(codepoint, name, filename): """ Add one outline file and rescale/move """ dBB = [53, 0, 1000 - 53, 900] # just some nice sizes filename = os.path.join(vectorsdir, filename) glyph = font.createChar(codepoint, name) glyph.importOutlines(filename) gBB = glyph.boundingBox() scale_x = widthFromBB(dBB) / widthFromBB(gBB) scale_y = heightFromBB(dBB) / heightFromBB(gBB) scale = scale_y if scale_y < scale_x else scale_x glyph.transform(psMat.scale(scale, scale)) gBB = glyph.boundingBox() # re-get after scaling (rounding errors) glyph.transform(psMat.translate( calcShift(dBB[0], widthFromBB(dBB), gBB[0], widthFromBB(gBB)), calcShift(dBB[1], heightFromBB(dBB), gBB[1], heightFromBB(gBB)))) glyph.width = int(dBB[2] + dBB[0]) glyph.manualHints = True def createGlyphInfo(icon_datasets, filepathname, into): """ Write the glyphinfo file """ with open(filepathname, 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f: f.write(u'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n') f.write(intro) f.write(u'# Script Version: (autogenerated)\n') f.write(u'test -n "$__i_seti_loaded" && return || __i_seti_loaded=1\n') for codepoint, data in icon_datasets.items(): f.write(u"i='{}' {}=$i\n".format(chr(codepoint),data[0][0])) for alias in data[0][1:]: f.write(u" {}=${}\n".format(alias, data[0][0])) f.write(u'unset i\n') ### Lets go print('\n[Nerd Fonts] Glyph collection font generator {}\n'.format(version)) font = fontforge.font() font.fontname = 'NerdFontFileTypes-Regular' font.fullname = 'Nerd Font File Types Regular' font.familyname = 'Nerd Font File Types' font.em = 1024 font.encoding = 'UnicodeFull' # Add valid space glyph to avoid "unknown character" box on IE11 glyph = font.createChar(32) glyph.width = 200 font.sfntRevision = None # Auto-set (refreshed) by fontforge font.version = version font.copyright = 'Nerd Fonts' font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Version', version) font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Vendor URL', 'https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts') font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Copyright', 'Nerd Fonts') icon_datasets, _, num_aliases = readIconFile(os.path.join(vectorsdir, vector_datafile), start_codepoint) gaps = ' (with gaps)' if hasGaps(icon_datasets.keys(), start_codepoint) else '' for codepoint, data in icon_datasets.items(): if codepoint not in range(start_codepoint, end_codepoint + 1): print('FATAL: We are leaving the allocated codepoint range with "{}", bailing out'.format(data[0][0])) exit(1) addIcon(codepoint, data[0][0], data[1]) num_icons = len(icon_datasets) print('Generating {} with {} glyphs'.format(fontfile, num_icons)) font.generate(os.path.join(fontdir, fontfile), flags=("no-FFTM-table",)) # We create the font, but ... patch it in on other codepoints :-} icon_datasets = { code + codepoint_shift : data for (code, data) in icon_datasets.items() } intro = u'# Seti-UI + Custom ({} icons, {} aliases)\n'.format(num_icons, num_aliases) intro += u'# Codepoints: {:X}-{:X}{}\n'.format(min(icon_datasets.keys()), max(icon_datasets.keys()), gaps) intro += u'# Nerd Fonts Version: {}\n'.format(version) print('Generating GlyphInfo {}'.format(glyphsetfile)) createGlyphInfo(icon_datasets, os.path.join(glyphsetsdir, glyphsetfile), intro) print('Finished')