#!/usr/bin/env bash # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # autohint.sh # Copyright 2016 Christopher Simpkins # MIT license # Modified by Ryan L McIntyre # for Nerd Fonts (https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts) # Nerd Fonts Version: 2.3.3 # Script Version: 1.1.1 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # DESCRIPTION # Applies hints to the Hack ttf font builds with ttfautohint # Executable: ttfautohint (http://www.freetype.org/ttfautohint/doc/ttfautohint.html) fontfile=$1 echo "[Nerd Fonts] Autohinting Hack '$fontfile'" command -v ttfautohint >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "[Nerd Fonts] 'ttfautohint' is required (not installed). Aborting." >&2; exit 1; } nerdfonts_hack_scripts_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" # ttfautohint - Input and output file names must not be identical cp "$fontfile" "${fontfile}.tmp" if [[ "$fontfile" == *"Regular"* ]] then echo "[Nerd Fonts] Hinting Hack Regular" ttfautohint -l 6 -r 50 -x 10 -H 181 -D latn -f latn -w G -W -t -X "" -I -m "${nerdfonts_hack_scripts_dir}/Hack-Regular-TA.txt" "${fontfile}.tmp" "$fontfile" elif [[ "$fontfile" == *"Bold"* ]] then echo "[Nerd Fonts] Hinting Hack Bold" ttfautohint -l 6 -r 50 -x 10 -H 260 -D latn -f latn -w G -W -t -X "" -I -m "${nerdfonts_hack_scripts_dir}/Hack-Bold-TA.txt" "${fontfile}.tmp" "$fontfile" elif [[ "$fontfile" == *"Italic"* ]] then echo "[Nerd Fonts] Hinting Hack Italic" ttfautohint -l 6 -r 50 -x 10 -H 145 -D latn -f latn -w G -W -t -X "" -I -m "${nerdfonts_hack_scripts_dir}/Hack-Italic-TA.txt" "${fontfile}.tmp" "$fontfile" elif [[ "$fontfile" == *"BoldItalic"* ]] then echo "[Nerd Fonts] Hinting Hack Bold Italic" ttfautohint -l 6 -r 50 -x 10 -H 265 -D latn -f latn -w G -W -t -X "" -I -m "${nerdfonts_hack_scripts_dir}/Hack-BoldItalic-TA.txt" "${fontfile}.tmp" "$fontfile" else echo "[Nerd Fonts] Could not find any Hack fonts to hint..." fi # clean-up rm "${fontfile}.tmp" echo "[Nerd Fonts] Completed Autohinting Hack '$fontfile'" exit 0