#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf8 import re from FontnameTools import FontnameTools class FontnameParser: """Parse a font name and generate all kinds of names""" def __init__(self, fontname, logger): """Parse a fontname and store the results""" self.parse_ok = False self.use_short_families = (False, False, False) # ( camelcase name, short styles, aggressive ) self.keep_regular_in_family = None # None = auto, True, False self.suppress_preferred_if_identical = True self.family_suff = '' self.ps_fontname_suff = '' self.short_family_suff = '' self.name_subst = [] [ self.parse_ok, self._basename, self.weight_token, self.style_token, self.other_token, self._rest ] = FontnameTools.parse_font_name(fontname) self.basename = self._basename self.rest = self._rest self.add_name_substitution_table(FontnameTools.SIL_TABLE) self.rename_oblique = True self.logger = logger def _make_ps_name(self, n, is_family): """Helper to limit font name length in PS names""" fam = 'family ' if is_family else '' limit = 31 if is_family else 63 if len(n) <= limit: return n r = re.search('(.*)(-.*)', n) if not r: new_n = n[:limit] else: q = limit - len(r.groups()[1]) if q < 1: q = 1 self.logger.error('====-< Shortening too long PS {}name: Garbage warning'. format(fam)) new_n = r.groups()[0][:q] + r.groups()[1] if new_n != n: self.logger.error('====-< Shortening too long PS {}name: {} -> {}'.format(fam, n, new_n)) return new_n def _shortened_name(self): """Return a blank free basename-rest combination""" if not self.use_short_families[0]: return (self.basename, self.rest) else: return (FontnameTools.concat(self.basename, self.rest).replace(' ', ''), '') def set_keep_regular_in_family(self, keep): """Familyname may contain 'Regular' where it should normally be suppressed""" self.keep_regular_in_family = keep def set_expect_no_italic(self, noitalic): """Prevents rewriting Oblique as family name part""" # To prevent naming clashes usually Oblique is moved out in the family name # because some fonts have Italic and Oblique, and we want to generate pure # RIBBI families in ID1/2. # But some fonts have Oblique instead of Italic, here the prevential movement # is not needed, or rather contraproductive. This can not be detected on a # font file level but needs to be specified per family from the outside. # Returns true if setting was successful. if 'Italic' in self.style_token: self.rename_oblique = True return not noitalic self.rename_oblique = not noitalic return True def set_suppress_preferred(self, suppress): """Suppress ID16/17 if it is identical to ID1/2 (True is default)""" self.suppress_preferred_if_identical = suppress def inject_suffix(self, family, ps_fontname, short_family): """Add a custom additonal string that shows up in the resulting names""" self.family_suff = family.strip() self.ps_fontname_suff = ps_fontname.replace(' ', '') self.short_family_suff = short_family.strip() return self def enable_short_families(self, camelcase_name, prefix, aggressive): """Enable short styles in Family when (original) font name starts with prefix; enable CamelCase basename in (Typog.) Family""" # camelcase_name is boolean # prefix is either a string or False/True if isinstance(prefix, str): prefix = self._basename.startswith(prefix) self.use_short_families = ( camelcase_name, prefix, aggressive ) return self def add_name_substitution_table(self, table): """Have some fonts renamed, takes list of tuples (regex, replacement)""" # The regex will be anchored to name begin and used case insensitive # Replacement can have regex matches, mind to catch the correct source case self.name_subst = table self.basename = self._basename self.rest = self._rest for regex, replacement in self.name_subst: base_and_rest = self.basename + (' ' + self.rest if len(self.rest) else '') m = re.match(regex, base_and_rest, re.IGNORECASE) if not m: continue i = len(self.basename) - len(m.group(0)) if i < 0: self.basename = m.expand(replacement).rstrip() self.rest = self.rest[-(i+1):].lstrip() else: self.basename = m.expand(replacement) + self.basename[len(m.group(0)):] return self def drop_for_powerline(self): """Remove 'for Powerline' from all names (can not be undone)""" if 'Powerline' in self.other_token: idx = self.other_token.index('Powerline') self.other_token.pop(idx) if idx > 0 and self.other_token[idx - 1] == 'For': self.other_token.pop(idx - 1) self._basename = re.sub(r'(\b|for\s?)?powerline\b', '', self._basename, 1, re.IGNORECASE).strip() self.add_name_substitution_table(self.name_subst) # re-evaluate return self ### Following the creation of the name parts: # # Relevant websites # https://www.fonttutorials.com/how-to-name-font-family/ # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/name#name-ids # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/os2#fss # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/head#macstyle # Example (mind that they group 'semibold' as classic-group-of-4 Bold, while we will always only take bold as Bold): # Adobe Caslon Pro Regular ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro ID2: Regular # Adobe Caslon Pro Italic ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro ID2: Italic # Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro ID2: Bold ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro ID17: Semibold # Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold Italic ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro ID2: Bold Italic ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro ID17: Semibold Italic # Adobe Caslon Pro Bold ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro Bold ID2: Regular ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro ID17: Bold # Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro Bold ID2: Italic ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro ID17: Bold Italic # fontname === preferred_family + preferred_styles # fontname === family + subfamily # # familybase = basename + rest + other (+ suffix) # ID 1/2 just have self.style in the subfamily, all the rest ends up in the family # ID 16/17 have self.style and self.weight in the subfamily, the rest ends up in the family def fullname(self): """Get the SFNT Fullname (ID 4)""" styles = self.style_token weights = self.weight_token if self.keep_regular_in_family == None: keep_regular = FontnameTools.is_keep_regular(self._basename + ' ' + self._rest) else: keep_regular = self.keep_regular_in_family if ('Regular' in styles and (not keep_regular or len(self.weight_token) > 0)): # This is actually a malformed font name styles = list(self.style_token) styles.remove('Regular') # For naming purposes we want Oblique to be part of the styles (weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, styles) (name, rest) = self._shortened_name() if self.use_short_families[1]: [ weights, styles ] = FontnameTools.short_styles([ weights, styles ], self.use_short_families[2]) return FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, self.other_token, self.short_family_suff, weights, styles) def psname(self): """Get the SFNT PostScriptName (ID 6)""" # This is almost self.family() + '-' + self.subfamily() (name, rest) = self._shortened_name() styles = self.style_token weights = self.weight_token if self.use_short_families[1]: styles = FontnameTools.short_styles(styles, self.use_short_families[2]) weights = FontnameTools.short_styles(weights, self.use_short_families[2]) fam = FontnameTools.camel_casify(FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, self.other_token, self.ps_fontname_suff)) sub = FontnameTools.camel_casify(FontnameTools.concat(weights, styles)) if len(sub) > 0: sub = '-' + sub fam = FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(fam) sub = FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(sub) return self._make_ps_name(fam + sub, False) def preferred_family(self): """Get the SFNT Preferred Familyname (ID 16)""" (name, rest) = self._shortened_name() pfn = FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, self.other_token, self.family_suff) if self.suppress_preferred_if_identical and pfn == self.family(): # Do not set if identical to ID 1 return '' return pfn def preferred_styles(self): """Get the SFNT Preferred Styles (ID 17)""" styles = self.style_token weights = self.weight_token # For naming purposes we want Oblique to be part of the styles (weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, styles) pfs = FontnameTools.concat(weights, styles) if self.suppress_preferred_if_identical and pfs == self.subfamily(): # Do not set if identical to ID 2 return '' return pfs def family(self): """Get the SFNT Familyname (ID 1)""" # We use the short form of the styles to save on number of chars (name, rest) = self._shortened_name() other = self.other_token weights = self.weight_token aggressive = self.use_short_families[2] if not self.rename_oblique: (weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, []) if self.use_short_families[1]: [ other, weights ] = FontnameTools.short_styles([ other, weights ], aggressive) weights = [ w if w != 'Oblique' else 'Obl' for w in weights ] return FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, other, self.short_family_suff, weights) def subfamily(self): """Get the SFNT SubFamily (ID 2)""" styles = self.style_token weights = self.weight_token if not self.rename_oblique: (weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, styles) if len(styles) == 0: if 'Oblique' in weights: return FontnameTools.concat(styles, 'Italic') return 'Regular' if 'Oblique' in weights and not 'Italic' in styles: return FontnameTools.concat(styles, 'Italic') return FontnameTools.concat(styles) def ps_familyname(self): """Get the PS Familyname""" fam = self.preferred_family() if len(fam) < 1: fam = self.family() return self._make_ps_name(fam, True) def macstyle(self, style): """Modify a given macStyle value for current name, just bits 0 and 1 touched""" b = style & (~3) b |= 1 if 'Bold' in self.style_token else 0 b |= 2 if 'Italic' in self.style_token else 0 return b def fs_selection(self, fs): """Modify a given fsSelection value for current name, bits 0, 5, 6, 8, 9 touched""" ITALIC = 1 << 0; BOLD = 1 << 5; REGULAR = 1 << 6; WWS = 1 << 8; OBLIQUE = 1 << 9 b = fs & (~(ITALIC | BOLD | REGULAR | WWS | OBLIQUE)) if 'Bold' in self.style_token: b |= BOLD # Ignore Italic if we have Oblique if 'Oblique' in self.weight_token: b |= OBLIQUE if not self.rename_oblique: # If we have no dedicated italic, than oblique = italic b |= ITALIC elif 'Italic' in self.style_token: b |= ITALIC # Regular is just the basic weight if len(self.weight_token) == 0 and not b & (ITALIC | BOLD | OBLIQUE): b |= REGULAR b |= WWS # We assert this by our naming process return b def checklen(self, max_len, entry_id, name): """Check the length of a name string and report violations""" if len(name) <= max_len: self.logger.debug('=====> {:18} ok ({:2} <={:2}): {}'.format(entry_id, len(name), max_len, name)) else: self.logger.error('====-< {:18} too long ({:2} > {:2}): {}'.format(entry_id, len(name), max_len, name)) return name def check_weights(self, font): """ Check weight metadata for consistency """ # Some weights are hidden in styles ignore_token = list(FontnameTools.known_widths) + list(FontnameTools.known_slopes) ignore_token += [ m + s for s in list(FontnameTools.known_widths) for m in list(FontnameTools.known_modifiers) ] restored_weight_token = [ w for w in self.style_token + self.weight_token if w not in ignore_token ] weight = ''.join(restored_weight_token) os2_weight = font.os2_weight ps_weight = FontnameTools.weight_string_to_number(font.weight) name_weight = FontnameTools.weight_string_to_number(weight) weightproblem = False if ps_weight is None: self.logger.warn('Can not parse PS-weight: {}'.format(font.weight)) weightproblem = True if name_weight is None: self.logger.warn('Can not parse name for weight: {}'.format(weight)) weightproblem = True if weightproblem or abs(os2_weight - ps_weight) > 50 or abs(os2_weight - name_weight) > 50: self.logger.warning('Possible problem with the weight metadata detected, check with --debug') self.logger.debug('Weight approximations: OS2/PS/Name: {}/{}/{} (from {}/\'{}\'/\'{}\')'.format( os2_weight, ps_weight, name_weight, font.os2_weight, font.weight, weight)) def rename_font(self, font): """Rename the font to include all information we found (font is fontforge font object)""" font.fondname = None font.fontname = self.psname() font.fullname = self.fullname() font.familyname = self.ps_familyname() self.check_weights(font) # We have to work around several issues in fontforge: # # a. Remove some entries from SFNT table; fontforge has no API function for that # # b. Fontforge does not allow to set SubFamily (and other) to any value: # # Fontforge lets you set any value, unless it is the default value. If it # is the default value it does not set anything. It also does not remove # a previously existing non-default value. Why it is done this way is # unclear: # fontforge/python.c SetSFNTName() line 11431 # return( 1 ); /* If they set it to the default, there's nothing to do */ # # Then is the question: What is the default? It is taken from the # currently set fontname (??!). The fontname is parsed and everything # behind the dash is the default SubFamily: # fontforge/tottf.c DefaultTTFEnglishNames() # fontforge/splinefont.c _GetModifiers() # # To fix this without touching Fontforge we need to set the SubFamily # directly in the SFNT table: # # c. Fontforge has the bug that it allows to write empty-string to a SFNT field # and it is actually embedded as empty string, but empty strings are not # shown if you query the sfnt_names *rolleyes* version_tag = '' sfnt_list = [] TO_DEL = ['Family', 'SubFamily', 'Fullname', 'PostScriptName', 'Preferred Family', 'Preferred Styles', 'Compatible Full', 'WWS Family', 'WWS Subfamily', 'UniqueID', 'CID findfont Name'] # Remove these entries in all languages and add (at least the vital ones) some # back, but only as 'English (US)'. This makes sure we do not leave contradicting # names over different languages. for l, k, v in list(font.sfnt_names): if not k in TO_DEL and l == 'English (US)': sfnt_list += [( l, k, v )] if k == 'Version': version_tag = ' ' + v.split()[-1] sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Family', self.checklen(31, 'Family (ID 1)', self.family()) )] # 1 sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'SubFamily', self.checklen(31, 'SubFamily (ID 2)', self.subfamily()) )] # 2 sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'UniqueID', self.fullname() + version_tag )] # 3 sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Fullname', self.checklen(63, 'Fullname (ID 4)', self.fullname()) )] # 4 sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'PostScriptName', self.checklen(63, 'PSN (ID 6)', self.psname()) )] # 6 p_fam = self.preferred_family() if len(p_fam): sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Preferred Family', self.checklen(31, 'PrefFamily (ID 16)', p_fam) )] # 16 p_sty = self.preferred_styles() if len(p_sty): sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Preferred Styles', self.checklen(31, 'PrefStyles (ID 17)', p_sty) )] # 17 font.sfnt_names = tuple(sfnt_list) font.macstyle = self.macstyle(0) font.os2_stylemap = self.fs_selection(0)