nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher v0.3.0 ========================================= * A python fontforge command line script to patch any font * patched-fonts folder contains pre-patched fonts provided for use with [vim-webdevicons] [(see list below)](#patched-fonts) ## Glyph set 1 ![image]( ## Glyph set 2 (from [vorillaz-devicons]) ![image]( * Particularly created for use with [vim-webdevicons] vim plugin to add glyphs (icons) as labels for files based on the filetype extension or entire path ## Usage ### Option A Typical install of any of the [provided patched fonts](#patched-fonts) or ### Option B Use the provided python command line script to generate a patched font from your own font to get the additional new glyphs See: [Font Patcher](#font-patcher) for usage * use this option if you do __not__ want to use one of the [fonts provided](#patched-fonts) ## Patched Fonts | Currently Included Patched Fonts (double width glyphs) | em size | status | |---------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|--------------------------| | 3270 Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Anonymice Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Aurulent Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | DejaVu Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Fira Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Heavy Data Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Inconsolata for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Input Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Lekton for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Literation Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Meslo for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Monofur for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 2400 | [OKAY] | | M+ (MPlus) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | ProFont (Windows tweaked) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1200 | [OKAY] | | ProFont (x11) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [FAIL] | | ProggyCleanTT Plus Nerd File Types | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Sauce Code Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Terminess for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Ubuntu Mono Plus Nerd File Types | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Currently Included Absolute Mono Patched Fonts (single width glyphs)| em size | status | |---------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|--------------------------| | 3270 Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Anonymice Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Aurulent Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | DejaVu Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Fira Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Heavy Data Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Inconsolata for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Input Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Lekton for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Literation Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Meslo for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Monofur for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2400 | [OKAY] | | M+ (MPlus) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | | ProFont (Windows tweaked) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1200 | [OKAY] | | ProFont (x11) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [FAIL] | | Literation Mono Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | ProggyCleanTT Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 2048 | [OKAY] | | Sauce Code Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Terminess for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | | Ubuntu Mono Plus Nerd File Types Mono | 1000 | [OKAY] | ## Font Install Script (Linux and Mac OS X) > ./ ### Examples ./ All fonts installed to /home/ryan/.fonts ## Font Patcher Patching the font of your own choosing for use with the [vim-webdevicons]( vim plugin: * requires: python2, python-fontforge package * usage: > ./font-patcher PATH_TO_FONT ``` usage: font-patcher [-h] [-s] [-q] font Patches a given font with programming and web development related glyphs (mainly for vim-webdevicons) positional arguments: font The path to the font to be patched (e.g. Inconsolata.otf) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s, --use-single-width-glyphs Whether to generate the glyphs as single-width not double-width (default is double-width) -q, --quiet, --shutup Do not generate verbose output ``` ### Examples ./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf ./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -s -q ./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --use-single-width-glyphs --quiet ./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf ## Gotta Patch 'em All Font Patcher! * re-patches **all** fonts in the unpatched directory * mostly for Contributor/Dev use only > ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh ## License see [LICENSE](LICENSE) [vorillaz-devicons]: [vim-webdevicons]: