#!/usr/bin/env bash # Nerd Fonts Version: 3.0.1 # Script Version: 1.2.0 # Iterates over all patched fonts directories # to generate release archives of the patched font(s) # # Example run with pattern matching: # ./archive-fonts heavydata # Example with same font names for different paths # ./archive-fonts gohu set -e LINE_PREFIX="# [Nerd Fonts] " root_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../.." >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit && pwd -P)" outputdir=${root_dir}/archives mkdir -p "$outputdir" cd "${root_dir}/patched-fonts/" || { echo >&2 "$LINE_PREFIX Could not find patched fonts directory" exit 1 } # limit archiving to given pattern (first script param) or entire root folder if no param given: if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then pattern=$1 search_pattern=$1 echo "$LINE_PREFIX Limiting archive to pattern '$pattern'" else pattern=".*" search_pattern="" echo "$LINE_PREFIX No limiting pattern given, will search entire folder" fi # create a mini readme with basic info on Nerd Fonts project touch "$outputdir/readme.md" mini_readme="$outputdir/readme.md" cat "$root_dir/src/archive-readme.md" >> "$mini_readme" # clear out the directory find "${outputdir:?}" -maxdepth 1 \( -name "${search_pattern}.zip" -o -name "${search_pattern}.tar.xz" \) -type f -delete find . -maxdepth 1 -iregex "\./$pattern" -type d | sort | while read -r filename; do basename=$(basename "$filename") searchdir=$filename [[ -d "$outputdir" ]] || mkdir -p "$outputdir" rm -f "${outputdir}/${basename}.tar" expected=$(find "${searchdir}" -iname "*.[ot]tf" -exec echo "+" \; | wc -l) echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Packing ${basename}.tar.xz (${expected} fonts)" # This finds all files, uniq on the filename (ignoring path): # shellcheck disable=SC2156 # It's hard enough with injection while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r descriptor; do path=${descriptor//|*/} file=${descriptor//*|/} if grep -qi '.[ot]tf' <<< "${file}" ; then expected=$((expected - 1)) fi # Need to cd to the file because we want to archive 'flat' (without subdirs): (cd "$path" && tar rf "$outputdir/$basename.tar" --no-recursion "$file") done < <(find "${searchdir}" -type f -exec bash -c 'printf "%s\000" "{}" | sed "s!\(.*\)/!\1|!"' \; | sort -z -u '-t|' -k2,2 | sort -z) if [ $expected -ne 0 ]; then # Should never happen, but who knows echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Did not pack expected number of font files! Likely same font names for different paths." exit 1 fi (cd "${outputdir}" && tar rf "${outputdir}/${basename}.tar" "readme.md") xz -f -9 -T0 "${outputdir}/${basename}.tar" # ZIP stuff: # add font files: # -ic (ignore case not working) echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Packing ${basename}.zip" zip -9 "$outputdir/$basename" -rj "$searchdir" -i '*.[ot]tf' -i '*.[OT]TF' -q zipStatus=$? if [ "$zipStatus" != "0" ]; then echo "$LINE_PREFIX Could not create archive with the path junked (-j option) - likely same font names for different paths, zip status: $zipStatus" echo "$LINE_PREFIX Retrying with full path" # add font files and license files as full paths: zip -9 "$outputdir/$basename" -r "$searchdir" -i '*.[ot]tf' -i '*.[OT]TF' -i '*[Ll]icen[sc]e*' -i '*LICEN[SC]E*' -i 'OFL*' -i 'ofl*' -q else # we can copy the font files without full paths but not necessarily the license files: # add license files separately: # zip -9 "$outputdir/$basename" -rj "$searchdir" -i '*license*' -i '*LICENSE*' # work around to copy duplicate license files (only the last duplicate found) # so we don't have to copy entire paths and can still use the junk option (-j) find "$searchdir" -type f -iname "*licen[sc]e*" -o -iname 'ofl*' | awk -F/ '{a[$NF]=$0}END{for(i in a)print a[i]}' | zip -9 -j "$outputdir/$basename" -@ fi; # add mini readme file zip -9 "$outputdir/$basename" -rj "$mini_readme" -q done rm -f "$mini_readme" ls -al "$outputdir"