#!/usr/bin/env bash # Nerd Fonts Version: 3.0.1 # Script Version: 1.0.0 set -e # Do not optimize files that are smaller than size_limit=0 # Do not optimize files, where the new size is more than X% of current size size_ratio_max=80 function get_size { du -b "$1" | sed 's/\([0-9]\)[^0-9].*$/\1/' } echo echo "Checking for SVG simplifications" dry=`[ "$1" != "doit" ] && echo "dry" || true` if [ -n "${dry}" ]; then echo " This is a dry run: no actual modifications are performed" echo " Specify 'doit' as parameter to actually optimize the svgs" else echo " Files might be MODIFIED by this run ('doit' specified)" fi svg_dir="../../src/svgs" symbols=() while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r file ; do symbols=("${symbols[@]}" "$file") done < <(find "${svg_dir}" -name "*.svg" -print0) echo "Found ${#symbols[@]} svgs in ${svg_dir}" count=0 for s in "${symbols[@]}"; do inkscape "$s" "--actions=select-all;object-simplify-path;export-filename:temp.svg;export-do;quit-inkscape" 2>/dev/null old_size=$(get_size "$s") new_size=$(get_size "temp.svg") if [ "${old_size}" -lt "${size_limit}" ]; then continue fi ratio=`dc -e "${new_size} 100 * ${old_size} / p"` if [ "${ratio}" -lt "${size_ratio_max}" ]; then echo "Simplification for `basename ${s}` (${old_size} -> ${new_size}) ${ratio}%" count=`dc -e "${count} 1 + p"` if [ -z "${dry}" ]; then mv temp.svg "${s}" fi fi done echo "Found ${count} svgs to simplify" rm temp.svg