#!/usr/bin/env bash # Nerd Fonts Version: 3.0.1 # Script Version: 2.0.0 # # Fetches the current release files. # It fetches the latest release, not release candidate. # Or fetches the specified release's files. # # The second parameter specifies the beginning of the artifact # name that shall be fetched. If unspecified all artifacts will # be fetched. # # Example runs # fetch-archives # fetch-archives v2.2.2 # fetch-archives v2.2.2 Heavy # fetch-archives latest HeavyDat set -e LINE_PREFIX="# [Nerd Fonts] " scripts_root_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)" outputdir=$(realpath "${scripts_root_dir}/../../archives") if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then versiontag=$1 else versiontag="latest" fi if [ "${versiontag}" != "latest" ]; then echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Fetching release archives with version tag '${versiontag}'" releasedata=$(curl -Lf "https://api.github.com/repos/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases") num=$(jq ".[] | select(.tag_name == \"${versiontag}\") | .assets | length" <<< ${releasedata}) if [ -z "${num}" ]; then echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Release tag ${versiontag} unknown" exit 1 fi files=($(jq -r ".[] | select(.tag_name == \"${versiontag}\") | .assets[].name | @sh" <<< ${releasedata})) else echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Fetching latest release archives" releasedata=$(curl -Lf "https://api.github.com/repos/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/latest") versiontag=$(jq -r ".tag_name" <<< ${releasedata}) num=$(jq ".assets | length" <<< ${releasedata}) files=($(jq -r ".assets[].name | @sh" <<< ${releasedata})) fi echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Found ${num} artifacts" if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then pattern=$2 echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Limiting archive to pattern '${pattern}'" else pattern="" echo "${LINE_PREFIX} No limiting pattern given" fi if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "${LINE_PREFIX} Too many parameters, exiting" exit 2 fi for assetname in ${files[@]}; do assetname=${assetname:1:-1} if [[ ! "${assetname}" =~ ^"${pattern}" ]]; then continue fi echo >&2 "${LINE_PREFIX} Fetching ${versiontag}/${assetname}" mkdir -p "${outputdir}" touch "${outputdir}/_Release_${versiontag}" curl --fail -Lo "${outputdir}/${assetname}" "https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/${versiontag}/${assetname}" \ || echo " => error fetching" done