{ "fonts": [ { "unpatchedName": "Agave", "patchedName": "Agave", "folderName": "Agave", "imagePreviewFont": "Agave Nerd Font", "linkPreviewFont": "agave", "description": "A small, monospace, outline font that is geometrically regular and simple" }, { "unpatchedName": "Hack", "patchedName": "Hack", "folderName": "Hack", "imagePreviewFont": "Hack Nerd Font", "linkPreviewFont": "hack", "description": "dotted zero, short descenders, expands upon work done for Bitstream Vera & DejaVu, legible at common sizes" }, { "unpatchedName": "Symbols Template 1000 EM", "patchedName": "Symbols-1000-em Nerd Font Complete", "folderName": "NerdFontsSymbolsOnly", "imagePreviewFont": "Symbols Nerd Font", "linkPreviewFont": false, "description": "Just the Nerd Font Icons. I.e Symbol font only. 1000 EM size" }, { "unpatchedName": "Symbols Template 2048 EM", "patchedName": "Symbols-2048-em Nerd Font Complete", "folderName": "NerdFontsSymbolsOnly", "imagePreviewFont": "Symbols Nerd Font", "linkPreviewFont": false, "description": "Just the Nerd Font Icons. I.e Symbol font only. 2048 EM size" } ] }