# Chocolatey packages for nerd-fonts Script to generate chocolatey packages for nerd-fonts. ## Requirements - [pipenv](https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/) - [PyYAML](https://pyyaml.org/) - [chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/) ## Setup - Run `pipenv install` to setup the virtual environment. - Ensure that `choco` binary is in the `PATH`. ## Usage Run the `generate_packages.py` which reads `fonts.yml` file and generates the chocolatey packages. ### fonts.yml The `YAML` file describes the fonts to be packaged. - `version`: The version of nerd-fonts to be downloaded. - `fonts.name`: The name of the nerd-font as per the `github release assets`. - `fonts.sha256`: The `SHA256` hash of the zip file. - `fonts.installed_fonts`: The list of fonts in the zip file.