doc: Add last missing sourcefont infos

Tried to come up with a good link to each of the source fonts. Some have
just been released once years ago and have no homepage anymore: They now
have a link to google's font repository or at least the designer name

Also checked all fonts for upstream updates, results are in
This commit is contained in:
Fini Jastrow 2022-10-18 16:08:32 +02:00
parent 70c3f20ae8
commit fac356ce20

View file

@ -115,16 +115,16 @@ See [Wiki: Icon names in shell][wiki-icon-names-in-shell]
| [Agave][p-agave] | [Agave][f-agave] | 10 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Anonymice Nerd Font][p-anonymous-pro] | [Anonymous Pro][f-a-pro] | 1.002 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Arimo][p-arimo] | [Arimo][f-arimo] | 1.32 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Aurulent Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-aurulent] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [BigBlueTerminal][p-bigblueterm] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-bitstream] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Aurulent Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-aurulent] | Stephen G. Hartke | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [BigBlueTerminal][p-bigblueterm] | VileR | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-bitstream] | Bitstream Inc | 1.1 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Blex Mono][p-blex] | [IBM Plex Mono][f-ibm-plex] | 1.0.0 | YES | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font][p-cascadia] | [Cascadia Code][f-cascadia] |2111.01| YES | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Code New Roman Nerd Font][p-code-nr] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Code New Roman Nerd Font][p-code-nr] | Sam Radian | 2.0 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Cousine Nerd Font][p-cousine] | [Cousine][f-cousine] | 1.211 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [DaddyTimeMono][p-daddytimemono] | [DaddyTimeMono][f-daddytimemono] | 1.009 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-dejavu] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Droid Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-droid] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-dejavu] | [DejaVu][f-dejavu] | 2.37 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Droid Sans Mono Nerd Font][p-droid] | Ascender Corp |1.00-113| NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Fantasque Sans Nerd Font][p-fantasque] | [Fantasque Sans][f-fant] | 1.8.0 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Fira Code Nerd Font][p-fira-code] | [Fira Code][f-fira-code] | 6.0 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Fira Mono Nerd Font][p-fira-mono] | [Fira][f-fira-mono] | 3.111 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
@ -132,36 +132,36 @@ See [Wiki: Icon names in shell][wiki-icon-names-in-shell]
| [Gohu Nerd Font][p-gohu] | [Gohu TTF][f-gohu2],[Gohu][f-gohu]| 2.0 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Hack Nerd Font][p-hack] | [Hack][f-hack] | 3.003 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Hasklug Nerd Font][p-hasklig] | [Hasklig][f-hasklig] | 1.2 | YES | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Heavy Data Mono Nerd Font][p-heavy-data] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Hurmit Nerd Font][p-hermit] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Heavy Data Mono Nerd Font][p-heavy-data] | Vic Fieger | 1 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Hurmit Nerd Font][p-hermit] | [Hermit][f-hermit] | 1.21 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [iM-Writing][p-im-writing] | [iA-Writer][f-ia-writer] | Dec 2018 | YES | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Inconsolata Nerd Font][p-inconsolata] | [Inconsolata][f-inconsolata] | 3.000 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Inconsolata Go Nerd Font][p-inconsolata-go] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Inconsolata LGC Nerd Font][p-inconsolata-lgc] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Inconsolata Go Nerd Font][p-inconsolata-go] | [InconsolataGo][f-inconsolatago] | 1.013 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Inconsolata LGC Nerd Font][p-inconsolata-lgc] | [Inconsolata LGC][f-inconsolatalgc] | 1.3 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Iosevka Nerd Font][p-iosevka] | [Iosevka][f-iosevka] |11.0.1 | NO | [#83][s-iosevka] |
| [JetBrains Mono][p-jetbrains-mono] | [JetBrains Mono][f-jetbrains-mono]| 2.251 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Lekton Nerd Font][p-lekton] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Lekton Nerd Font][p-lekton] | [Lekton][f-lekton] | 34 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Literation Mono Nerd Font][p-liberation] | [Liberation][f-liberation] |2.00.5 | YES | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Lilex Nerd Font][p-lilex] | [Lilex][f-lilex] | 1.000 | NO | ![w2] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Meslo Nerd Font][p-meslo] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Monofur Nerd Font][p-monofur] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Monoid Nerd Font][p-monoid] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Meslo Nerd Font][p-meslo] | [Meslo][f-meslo] | 1.21 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Monofur Nerd Font][p-monofur] | Tobias B Koehler | 1.0 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Monoid Nerd Font][p-monoid] | [Monoid][f-monoid] | 0.61 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Mononoki Nerd Font][p-mononoki] | [Mononoki][f-mononoki] | 1.2 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [M+ (MPlus) Nerd Font][p-mplus] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Noto][p-noto] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [OpenDyslexic][p-opendyslexic] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Overpass][p-overpass] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProFont (Windows tweaked) Nerd Font][p-profont] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProFont (x11) Nerd Font][p-profont] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProggyClean Nerd Font][p-proggy-clean] | | | NO | Imperfect |
| [Roboto Mono][p-roboto] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [M+ (MPlus) Nerd Font][p-mplus] | [M+ Fonts][f-mplus] | 1.063 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Noto][p-noto] | [Noto][f-noto] | div | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [OpenDyslexic][p-opendyslexic] | [OpenDyslexic][f-opendyslexic] | 2.001 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Overpass][p-overpass] | [Overpass][f-overpass] | div | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProFont (Windows tweaked) Nerd Font][p-profont] | [ProFont][f-profont] | 2.3 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProFont (x11) Nerd Font][p-profont] | [ProFont][f-profont] | 2.2 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [ProggyClean Nerd Font][p-proggy-clean] | Tristan Grimmer |2004/04/15| NO | Imperfect |
| [Roboto Mono][p-roboto] | [Roboto Mono][f-roboto] | 2.0 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Sauce Code Nerd Font][p-source-code-pro] | [Source][f-source] | 2.030 | YES | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Shure Tech Mono Nerd Font][p-share-tech-mono] | [Share Tech Mono][f-share] | 1.003 | YES | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Space Mono Nerd Font][p-space-mono] | [Space Mono][f-space] | 1.001 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Terminess Nerd Font][p-terminus] | [Terminus Font][f-terminus] |4.40.1 | YES | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Tinos][p-tinos] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Ubuntu Nerd Font][p-ubuntu] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font][p-ubuntu-mono] | | | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Tinos][p-tinos] | [Tinos][f-tinos] | 1.23 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Ubuntu Nerd Font][p-ubuntu] | [Ubuntu Font][f-ubuntu] | 0.83 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font][p-ubuntu-mono] | [Ubuntu Font][f-ubuntu] | 0.80 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
| [Victor Mono][p-victor] | [Victor Mono][f-victor] | 1.4.1 | NO | ![w] ![m2] ![l] |
<sub>_*RFN = Reserved Font Name_</sub>
@ -597,6 +597,7 @@ Font repos
@ -605,19 +606,32 @@ Font repos