name-parser: Further formalize style handling

Some styles can not take modifiers. We handle the shortening as if they
can. That is not a problem but mighht be unexpected.

Do detect weights we have a fixed list, but that is missing a lot
weights that we would be able to shorten.

The shortening does not work for 'Retina', which is imho a more recent
'invention' (after the paper of the previous commit has been written).

Separate known weights and make them accessible from other functions.
Use these data tables also for weight detection.
Introduce 'Retina' in the weights table.

Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <>
This commit is contained in:
Fini Jastrow 2023-04-07 10:18:57 +02:00
parent 81e2e1f988
commit ae656bad83

View file

@ -87,52 +87,21 @@ class FontnameTools:
def shorten_style_name(name):
"""Substitude some known styles to short form"""
# From
known_names = {
# Weights
'Black': 'Blk',
'Medium': 'Md',
'Bold': 'Bd',
'Nord': 'Nd',
'Book': 'Bk',
'Poster': 'Po',
'Demi': 'Dm', # Demi is sometimes used as a weight, sometimes as a modifier
'Regular': 'Rg',
'Display': 'DS',
'Super': 'Su',
'Heavy': 'Hv',
'Thin': 'Th',
'Light': 'Lt',
# Widths
'Compressed': 'Cm',
'Extended': 'Ex',
'Condensed': 'Cn',
'Narrow': 'Nr',
'Compact': 'Ct',
# Slope
'Inclined': 'Ic',
'Oblique': 'Obl',
'Italic': 'It',
'Upright': 'Up',
'Kursiv': 'Ks',
'Sloped': 'Sl',
modifiers = {
'Demi': 'Dm',
'Ultra': 'Ult',
'Semi': 'Sm',
'Extra': 'X',
name_rest = name
name_pre = ''
for mod in modifiers:
for mod in FontnameTools.known_modifiers:
if not name.startswith(mod) or len(name) <= len(mod):
name_pre = modifiers[mod]
name_pre = FontnameTools.known_modifiers[mod]
name_rest = name[len(mod):]
if name_rest in known_names:
return name_pre + known_names[name_rest]
for known_names in [ FontnameTools.known_weights2, FontnameTools.known_widths ]:
if name_rest in known_names:
return name_pre + known_names[name_rest]
if len(name_pre) < 1:
for known_names in [ FontnameTools.known_weights1, FontnameTools.known_slopes ]:
if name_rest in known_names:
return known_names[name_rest]
return name
@ -212,6 +181,47 @@ class FontnameTools:
( 'IBM 3270', r'3270'), # for historical reasons and 'IBM' is a TM or something
# From
known_weights1 = { # can not take modifiers
'Medium': 'Md',
'Nord': 'Nd',
'Book': 'Bk',
'Poster': 'Po',
'Demi': 'Dm', # Demi is sometimes used as a weight, sometimes as a modifier
'Regular': 'Rg',
'Display': 'DS',
'Super': 'Su',
'Retina': 'Rt',
known_weights2 = { # can take modifiers
'Black': 'Blk',
'Bold': 'Bd',
'Heavy': 'Hv',
'Thin': 'Th',
'Light': 'Lt',
known_widths = { # can take modifiers
'Compressed': 'Cm',
'Extended': 'Ex',
'Condensed': 'Cn',
'Narrow': 'Nr',
'Compact': 'Ct',
known_slopes = {
'Inclined': 'Ic',
'Oblique': 'Obl',
'Italic': 'It',
'Upright': 'Up',
'Kursiv': 'Ks',
'Sloped': 'Sl',
known_modifiers = {
'Demi': 'Dm',
'Ultra': 'Ult',
'Semi': 'Sm',
'Extra': 'X',
def is_keep_regular(basename):
"""This has been decided by the font designers, we need to mimic that (for comparison purposes)"""
@ -273,10 +283,10 @@ class FontnameTools:
# Weights end up as Typographic Family parts ('after the dash')
# Styles end up as Family parts (for classic grouping of four)
# Others also end up in Typographic Family ('before the dash')
weights = [ 'Thin', 'Light', 'ExtraLight', 'SemiBold', 'Demi',
'SemiLight', 'Medium', 'Black', 'ExtraBold', 'Heavy',
'Oblique', 'Condensed', 'SemiCondensed', 'ExtraCondensed',
'Narrow', 'SemiNarrow', 'Retina', 'Extended']
weights = [ m + s
for s in list(FontnameTools.known_weights2) + list(FontnameTools.known_widths)
for m in list(FontnameTools.known_modifiers) + [''] if m != s
] + list(FontnameTools.known_weights1)
styles = [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Regular', 'Normal', ]
weights = [ w for w in weights if w not in styles ]
# Some font specialities: