Update readme.md

Signed-off-by: Fini Jastrow <ulf.fini.jastrow@desy.de>
This commit is contained in:
Fini Jastrow 2023-04-28 18:46:00 +02:00
parent 04dd7d343d
commit 9484b6c2d3

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ The following Sankey flow diagram shows the current glyph sets included:
* [**Glyph/Icon sets**](#glyph-sets)
* [**Patched Fonts**](#patched-fonts)
* [**Combinations**](#combinations)
* [**Variations**](#variations)
* [**Font Patcher**](#font-patcher)
[**Developer / Contributor**](#font-patcher)
@ -90,10 +90,9 @@ _If you..._
* Includes an option to create **Monospaced (fixed-pitch, fixed-width)** _or_ **double-width (non-monospaced)** glyphs
* For more details see the [**Font Patcher**](#font-patcher) section
* **`51`** already [patched font families](#patched-fonts)
* Over **`1,444,400`** unique combinations/variations of patched fonts [(more details)](#combinations)
* Over **`9,000`** glyphs/icons combined [(more details)](#combinations)
* Current glyph sets include: [Powerline with Extra Symbols][ryanoasis-powerline-extra-symbols], [Font Awesome][font-awesome], [Material Design Icons][font-material-design-icons], [Weather][font-weather], [Devicons][vorillaz-devicons], [Octicons][octicons], [Font Logos][font-logos] (Formerly Font Linux), [Pomicons][gabrielelana-pomicons], [Codeicons][codicons]
* **Monospaced (fixed-pitch, fixed-width)** _or_ **double-width (non-monospaced)** glyphs version of each font
* **Monospaced (fixed-pitch, fixed-width)** _or_ **double-width (non-monospaced)** _or_ **proportional** glyphs version of each font
* This refers to the Nerd Font glyphs themselves not necessarily the Font as a whole
* A Developer/Contributor provided [bash script](#gotta-patch-em-all) to re-patch all the fonts
@ -169,20 +168,10 @@ See [Wiki: Icon names in shell][wiki-icon-names-in-shell]
<sub>_*RFN = Reserved Font Name_</sub>
## Combinations
- Over **`1,485,000`** unique variations/combinations (Power Set) of patched fonts:
- **`50`** patched font typefaces
- **`719`** patched font families
- **`2,876`** 'complete' variations/combinations
- **`'1,485,410'`** _possible_ variations/combinations
- - **`1,488,286`** total calculated combinations (2,876 + 1,428,110)
- Combinations for each font are any combination of [Variations](#variations)
### Variations
- no flags given (defaults to only **Seti-UI + Custom** and **[Devicons][vorillaz-devicons]**)
- **double _(variable/proportional)_** or **single _(fixed/monospaced)_** width glyphs
- **double _(variable/proportional)_** or **single _(fixed/monospaced)_** or **proportional** width glyphs
- [Font Awesome][font-awesome]
- [Font Awesome Extension][font-awesome-extension]
- [Material Design Icons][font-material-design-icons]
@ -193,8 +182,6 @@ See [Wiki: Icon names in shell][wiki-icon-names-in-shell]
- [IEC Power Symbols][website-iecpower]
- [Pomicons][gabrielelana-pomicons]
- [Codicons][codicons]
- Windows Compatibility
## Font Installation
@ -247,7 +234,6 @@ or, in Powershell (Windows only):
./install.ps1 Hack
./install.ps1 HeavyData
./install.ps1 FiraCode, Hack
./install.ps1 CascadiaCode -WindowsCompatibleOnly
./install.ps1 DejaVuSansMono -WhatIf
@ -371,22 +357,18 @@ Patching the font of your own choosing:
Full options:
usage: font-patcher [-h] [-v] [-s] [-l] [-q] [-w] [-c] [--careful]
[--removeligs] [--postprocess [POSTPROCESS]]
[--configfile [CONFIGFILE]] [--custom [CUSTOM]]
[-ext [EXTENSION]] [-out [OUTPUTDIR]]
[--glyphdir [GLYPHDIR]] [--makegroups]
[--progressbars | --no-progressbars] [--also-windows]
[--fontawesome] [--fontawesomeextension] [--fontlogos]
[--octicons] [--codicons] [--powersymbols] [--pomicons]
[--powerline] [--powerlineextra] [--material] [--weather]
Nerd Fonts Patcher v3.0.0 (4.1.0) (ff 20230101)
usage: font-patcher [-h] [-v] [-s] [-l] [-q] [-c] [--careful] [--removeligs] [--postprocess [POSTPROCESS]] [--configfile [CONFIGFILE]] [--custom [CUSTOM]]
[-ext [EXTENSION]] [-out [OUTPUTDIR]] [--glyphdir [GLYPHDIR]] [--makegroups [{0,1,2,3,4,5,6}]] [--variable-width-glyphs]
[--has-no-italic] [--progressbars | --no-progressbars] [--debug] [--dry] [--xavgcharwidth [XAVGWIDTH]] [--fontawesome]
[--fontawesomeextension] [--fontlogos] [--octicons] [--codicons] [--powersymbols] [--pomicons] [--powerline] [--powerlineextra]
[--material] [--weather]
Nerd Fonts Font Patcher: patches a given font with programming and development related glyphs
* Website: https://www.nerdfonts.com
* Version: 2.2.2
* Version: 3.0.0
* Development Website: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
* Changelog: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/-/changelog.md
@ -402,7 +384,6 @@ options:
Whether to adjust line heights (attempt to center powerline separators more evenly)
-q, --quiet, --shutup
Do not generate verbose output
-w, --windows Limit the internal font name to 31 characters (for Windows compatibility)
-c, --complete Add all available Glyphs
--careful Do not overwrite existing glyphs if detected
--removeligs, --removeligatures
@ -418,12 +399,17 @@ options:
The directory to output the patched font file to
--glyphdir [GLYPHDIR]
Path to glyphs to be used for patching
--makegroups Use alternative method to name patched fonts (experimental)
--makegroups [{0,1,2,3,4,5,6}]
Use alternative method to name patched fonts (recommended)
Do not adjust advance width (no "overhang")
--progressbars Show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set
--has-no-italic Font family does not have Italic (but Oblique)
--progressbars Show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set (default)
--no-progressbars Don't show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set
--also-windows Create two fonts, the normal and the --windows version
--debug Verbose mode
--dry Do neither patch nor store the font, to check naming
--xavgcharwidth [XAVGWIDTH]
Adjust xAvgCharWidth (optional: concrete value)
Symbol Fonts:
--fontawesome Add Font Awesome Glyphs (http://fontawesome.io/)
@ -449,9 +435,6 @@ Symbol Fonts:
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -s -q
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --use-single-width-glyphs --quiet
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -w
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --windows --quiet
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --windows --pomicons --quiet
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome --octicons --pomicons
@ -464,6 +447,8 @@ docker run --rm -v ~/myfont/patchme:/in -v ~/myfont/patched:/out nerdfonts/patch
docker run --rm -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patchme:/in -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patched:/out nerdfonts/patcher --fontawesome
Usually you want the `--complete` option.
<a name="gotta-patch-em-all"></a>
## Gotta Patch 'em All Font Patcher!
@ -487,6 +472,33 @@ docker run --rm -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patchme:/in -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patched:/out
./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh /Heavy
Full options:
Usage: ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher!.sh [OPTION] [FILTER]
-c, --checkfont Create the font(s) in check-fonts/ instead
-t, --keeptime Try to preserve timestamp of previously patched
font in patched-fonts/ directory
-v, --verbose Show more information when running
-i, --info Rebuild JUST the readmes
-j, --jobs Run up to 8 patch processes in parallel
-h, --help Show this help
The filter argument to this script is a filter for the fonts to patch.
The filter is a regex (glob * is expressed as [^/]*, see `man 7 glob`)
All font files that start with that filter (and are ttf, otf, or sfd files) will
be processed only.
Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh "iosevka"
Process all font files that start with "iosevka"
If the argument starts with a '/' all font files in a directory that matches
the filter are processed only.
Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh "/iosevka"
Process all font files that are in directory "iosevka"
## Contributing
See [contributing.md](contributing.md)