diff --git a/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/BigBlue_TerminalPlus.TTF b/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/BigBlue_TerminalPlus.TTF new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddcdc328f Binary files /dev/null and b/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/BigBlue_TerminalPlus.TTF differ diff --git a/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/BigBlue_Terminal_437TT.TTF b/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/BigBlue_Terminal_437TT.TTF new file mode 100644 index 000000000..05a628100 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/BigBlue_Terminal_437TT.TTF differ diff --git a/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/LICENSE.TXT b/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/LICENSE.TXT new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd662a7e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/unpatched-fonts/BigBlueTerminal/LICENSE.TXT @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International + +======================================================================= + +Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and +does not provide legal services or legal advice. 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OZ/ \ZZL : |6Z' + . `ZZ._ ~"^Z| ZZZ;\ZZ Z ZZZ _%ZZ l%! .oZo, ]ZZ _ZZ' . + , ~^*^~.ZZZZl ZZZZ1 ZZZZ ^!ZZ :=l dZZZb ZZ| ~^"~ + g%ZZZZZZZ `ZZZ : ZZZZ: lZZ| ; :ZZZF ZZ| .' + ~_ ZZZZ| ZZZZ ZZ' ?ZZZ! :ZZ "" dZg _~ + ~"^ :ZZZO|ZZZ! `^' ' `ZZZ ZZ: ./ZZf --`~ + OZZZ jZ~ `. _ _. . ~^L, YZZZZOzz :=CO/ + -V! j^~ . ~--~ . `^ʦZZF':%CG' . O R G + ~_ T _~ ~' '^"~ + ~"=|="~ + + + .-------------------------------- + : B I G B L U E T E R M I N A L : + --------------------------------' + + An oldschool fixed-width pixel font / v1.00 + + + 1. What's this? + 2. Contents + 3. Sizes & display + 4. Formats & encodings + 5. 'Plus' version notes + 6. Bonus DOS stuff + 7. Credits & acknowledgements + 8. Contact + 9. Legal stuff + + + +--------------- +1. WHAT'S THIS? +=============== + + + BigBlue Terminal is a monospaced pixel font, designed for use in fixed- + width textual environments (consoles/terminals, text/code/hex editors and + so on). It follows the metrics and dimensions of Windows' old Terminal + font (at the 9pt/12px size), but the appearance is closer to the classic + IBM PC text mode character sets. + + At 8x12 pixels, Terminal is nicely compact and useful, but also kind of + ugly. Instead, BigBlue Terminal is closely based on IBM's 8x14 EGA/VGA + charset -- I just like it better. Basically, that font has been squeezed + and modified to fit into a 8x12-pixel cell. For the extended 'Plus' + version, many additional Unicode characters have been added to support + international scripts and symbol sets. + + + +----------- +2. CONTENTS +=========== + + + BigBlue_TerminalPlus.TTF BigBlue TerminalPlus + TrueType font + Multi-language Unicode character set + + BigBlue_Terminal_437TT.TTF BigBlue Terminal 437TT + TrueType font + Codepage 437 (DOS/OEM-US) mapped to Unicode + + Bigblue_Terminal_437BM.FON BigBlue Terminal 437BM + Windows bitmap format + Code page 437 (DOS/OEM-US) + + BLUETERM.F12 Raw bitmap font data + + BLUETERM.COM TSR font loader for DOS/VGA + + README.TXT This file + + LICENSE.TXT CC-BY-SA 4.0 license terms + + + +------------------ +3. SIZES & DISPLAY +================== + + + 3.1. Pixel and point sizes + -------------------------- + + The native font size is 8x12. Since this is a pixel font, it'll look + best at a size of 12 pixels (or integer multiples of 12), whether you're + using the bitmap or TrueType versions. Otherwise you *will* get fugly + artifacted scaling. + + On Windows, this translate to 9 pt (at the default screen density of 96 + PPI); on Mac, you'll want 12 pt (72 PPI). Do the math for other screen + densities. On newfangled super-high-PPI displays, scaling artifacts + become less apparent, so you may be able to get away with arbitrary + sizes. + + + 3.2. Rendering + -------------- + + Current operating systems usually have subpixel anti-aliasing enabled by + default: ClearType on Windows, FreeType on Linux, Core Text on Mac OS X. + This is less than ideal for TrueType pixel fonts, since it may introduce + a sort of "color fringing" effect in some cases. + + In practice I don't find it *that* noticeable, but it bothers you, you + can get rid of it. On Windows, turn ClearType off or use the bitmap + (.FON) version. On Linux, there are ways to disable anti-aliasing for + specific fonts with FreeType. You'll have to see your docs/the web on + how to pull that off though. + + + +---------------------- +4. FORMATS & ENCODINGS +====================== + + + 4.1. BigBlue Terminal 437TT (TrueType, CP437 charset) + ------------------------------------------------------ + + This version features the Codepage 437 character set (DOS/OEM-US). Since + any TrueType font can (and should) include a Unicode character map, this + is still a Unicode font, and has multi-platform support as such. + + CP437 can be problematic to map to Unicode, due to characters 00h-1Fh and + 7Fh: they can be interpreted either as control codes, or as graphical + symbols. Thus there are two 'canonical' Unicode maps for CP437, and + software that expects one of them may not play nice with the other one. + + This font covers both bases in the same mapping: the problem characters + are duplicated so that your program will find them at either placement. + Windows detects the font as an "OEM/DOS" one, and you can use it in any + program/environment that understands this charset (including the Command + Prompt). The same will be true on other platforms, as long as your + software is properly configured -- RTFM, GIYF, etc. + + + + 4.2. BigBlue TerminalPlus (TrueType, extended charset) + ------------------------------------------------------- + + This is more of a "Unicode font" as most people grok the term. On top of + the CP437 range, this version supports extended Latin, Greek, Cyrillic + and Hebrew scripts plus a bunch of additional glyphs and Unicode symbols. + + There are 782 characters in total (more than the Windows Glyph List 4 -- + in fact the entire WGL4 range is there). Some were based on various + international codepages, others were drawn entirely by hand to match the + visual style. A handful of the cp437 characters had to be remapped (see + the next section), but they're all still around as well. + + + + 4.3. BigBlue Terminal 437BM (Windows bitmap, CP437 charset) + ------------------------------------------------------------ + + A straight bitmap version of the DOS/CP437 charset. This may still be + more useful than 437TT in certain situations: + + + * You don't need to modify the registry to use it in the Command Prompt + (or any console window). + + * .FON isn't Unicode, so this version can force the CP437 encoding on + programs like Notepad, which insist on failing miserably otherwise. + + * Bitmap fonts aren't subject to ClearType subpixel anti-aliasing. + + + +------------------------------------- +5. 'PLUS' VERSION CHARACTER MAP NOTES +===================================== + + + If you care about this sort of thing, you can use your favorite font + viewer to see the full character range. Windows has charmap.exe (I like + SIL ViewGlyph better), OS X has Font Book, etc. A few things that may be + of interest about the expanded 'Plus' character mapping: + + + * Alternate number forms: there's a flat-top "3" mapped to U+01B7 + ('Latin capital letter Ezh'), which is more easily distinguished from + the Cyrillic letter Ze. Also, two alternative zeroes (dotted and + slashed) are mapped to U+2299 ('circled dot operator') and U+2300 + ('diameter symbol') respectively. + + * Cursor shapes: Unicode character U+2581 ('lower one eight block') can + be used to mimic the classic text-mode cursor appearance. U+2584 + ('lower half block') and U+2588 ('full block') could also stand in for + those respective cursor forms, too. + + * The 'Plus' version includes a full Greek alphabet, which takes over + the code points that Unicode assigns to the Greek/Math characters from + DOS codepage 437. Instead of just dropping the CP437 originals, I + tried to preserve them at remapped code points that make *some* sense. + Here's what's changed: + + + CP437 Canonical mapping from Modified 'Plus' mapping + Char CP437 to Unicode from CP437 to Unicode + ------- ---------------------------- -------------------------- + (E0h) U+03B1 'Greek small Alpha' U+0251 'Latin small Alpha' + (E1h) U+00DF 'Latin small Sharp S' U+03D0 'Greek Beta symbol' + (E2h) U+0393 'Greek capital Gamma' U+1D26 'Small capital Gamma' + (E3h) U+03C0 'Greek small Pi' U+1D28 'Small capital Pi' + (E4h) U+03A3 'Greek capital Sigma' U+2211 'N-ary Summation' + (E5h) U+03C3 'Greek small Sigma' U+01A1 'Small o with horn' + (E7h) U+03C4 'Greek small Tau' U+1D1B 'Small capital T' + (E8h) U+03A6 'Greek capital Phi' U+0278 'Latin small Phi' + (E9h) U+0398 'Greek capital Theta' U+03F4 'Capital Theta symbol' + (EAh) U+03A9 'Greek capital Omega' U+2126 'Ohm symbol' + (EBh) U+03B4 'Greek small Delta' U+1E9F 'Latin small Delta' + (EDh) U+03C6 'Greek small Phi' U+2205 'Empty set' + (EEh) U+03B5 'Greek small Epsilon' U+2208 'Element of' + + + +------------------ +6. BONUS DOS STUFF +================== + + + Yes, you can get BigBlue Terminal working in actual DOS too, because you + are just THAT oldschool! The following files will let you do that on any + VGA-compatible DOS machine (or in DOSBox, PCEm and so on). + + + * BLUETERM.COM: a TSR program (courtesy of ripsaw8080) that gives you + a 640x480 text mode with the 8x12 font -- 80 rows by 40 columns. It + persists across mode changes, and I find it nice to use in DOSBox, + since 640x480 is a square-pixel resolution and doesn't get mangled by + aspect correction. + + * BLUETERM.F12: the raw bitmap font data, usable with any font-loading + program such as Yossi Gil's LOADFONT (from the widespread FNTCOL16 + archive). You'll typically get the standard 400-line text mode, and + with a 12-scanline font this gives you 33 rows of text. + + +----------------------------- +7. CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS +============================= + + + - Fonts, documentation and ASCII logo by VileR. + + + THANKS TO: + ---------- + + - ripsaw8080, for providing the code for the TSR DOS version (and for + granting permission to include it here) + + - Rebecca G. Bettencourt/Kreative Korp, for responding to my inquiries + with a surprise open-source release of the awesome Bits'n'Picas bitmap- + to-outline converter + + + TOOLS USED: + ----------- + + - Bitmap font editing: Fony 1.4.7 by hukka + + - Bitmap-to-outline vectorization: Bits'n'Picas by Kreative Korp + + + - TrueType font editing, fine-tuning, re-encoding etc.: FontForge by + George Williams and the FontForge Project + + - Windows .TTF testing/viewing: SIL ViewGlyph v1.81.0 by Bob Hallissy/ + SIL International + + + +---------- +8. CONTACT +========== + + + I can be reached at: email - viler -AT- int10h -DOT- org + www - http://int10h.org + blog - http://8088mph.blogspot.com + + Spam and/or excessive dumbness will be ignored, deleted, spindled and + mutilated. + + +-------------- +9. LEGAL STUFF +============== + + + BigBlue Terminal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- + ShareAlike 4.0 International License. + + You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If + not, see . + + (c) 2015 VileR \ No newline at end of file