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<h1 align="center">
<img src="images/nerd-fonts-logo.png" alt="nerd fonts">
Start notice section
| [Unstable file paths warning: To avoid font file references breaking on releases please read this](#unstable-file-paths) |
End notice section
[![GitHub version][img-version-badge]][badge-version] [![Join the chat at][img-gitter-badge]][badge-gitter] [![Flattr this git repo][img-flattr-badge]][badge-flattr]
| **[Fonts](#patched-fonts)** | **[Patcher](#font-patcher)** |
| [![fonts-logo-small](images/nerd-fonts-character-logo-md.png)](#patched-fonts) | [![patcher-logo-small](images/nerd-fonts-patcher-logo-md.png)](#font-patcher) |
* A [fontforge python script](#font-patcher) to patch any font
* Over **20** already [patched font families](#patched-fonts)
* Over **1,800** unique combinations/variations of patched fonts [(more details)](#combinations)
* Over **900** glyphs/icons combined [(more details)](#combinations)
* Originally created for use with [vim-devicons ➶][vim-devicons] vim plugin
## Table of Contents
2015-09-25 15:53:27 +02:00
- [font nerd icons](#)
- [Glyph sets](#glyph-sets)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Patched Fonts List](#patched-fonts)
- [Combinations](#combinations)
- [Font Install Script (Linux & Mac OS X)](#font-install-script)
- [Font Patcher](#font-patcher)
- [Gotta Patch 'em All Font Patcher!](#gotta-patch-em-all)
- [Unstable file paths on master](#unstable-file-paths)
- [Other Good Fonts to Patch](#other-good-fonts-to-patch)
- [Rationale](#rationale)
- [Other](#other)
- [License](#license)
## Glyph Sets
### Seti-UI + Custom
* [Seti-UI] / icomoon plus misc custom glyphs
2015-09-19 18:20:11 +02:00
### [devicons][vorillaz-devicons]
* [devicons][vorillaz-devicons] from [vorillaz-devicons]
2015-09-19 18:20:11 +02:00
### [font-awesome][font-awesome]
* [font-awesome][font-awesome] (experimental and work-in-progress)
2015-09-19 18:20:11 +02:00
### [octicons][octicons]
* [octicons][octicons] (experimental and work-in-progress)
2015-09-19 18:20:11 +02:00
### [Pomicons][gabrielelana-pomicons]
* [Pomicons][gabrielelana-pomicons] from [gabrielelana-pomicons]
2015-09-19 18:20:11 +02:00
### [powerline-extra-symbols][ryanoasis-powerline-extra-symbols]
* Work In Progress... :)
## Usage
### Option A
Install any of the already [provided patched fonts](#patched-fonts)
### Option B
Use the provided python command line script to generate a patched font from your own font to get the additional new glyphs
See: [Font Patcher](#font-patcher) for usage
* use this option if you do __not__ want to use one of the [fonts provided](#patched-fonts)
## Patched Fonts
| Font Name | Reserved Font Name | EM Size | Status |
| [3270 Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/3270) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Anonymice Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/AnonymousPro) | Anonymous Pro | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Aurulent Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/AurulentSansMono) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/BitstreamVeraSansMono) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [DejaVu Sans Mono Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/DejaVuSansMono) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/DroidSansMono) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Fira Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/FiraMono) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Heavy Data Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/HeavyData) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Hermut Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/Hermit) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Inconsolata for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/Inconsolata) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
2015-09-19 18:20:34 +02:00
| [Knack Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/Hack) | Hack | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Lekton for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/Lekton) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Literation Mono for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/LiberationMono) | Liberation | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Meslo for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/Meslo) | | 2048 | [TEST] |
| [Monofur for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/Monofur) | | 2400 | [TEST] |
| [M+ (MPlus) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/MPlus) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [ProFont (Windows tweaked) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/Profont) | | 1200 | [TEST] |
| [ProFont (x11) for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/ProFont) | | 1000 | [FAIL] |
| [ProggyCleanTT Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/ProggyClean) | | 2048 | |
| [Sauce Code Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/SourceCodePro) | Source | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Terminess for Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/Terminus) | Terminus Font | 1000 | [FAIL]( |
| [Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/UbuntuMono) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
| [Ubuntu Mono Plus Nerd File Types](patched-fonts/UbuntuMono) | | 1000 | [TEST] |
* Variations include:
* extra glyphs that are *double* or *single* (monospaced) width
* [Font Awesome][font-awesome]
* [GitHub Octicons][octicons]
* [Pomicons][gabrielelana-pomicons]
* Full Windows Compatibility (WIP)
## Combinations
* Over 1,800 unique variations/combinations (Power Set) of patched fonts:
* 58 font variations (just counting otf and ttf)
* 32 (2⁵) combinations (1 no flags, 5 flagged options)
* Calculated combinations (32 * 58) = 1,856
* Combinations for each font are any combination of (plus no flags option):
* Monospaced extra glyphs
* Windows Compatible
* [Font Awesome][font-awesome]
* [GitHub Octicons][octicons]
* [Pomicons][gabrielelana-pomicons]
## Glyphs Combined
2015-09-19 18:20:11 +02:00
Diagram created using [@SankeyMATIC](
## Font Install Script
* Linux & Mac OS X
> ./
### Examples
All fonts installed to /home/ryan/.fonts
<h2 align="center" id="font-patcher">
<img src="images/nerd-fonts-patcher-logo.png" alt="Nerd Fonts Patcher">
Patching the font of your own choosing for use with the [vim-devicons]( vim plugin:
* requires: python2, python-fontforge package (version 20141231 or later, see
the [install instructions](
* usage:
./font-patcher PATH_TO_FONT
usage: font-patcher [-h] [-s] [-q] [-w] [--fontawesome] [--octicons]
Patches a given font with programming and web development related glyphs
(mainly for
positional arguments:
font The path to the font to be patched (e.g.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --use-single-width-glyphs
Whether to generate the glyphs as single-width not
double-width (default is double-width)
-q, --quiet, --shutup
Do not generate verbose output
-w, --windows, --limit-font-name-length
Limit the internal font name to a maximum of 31
characters (for safe Windows compatiblity)
--fontawesome Add Font Awesome Glyphs (
--octicons Add Octicons Glyphs (
--pomicons Add Pomicon Glyphs
### Examples
./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf
./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -s -q
./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --use-single-width-glyphs --quiet
./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -w
./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --windows --quiet
./font-patcher unpatched-sample-fonts/Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --windows --pomicons --quiet
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome --octicons --pomicons
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf
<a name="gotta-patch-em-all"></a>
## Gotta Patch 'em All Font Patcher!
* re-patches **all** fonts in the unpatched directory
* mostly for Contributor/Dev use only
* can optionally limit to specific font pattern (second example)
./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh Hermit
## Unstable file paths
| Unstable file paths warning |
| Please make sure to reference via the **release** branch and _not_ the ~~**master**~~ branch because paths are subject to being improved/changed per release |
| For example (paths shorted for demonstation purposes): |
| Instead of: ~~< font_path >.otf~~ |
| Please use:< font_path >.otf |
## Other Good Fonts to Patch
* a list of additional good fonts to patch that I cannot provide or share due to the license:
* [Input Mono](
* Coming soon with external hosting :)
* [PragmataPro](
## Rationale
* Originally created for use with [vim-devicons] vim plugin to add glyphs (icons) as labels for files based on the filetype extension or entire path
## Other
* project/repo previously known as 'nerd-filetype-glyphs-fonts-patcher', 'font-nerd-icons'
## License
Link References