# Save the face of the user in encoded form # Import required modules import subprocess import time import os import sys import json # Import config import configparser try: import face_recognition except ImportError as err: print(err) print("\nCan't import face_recognition module, check the output of") print("pip3 show face_recognition") sys.exit() path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # Read config from disk config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(path + "/../config.ini") def captureFrame(delay): """Capture and encode 1 frame of video""" global insert_model # Call fswebcam to save a frame to /tmp with a set delay exit_code = subprocess.call(["fswebcam", "-S", str(delay), "--no-banner", "-d", "/dev/video" + str(config.get("video", "device_id")), tmp_file]) # Check if fswebcam exited normally if (exit_code != 0): print("Webcam frame capture failed!") print("Please make sure fswebcam is installed on this system") sys.exit() # Try to load the image from disk try: ref = face_recognition.load_image_file(tmp_file) except FileNotFoundError: print("No webcam frame captured, check if /dev/video" + str(config.get("video", "device_id")) + " is the right webcam") sys.exit() # Make a face encoding from the loaded image enc = face_recognition.face_encodings(ref) # If 0 faces are detected we can't continue if len(enc) == 0: print("No face detected, aborting") sys.exit() # If more than 1 faces are detected we can't know wich one belongs to the user if len(enc) > 1: print("Multiple faces detected, aborting") sys.exit() clean_enc = [] # Copy the values into a clean array so we can export it as JSON later on for point in enc[0]: clean_enc.append(point) insert_model["data"].append(clean_enc) # The current user user = sys.argv[1] # The name of the tmp frame file to user tmp_file = "/tmp/howdy_" + user + ".jpg" # The permanent file to store the encoded model in enc_file = path + "/../models/" + user + ".dat" # Known encodings encodings = [] # Make the ./models folder if it doesn't already exist if not os.path.exists(path + "/../models"): print("No face model folder found, creating one") os.makedirs(path + "/../models") # To try read a premade encodings file if it exists try: encodings = json.load(open(enc_file)) except FileNotFoundError: encodings = [] print("Adding face model for the user account " + user) label = "Initial model" if len(encodings) > 0: label = "Model #" + str(len(encodings) + 1) label_in = input("Enter a label for this new model [" + label + "]: ") if label_in != "": label = label_in[:24] insert_model = { "time": int(time.time()), "label": label, "id": len(encodings), "data": [] } print("\nPlease look straight into the camera for 5 seconds") # Give the user time to read time.sleep(2) # Capture with 3 different delays to simulate different camera exposures for delay in [30, 6, 0]: time.sleep(.3) captureFrame(delay) encodings.append(insert_model) # Save the new encodings to disk with open(enc_file, "w") as datafile: json.dump(encodings, datafile) # Remove any left over temp files os.remove(tmp_file) print("Done.")