#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Used to check cameras before commiting to install # Executed before primary apt install of files def col(id): """Add color escape sequences""" if id == 1: return "\033[32m" if id == 2: return "\033[33m" if id == 3: return "\033[31m" return "\033[0m" import subprocess import time import sys import os import re import signal # Backup the config file if we're upgrading if "upgrade" in sys.argv: # Try to copy the config file as a backup try: subprocess.call(["cp /lib/security/howdy/config.ini /tmp/howdy_config_backup_v" + sys.argv[2] + ".ini"], shell=True) # Let the user know so he knows where to look on a failed install print("Backup of Howdy config file created in /tmp/howdy_config_backup_v" + sys.argv[2] + ".ini") except e: print("Could not make an backup of old Howdy config file") # Don't continue setup when we're just upgrading sys.exit(0) # Don't run if we're not trying to install fresh if "install" not in sys.argv: sys.exit(0) # The default picked video device id picked = -1 print(col(1) + "Starting IR camera check...\n" + col(0)) # If prompting has been disabled, skip camera check if "HOWDY_NO_PROMPT" in os.environ: print(col(2) + "AUTOMATED INSTALL, YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED FOR INPUT AND CHECKS WILL BE SKIPPED" + col(0)) # Write the default device to disk and exit with open("/tmp/howdy_picked_device", "w") as out_file: out_file.write("0") sys.exit(0) # Get all devices devices = os.listdir("/dev") # Loop though all devices for dev in devices: # Only use the video devices if (dev[:5] == "video"): time.sleep(.5) # The full path to the device is the default name device_name = "/dev/" + dev # Get the udevadm details to try to get a better name udevadm = subprocess.check_output(["udevadm info -r --query=all -n " + device_name], shell=True).decode("utf-8") # Loop though udevadm to search for a better name for line in udevadm.split("\n"): # Match it and encase it in quotes re_name = re.search('product.*=(.*)$', line, re.IGNORECASE) if re_name: device_name = '"' + re_name.group(1) + '"' # Show what device we're using print("Trying " + device_name) # Let fswebcam keep the camera open in the background sub = subprocess.Popen(["fswebcam -S 9999999999 -d /dev/" + dev + " /dev/null 2>/dev/null"], shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) try: # Ask the user if this is the right one print(col(2) + "One of your cameras should now be on." + col(0)) ans = input("Did your IR emitters turn on? [y/N]: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: # Kill fswebcam if the user aborts os.killpg(os.getpgid(sub.pid), signal.SIGTERM) raise # The user has answered, kill fswebcam os.killpg(os.getpgid(sub.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # Set this camera as picked if the answer was yes, go to the next one if no if ans.lower().strip() == "y" or ans.lower().strip() == "yes": picked = dev[5:] break else: print("Interpreting as a " + col(3) + "\"NO\"\n" + col(0)) # Abort if no camera was picked if picked == -1: print(col(3) + "No suitable IR camera found, aborting install." + col(0)) sys.exit(23) # Write the result to disk so postinst can have a look at it with open("/tmp/howdy_picked_device", "w") as out_file: out_file.write(str(picked)) # Add a line break print("")