# TEST MODEL-FRAME COMPARE FUNCTIONS set -o xtrace set -e # Make sure howdy is clean before starting sudo howdy clear -y || true # Learn match 1 sudo sed -i "s,device_path.*,device_path = $PWD\/tests\/video\/match1.m4v,g" /lib/security/howdy/config.ini sudo howdy add -y # Text compare matching with same camera input sudo python3 /lib/security/howdy/compare.py $USER # Change to match 2 and compare against the modal of match 1, which should fail sudo sed -i "s,device_path.*,device_path = $PWD\/tests\/video\/match2.m4v,g" /lib/security/howdy/config.ini ! sudo python3 /lib/security/howdy/compare.py $USER # Add match 2 as a model to compare both 1 and 2 at the same time sudo howdy add -y sudo python3 /lib/security/howdy/compare.py $USER # Compare against a camera with no visible face sudo sed -i "s,device_path.*,device_path = $PWD\/tests\/video\/noMatch.m4v,g" /lib/security/howdy/config.ini ! sudo python3 /lib/security/howdy/compare.py $USER # Clean up sudo howdy clear -y sudo sed -i "s,device_path.*,device_path = none,g" /lib/security/howdy/config.ini