# Howdy for Ubuntu [![](https://img.shields.io/travis/Boltgolt/howdy/master.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/Boltgolt/howdy) [![](https://img.shields.io/github/release/Boltgolt/howdy.svg?colorB=4c1)](https://github.com/Boltgolt/howdy/releases) [![](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-raw/Boltgolt/howdy/enhancement.svg?label=feature+requests&colorB=4c1)](https://github.com/Boltgolt/howdy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement) Windows Helloâ„¢ style authentication for Ubuntu. Use your built-in IR emitters and camera in combination with face recognition to prove who you are. Using the central authentication system in Linux (PAM), this works everywhere you would otherwise need your password: Login, lock screen, sudo, su, etc. ### Installation Run the installer by pasting (`ctrl+shift+V`) the following commands into the terminal one at a time: ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boltgolt/howdy sudo apt update sudo apt install howdy ``` **Note:** The build of dlib can hang on 100% for over a minute, give it time. This will guide you through the installation. When that's done run `sudo howdy add` to add a face model. If nothing went wrong we should be able to run sudo by just showing your face. Open a new terminal and run `sudo -i` to see it in action. If you're curious you can run `sudo howdy config` to open the central config file and see the options Howdy has. ### Command line The installer adds a `howdy` command to manage face models for the current user. Use `howdy --help` or `man howdy` to list the available options. Usage: ``` howdy [-U user] [-y] command [argument] ``` | Command | Description | |-----------|-----------------------------------------------| | `add` | Add a new face model for an user | | `clear` | Remove all face models for an user | | `config` | Open the config file in gedit | | `disable` | Disable or enable howdy | | `list` | List all saved face models for an user | | `remove` | Remove a specific model for an user | | `test` | Test the camera and recognition methods | ### Troubleshooting Any python errors get logged directly into the console and should indicate what went wrong. If authentication still fails but no errors are printed you could take a look at the last lines in `/var/log/auth.log` to see if anything has been reported there. If you encounter an error that hasn't been reported yet, don't be afraid to open a new issue. ### A note on security This script is in no way as secure as a password and will never be. Although it's harder to fool than normal face recognition, a person who looks similar to you or well-printed photo of you could be enough to do it. To minimize the chance of this program being compromised, it's recommend to leave Howdy in /lib/security and to keep it read only. DO NOT USE HOWDY AS THE SOLE AUTHENTICATION METHOD FOR YOUR SYSTEM.