# Color LS [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/colorls.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/colorls) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/athityakumar/colorls.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/athityakumar/colorls) [![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=shields)](http://makeapullrequest.com) [![Awesome](https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) A Ruby script that colorizes the `ls` output with color and icons. Here are the screenshots of working example on an iTerm2 terminal (Mac OS), `oh-my-zsh` with `powerlevel9k` theme and `powerline nerd-font + awesome-config` font with the `Solarized Dark` color theme. # Table of contents - [Usage](#usage) - [Installatation](#installation) - [Optional configurations](#optional-configurations) - [Uninstallation](#uninstallation) - [Contribute to this gem](CONTRIBUTING.md) - [License](LICENSE.md) ![Example #1](readme/usage1.png) # Usage [Back to top](#table-of-contents) - Just `lc` : Prints all directories, files and dotfiles in current directory. ![Usage #1](readme/usage1.png) - With paths : `lc path(s)` prints all directories, files and dotfiles in given directory / directories. ![Usage #2](readme/usage2.png) - With `--report` or `-r` flag : `lc path(s) -r` : Prints all directories, files and dotfiles in directories, along with a brief report about number of files and folders shown. ![Usage #3](readme/usage3.png) ![Usage #4](readme/usage4.png) - With `--sort-dirs` / `-sd` or `--sort-files` / `-sf` : Entries are sorted directories-first or files-first, and then alphabetically (case-insensitively) before being printed. ![Usage #5](readme/usage5.png) ![Usage #6](readme/usage6.png) - With `--dirs` / `-d` or `--files` / `-f` : Entries are filtered so that only directories or files are shown. ![Usage #7](readme/usage7.png) ![Usage #8](readme/usage8.png) - With `-1` : Entries are printed in a column (one per line), just like `ls -1` does. ![Usage #9](readme/usage9.png) # Installation [Back to top](#table-of-contents) 1. Install Ruby (prefably, version > 2.1) 2. Install the patched fonts of powerline nerd-font and/or font-awesome. 3. Install the [colorls](https://rubygems.org/gems/colorls/) ruby gem with `gem install colorls` 4. Start using `lc` :tada: # Optional configurations [Back to top](#table-of-contents) 1. To add some flag options by default, add this to your shell configuration file (`~/.bashrc`, `~/.zshrc` or `~/.fishrc`) : ```sh alias lc='lc -r' ``` 2. For changing the icon(s) to other unicode icons of choice (select icons from [here](https://nerdfonts.com/)), change the YAML files in a text editor of your choice (say, `subl`) ```sh subl $(gem which colorls)/../yaml/ ``` _NOTE: If you're using iTerm2 on Mac, you may have to enable the nerd-font at iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Text > Non-Ascii font > Knack Regular Nerd Font Complete_ # Uninstall [Back to top](#table-of-contents) Want to uninstall and revert back to the old style? ```sh gem uninstall colorls ```