# Color LS [![forthebadge](http://forthebadge.com/images/badges/made-with-ruby.svg)](http://forthebadge.com) [![forthebadge](http://forthebadge.com/images/badges/built-with-love.svg)](http://forthebadge.com) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/colorls.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/colorls) [![CI](https://github.com/athityakumar/colorls/actions/workflows/ruby.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/athityakumar/colorls/actions/workflows/ruby.yml) [![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=shields)](http://makeapullrequest.com) A Ruby script that colorizes the `ls` output with color and icons. Here are the screenshots of working example on an iTerm2 terminal (Mac OS), `oh-my-zsh` with `powerlevel9k` theme and `powerline nerd-font + awesome-config` font with the `Solarized Dark` color theme. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149040-04f3125c-bd25-11e7-8003-66fd29bc18d4.png) *If you're interested in knowing the powerlevel9k configuration to get this prompt, have a look at [this gist](https://gist.github.com/athityakumar/1bd5e9e24cd2a1891565573a893993eb).* # Table of contents - [Usage](#usage) - [Flags](#flags) - `-1` - `-a` (or) `--all` - `-A` (or) `--almost-all` - `-d` (or) `--dirs` - `-f` (or) `--files` - `--help` - `-l` (or) `--long` - `--report` - `--tree` (or) `--tree=[DEPTH]` - `--gs` (or) `--git-status` - `--sd` (or) `--sort-dirs` or `--group-directories-first` - `--sf` (or) `--sort-files` - `-t` - [Combination of flags](#combination-of-flags) - [Installation](#installation) - [Recommended configurations](#recommended-configurations) - [Custom configurations](#custom-configurations) - [Updating](#updating) - [Uninstallation](#uninstallation) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) # Usage [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) Man pages have been added. Checkout `man colorls`. ### Flags - With `-1` : Lists one entry per line ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149062-4f0547ca-bd25-11e7-98b6-587467379704.png) - With `-a` (or) `--all` : Does not ignore entries starting with '.' ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149045-182eb39e-bd25-11e7-83d4-897cb14bcff3.png) - With `-A` (or) `--almost-all` : Does not ignore entries starting with '.', except `./` and `../` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149046-1ef7664e-bd25-11e7-8bd9-bfc3c8b27b74.png) - With `-d` (or) `--dirs` : Shows only directories ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149066-5f842aa8-bd25-11e7-9bf0-23313b717182.png) - With `-f` (or) `--files` : Shows only files ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149065-5a27c9d4-bd25-11e7-9a2b-fd731d76a058.png) - With `--help` : Prints a very helpful help menu ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149096-cf2cf5b0-bd25-11e7-84b6-909d79099c98.png) - With `-l` (or) `--long` : Shows in long listing format ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149049-2a63ae48-bd25-11e7-943c-5ceed25bd693.png) - With `--report` : Shows brief report about number of files and folders shown ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149082-96a83fec-bd25-11e7-9081-7f77e4c90e90.png) - With `--tree` (or) `--tree=[DEPTH]` : Shows tree view of the directory with the specified depth (default 3) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149051-32e596e4-bd25-11e7-93a9-5e50c8d2bb19.png) - With `--gs` (or) `--git-status` : Shows git status for each entry ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149075-7a1a1954-bd25-11e7-964e-1adb173aa2b9.png) - With `--sd` (or) `--sort-dirs` or `--group-directories-first` : Shows directories first, followed by files ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149068-65117fc0-bd25-11e7-8ada-0b055603e3fd.png) - With `--sf` (or) `--sort-files` : Shows files first, followed by directories ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149071-6b379de4-bd25-11e7-8764-a0c577e526a1.png) - With `-t` : Sort by modification time, newest first (NEED TO ADD IMAGE) - With color options : `--light` or `--dark` can be passed as a flag, to choose the appropriate color scheme. By default, the dark color scheme is chosen. In order to tweak any color, read [Custom configurations](#custom-configurations). ### Combination of flags - Using `--gs` with `-t` : ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149076-8423c864-bd25-11e7-816e-8642643d2c27.png) - Using `--gs` with `-l` : ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149078-899b0622-bd25-11e7-9810-d398eaa77e32.png) - Using `--sd` with `-l` and `-A` : ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109060/32149084-9eb2a416-bd25-11e7-8fb7-a9d336c6e038.png) - Using `--non-human-readable` with `-l` : - This will print the file sizes in bytes (non-human readable format) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19269206/234581461-1e1fdd90-a362-4cea-ab82-5ca360746be8.png) # Installation [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) 1. Install Ruby (preferably, version >= 2.6) 2. [Download](https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads) and install a Nerd Font. Have a look at the [Nerd Font README](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/master/readme.md) for installation instructions. *Note for `iTerm2` users - Please enable the Nerd Font at iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Text > Non-ASCII font > Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete.* *Note for `HyperJS` users - Please add `"Hack Nerd Font"` Font as an option to `fontFamily` in your `~/.hyper.js` file.* 3. Install the [colorls](https://rubygems.org/gems/colorls/) ruby gem with `gem install colorls` *Note for `rbenv` users - In case of load error when using `lc`, please try the below patch.* ```sh rbenv rehash rehash ``` 4. Enable tab completion for flags by entering following line to your shell configuration file (`~/.bashrc` or `~/.zshrc`) : ```bash source $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/tab_complete.sh ``` 5. Start using `colorls` :tada: 6. Have a look at [Recommended configurations](#recommended-configurations) and [Custom configurations](#custom-configurations). # Recommended configurations [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) 1. To add some short command (say, `lc`) with some flag options (say, `-l`, `-A`, `--sd`) by default, add this to your shell configuration file (`~/.bashrc`, `~/.zshrc`, etc.) : ```sh alias lc='colorls -lA --sd' ``` 2. For changing the icon(s) to other unicode icons of choice (select icons from [here](https://nerdfonts.com/)), change the YAML files in a text editor of your choice (say, `subl`) ```sh subl $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml ``` # Custom configurations [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) You can overwrite the existing icons and colors mapping by copying the yaml files from `$(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml` into `~/.config/colorls`, and changing them. - To overwrite color mapping : Please have a look at the [list of supported color names](https://github.com/sickill/rainbow#color-list). You may also use a color hex code as long as it is quoted within the YAML file and prefaced with a `#` symbol. Let's say that you're using the dark color scheme and would like to change the color of untracked file (`??`) in the `--git-status` flag to yellow. Copy the defaut `dark_colors.yaml` and change it. Check if the `~/.config/colorls` directory exists. If it doesn't exist, create it using the following command: ```sh mkdir -p ~/.config/colorls ``` And then ```sh cp $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml/dark_colors.yaml ~/.config/colorls/dark_colors.yaml ``` In the `~/.config/colorls/dark_colors.yaml` file, change the color set for `untracked` from `darkorange` to `yellow`, and save the change. ``` untracked: yellow ``` Or, using hex color codes: ``` untracked: '#FFFF00' ``` - To overwrite icon mapping : Please have a look at the [list of supported icons](https://nerdfonts.com/). Let's say you want to add an icon for swift files. Copy the default `files.yaml` and change it. ```sh cp $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml/files.yaml ~/.config/colorls/files.yaml` ``` In the `~/.config/colorls/files.yaml` file, add a new icon / change an existing icon, and save the change. ``` swift: "\uF179" ``` - User contributed alias configurations : - [@rjhilgefort](https://gist.github.com/rjhilgefort/51ea47dd91bcd90cd6d9b3b199188c16) # Updating [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) Want to update to the latest version of `colorls`? ```sh gem update colorls ``` # Uninstallation [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) Want to uninstall and revert back to the old style? No issues (sob). Please feel free to open an issue regarding how we can enhance `colorls`. ```sh gem uninstall colorls ``` # Contributing [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) Your contributions are always welcome! Please have a look at the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) first. :tada: # License [(Back to top)](#table-of-contents) The MIT License (MIT) 2017 - [Athitya Kumar](https://github.com/athityakumar/). Please have a look at the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for more details.